
Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Get ready to swat away tears of laughter and brace yourself for the most buzzworthy adventure of the century! Meet Ben Franklin, the world's foremost expert in attracting bad luck and the unlikeliest hero you'll ever encounter. From stumbling over his own shoelaces to triggering fire alarms with a single glance, Ben's life is a never-ending comedy of errors. And if you thought his luck would change in the afterlife, think again! Even the god of opportunity couldn't resist the magnetic pull of Ben's bad luck charms. Just as Ben was about to embark on a new adventure in the great beyond, fate took a hilarious twist. A glitch in the universe turned him into a mutant mosquito, reincarnated along with the very reincarnation system itself! Now that's what you call a bug in the matrix! The absence of a reincarnation system in the universe has resulted in a cosmic crisis. With dead souls wandering aimlessly and lifeless babies popping out like deflated balloons, it's up to our unlikely hero to solve the mystery and save the day! Now armed with six legs, buzzing wings, and an insatiable thirst for adventure (and, let's not forget, blood), the legend of Ben Franklin, the most unlikely hero in the insect kingdom, began. With his quirky sense of humour and insatiable thirst for justice, he embarked on a hilarious and unconventional quest to save the universe, leaving behind a trail of itchy mosquito bites and bacterial infections in his wake.

Xero_5825 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

Elven blood consumed

"What in the hell is this shit?" Ben gasped, his shock palpable as he peered through a small tear he had inadvertently created.

The interior of the wagon was filled with the stinking smell of dried blood and rotting flesh. Any normal human would puke the instant he smelled those things, but for Ben, it was like a sweaty smell attracting his hunger.

In that he-like place, around six to seven girls could be spotted; they were tied by thick black chains that pierced their skin, drops of blood slowly falling out of it. Their eyes and mouths were tightly sealed with cloth, and the black marks on their bare skin showed the hits they suffered.

But even in the chaos, what attracted his attention was a bluish-purple mark drawn on their chest, similar to magic patterns in games. The mark was constantly pulsing energy as if it were reacting to the host's blood flow.

"Looks like I landed up on a few kidnapers of some sort," Ben muttered, his voice laced with disgust and his attention drawn to the peculiar symbols etched upon the chains.

Yet, the peculiarity did not end there. Ben noticed that the victims kept in here all had sharp and pointy ears, completely different from humans. At first, he thought that the humans in this world were all like that until he saw back the people who were driving the wagon, with the same human-like ears.

"System, do the males and females in this world possess different ears somehow?" Ben asked curiously.

[Host, what you behold are not humans, but elves. Though they share similarities in appearance, their prolonged lifespans and innate magical abilities set them apart.]

"Huh…tell me more about it."

[Elves are one of the species that followed a similar path of evolution as humans but not the same path. Their evolution is heavily influenced by the world tree and magical arts.]

[The elves possess a rich history and culture deeply intertwined with the use of magic. They are known for their efficiency in using magic, and the amount of magic they contain is almost 10 times that of other races like humans.]

"If that's the case, what are these kids doing here in a place like this?" Ben asked, closely observing the captivity of the elves, held by black chains. If the elves were as strong as the system was saying, then they should have become some kind of royal race or something.

[Since most of the elves have good appearances as a gift of nature, many rich humans prefer to keep them as sex slaves. They also get very high values in the black market, compared to any other humanoid race.]

"What the crap!" Ben almost shouted in anger," Are you telling me that these 17- or 18-year-old kids are going to be sex slaves? Isn't there any law, any police, or something similar preventing it?"

[Yes, hosts, royal guards, and many other organizations are keeping an eye on people's safety, but due to some political reasons, the human kingdom chooses to ignore anything happening with elves.]

[The same goes for humans in elven territory.]

Oh, I see, so it's just another kind of racism in this world." Ben said with a cold chuckle. " doesn't matter whether it's a scientific world or a magical world. Humans never fail to surprise me with their actions." [A/N: By 'humans' here, he means all humanoid creatures, elves, and dwarves too.]

"It doesn't matter if it's a scientific or magical world; peace and harmony aren't the words that align with human nature," Ben said, observing the black chains closely.

"Hey system! Is there any way for me to free these kids? Maybe I can cut these black chains with multiple attacks of blood needles." Ben asked, thinking about the different possibilities for freeing these young elves.

[Sorry to break the bubble, host, but it seems that these slave chains are directly linked through the souls of the living beings connected.]

[If anyone tries to break the chains, it might as well kill the elves along with it.]

"Then what is the way to free them? There has to be a way, right?" Ben asked with a frown on his mosquito face.

[You can't.]

[With your strength, the probability is 0.0003% only.]

"You aren't wrong, but if I can evolve as a human, then I can intervene with them, right? Till then, why don't I just follow the cart? It may lead us out of this forest." Ben thought a little, finding a midway solution to the system's probability.

He may have lost all the human emotions; maybe he reincarnated as a mosquito, but there was still his human personality and sense of justice that told him to help these kids. If he were to stand by and see the crime happen, he would be as guilty as the criminal committing the crime.

[ Lord ▓▓▓▓ gave you a chance to evolve into humanoid form. You must complete the quest. ]

"Oi, oi, oi! Who do you think I am? Just preach about your goal one more time, and I will throw myself at a mutant spider." Ben said in an annoyed tone that he was already dealing with a sense of emptiness from inside; now all he needed was a motivational speech.


[HP: 2.5/5.0]

[Consume blood to gain HP.]

"Jeez, you are one hell of a villain yourself system. I can already imagine fighting you in an unknown realm to gain control of my body." Ben said, casually copying the decent plot from system novels he read back on earth.


Taking a deep breath, he decided to focus on the issue at hand. With his small size and smooth movement, it was quite an easy deal for Ben to enter the wagon without any suspicion.

"Alright, there are many blood sources; I just need to consume some," he said, slowly flying towards an even girl whose blood was dripping out of his right wrist, probably due to struggling against the chains.

Ben, without hesitation, flew next to the girl and consumed some fresh blood dripping on the floor.

[Elven blood has been consumed.]

[Exp: +5. Agility gained: +0.1]


[Blood consumption confirmed; recovering HP]

[HP: 2.5/5]

[HP: 3/5]

[HP: 4/5]

[HP: 4.9/5]


Weekly PS and Golden Ticket challenge-

1. 100PS = 2 extra ch on Sunday

2. 30GT= 1 bonus ch on Sunday 

3. 200PS= 5 ch mass release on Sunday

4. 50GT= 2 bonus ch on Sunday. 

Hope you guys can complete it, - 

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