
Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Get ready to swat away tears of laughter and brace yourself for the most buzzworthy adventure of the century! Meet Ben Franklin, the world's foremost expert in attracting bad luck and the unlikeliest hero you'll ever encounter. From stumbling over his own shoelaces to triggering fire alarms with a single glance, Ben's life is a never-ending comedy of errors. And if you thought his luck would change in the afterlife, think again! Even the god of opportunity couldn't resist the magnetic pull of Ben's bad luck charms. Just as Ben was about to embark on a new adventure in the great beyond, fate took a hilarious twist. A glitch in the universe turned him into a mutant mosquito, reincarnated along with the very reincarnation system itself! Now that's what you call a bug in the matrix! The absence of a reincarnation system in the universe has resulted in a cosmic crisis. With dead souls wandering aimlessly and lifeless babies popping out like deflated balloons, it's up to our unlikely hero to solve the mystery and save the day! Now armed with six legs, buzzing wings, and an insatiable thirst for adventure (and, let's not forget, blood), the legend of Ben Franklin, the most unlikely hero in the insect kingdom, began. With his quirky sense of humour and insatiable thirst for justice, he embarked on a hilarious and unconventional quest to save the universe, leaving behind a trail of itchy mosquito bites and bacterial infections in his wake.

Xero_5825 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

Grade 2 armour

[Soul essence: low-tier armor upgraded to grade 2]

With a sense of excitement coursing through his veins, Ben marveled at the transformed armor before him. The armor's design remained the same, but the color of it darkened as if its density had increased by twice.

The armor even extended to a thin line, which covered his wings. The only disadvantage of this armor was that the edges of his legs weren't sharp anymore. But they were more protected for sure.

With this new upgrade, Ben looked more like a purple wasp than a mosquito. But despite being so dense and covering more area, the weight of the armor remained almost negligible.

The only thing left for him to check was the armor's sturdiness and durability. To test this, Ben used his fangs to hit the armor, but for the first time, his fangs barely left a scratch in it.

"It's not merely for show! My blood needle skill may still be able to penetrate through the armor, but it will grant me good safety against acid attacks and fire attacks," Ben mused, conducting a series of experiments to test the capabilities of his upgraded purple armor.

"If only I had slain two more mutant ants, I could have forged another grade 2 armor. Combining them would propel me to grade 3," Ben ruminated, his disappointment tinged with a hint of longing.

The system even possesses the skill to merge a soul essence with different essences to combine them and produce hybrid and powerful equipment. But to use this feature, the soul equipment must belong to the same class. A shield can only be merged with a shield, and a spear can only be merged with a spear.]

"Oh, I can do that. You should have mentioned it earlier," Ben replied, glancing at the sun, its fiery presence nearing its zenith.

"Why does gazing upon the sun cause such anguish? Ah, perhaps it's due to my mosquito nature. Now I understand why insects are scarce during the day compared to the night," Ben contemplated, utilizing his blood tracer ability to survey his surroundings. It was then that his attention was drawn to two figures passing by, bearing the unmistakable life signature of humans.

"From their life essence, they look like... humans. Does it mean there are other humans in this world as well?" He was almost shocked. He closely inspected the energy signature coming from far away, and it was a human or humanoid lifeform.

With excitement, he instantly flew towards the energy source, which was just 50 meters away from him. A part of him wanted to see a human, but his cautious nature told him to observe the humans and not get too close.

With his new agility, it didn't take Ben much time to instantly fly towards the energy and see it closely. As he flew closer to the energy, he entered a wide area where trees got less and less dense, and a wide pathway could be spotted between the trees.

The road was filled with bushes and grass; its bumpiness and rough surface made it clear that the reddish-brown path was used very occasionally.

"There they are," Ben proclaimed triumphantly, his gaze fixed upon a covered cargo wagon. It reminded him of what the world of the early 19th century would look like. Ben decided to fly along with the wagon and observe it before closing the distance from it.

made of a wooden wheel with a metallic rim and two weird creatures pulling the wagon from the front. They looked like tyrannosaurs from those sci-fi movies, just their bull-sized version. It looked like the animals pulling the wagon were slow, but they had no problem pulling up the wagon on a rough path.

"It seems we have stumbled upon a route of some sort," Ben observed, surveying the reddish-brown path carved through the forest.

"System, what kind of road is this bearing such an unusual hue? And why do people employ wagons in this realm? Isn't there magic in this world? It should have been a better place than my previous world at the least."Ben inquired, curiosity lacing his words as he drew closer to the white-covered wagon.

[The road is made by spreading a unique layer of red-colored material on the ground, which stops trees from growing. Also, most of the forest beasts will not like its smell, so they will stay away from it.]

[The people in this world are much more advanced than Earth 416 in some fields, while others are still very undeveloped.]

"What kind of nonsensical explanation is that? How can there be disparities, with some aspects highly advanced while others remain woefully underdeveloped?" Ben exclaimed, momentarily halting his flight before resuming his approach towards the wagon.

[Host, in your previous world, progress was driven solely by scientific technology, resulting in uniform development. However, in this realm, where magic and technology intertwine, advancements are varied.]

[You will find more details when you learn magic.]

"Do you truly believe that someone would teach a lowly mosquito like me the divine art of magic?" Ben scoffed, his voice tinged with disbelief.


"By the way, isn't my blood needle skill kind of a magical skill as well?" Ben thought, judging by how he could cast the attack. And the whole light particle assembling thing looked very magical to him.

[No, blood skills and system skills are not magic.]

Another confusing answer Ben got from the system was that it was as if the more he asked, the more he got confused. So for the sake of his tiny mosquito brain, Ben decided not to ask any further questions and focused on the task at hand.

"For now, let us focus on survival," Ben resolved, his eyes fixed ahead as the wagon drew nearer. As he finally landed on the wagon's roof, he could detect many sources of energy coming from inside the wagon.


You guys, the author here. Sorry for the interruption, but I just wanted to notify you about our Discord group: https://discord.gg/PwXaX6kkZA

In case you like to see the character images, maps, and weapon images, feel free to join and support us there.


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1. 100PS = 2 extra ch on Sunday

2. 30GT= 1 bonus ch on Sunday 

3. 200PS= 5 ch mass release on Sunday

4. 50GT= 2 bonus ch on Sunday. 

Hope you guys can complete it, - 

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