
Reincarnated as a Lizard

A soul has been reincarnated into a world full of magical races, from elves to dwarfs and beastmen to powerful dragons. Sadly, the soul did not even have enough karma for the cheapest humanoid race, humans. So, the soul decides to become a lizard for some extra karma. Follow Scaly, a weird lizard in some god forsaken dungeon. Hoping to evolve enough to one day become a dragon! ~ Follow the adventures of the small lizard Scaly on her path towards becoming a great dragon in the future!

PurpleSpring · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

Searching for Food~

Name: Scaly

Race: Ancient Water Lizard

Level: 0/15, 0 %

STR: 10 |VIT: 20 | DEX: 10 | M: 25

Skills: [Dragon Bloodline lvl 2], [Flight lvl 1], [Water Magic lvl 6]

Bringing up her status, Scaly could not help but open her small mouth in awe at just how much stronger she had grown!

Out of all her attributes, her vitality had grown by the most! Going up by 11, while her magic attribute followed closely behind. Improving by 10.

On the other hand, her strength and dexterity attribute only went up by five each… Not really that she cared much about those attributes as she mostly used her water magic when it came to fighting.

Now that she had grown so much stronger after her evolution, she might not even need to sneak up on her opponents like she had done in the past! Although she would prefer being the one to initiate the fight…

After all, going from ambushing her opponents to being ambushed herself, was not really something she wanted to happen…

Hm? My dragon bloodline also levelled up after my evolution!?

About to close down her status after seeing how much she had improved, Scaly was caught off guard upon spotting her dragon bloodline skill having gone from level one to level two.

[Dragon Bloodline lvl 2]: A drop of dragon blood flows through your body, +2 VIT per level. Allows the evolution towards becoming a dragon. Level up to increase the amount of dragon blood present in the body.

Not waiting for even a second as she brought up the description of the newly strengthened dragon bloodline skill, Scaly could not help herself from growing excited reading through the new description.

The effect of the skill had doubled! And from what she could read, it seemed like the dragon blood inside of her body had grown from there only being a faint amount present in her body, to there now being an entire drop of dragon blood inside her body!

Scaly felt over the moon upon reading this!

She was getting closer to her goal!

Would her dragon bloodline skill level up the more she evolved and change her bloodline?

Scaly had no answer to this question, but she felt her motivation for levelling up and evolving reach a new height as she felt the clear improvements brought about by her evolution.

Now she would just need to find some more enemies to-



A small rumbling sound suddenly echoed through the cave tunnel Scaly was currently present in, as the small lizard in question embarrassedly looked down on towards the ground… Before hunting, she would need to get something to eat…

Eating the slime creatures were not really an option, so she would have to head back up to the first floor of the dungeon where the oversized rates were located, but she would risk getting spotted by the humans…

In that case, she needed to find something to eat down on the second floor of the dungeon!

The only problem was the fact that she had only seen a few humans and slimes on the second floor of the dungeon.

Slimes were not edible, and humans were a no go, she had already seen what happened to the giant lizard from the first floor when the humans came for it.

Scaly had no plan to go against the human before she was at least strong enough to keep herself alive against those scary humans!

Shaking her small head upon thinking about this, Scaly decided to search through the tunnel of the second floor and see if she could find something to eat.

If she couldn't, she would be forced to make her way back to the first floor to look for food no matter how unwilling she was. After all, she had no way to survive without food…

Finally! There is something new!

Having made her way through the cave tunnels for the past hour in search of something to eat, Scaly finally spotted a monster that was not a slime…

At this point, she had already killed quite a few lower-level slime along her search for something to eat and had even managed to go up from a level zero ancient water lizard to a level one ancient water lizard!

Now… What are you…?

Looking at the monster barely visible in front of her, Scaly sneakily began moving closer so she could inspect the status of the monster. Trying her best to not get seen with her now almost shinning new body…

[Rat Possum, lvl 2]

Getting close enough to inspect the status of the monster, Scaly was baffled upon realizing how closely the monster resembled the oversized rats from the first floor of the dungeon.

Maybe it's an evolution of the oversized rats…?

Thinking about this, Scaly grew a bit more cautious of the rate possum lazily relaxing on top of a stone in the middle of the tunnel in front of her.

[Rat Possum]

[Description: A unique species of possums often found in dungeons with oversized rates. The Rat Possums are one of the main evolutions of the oversized rats. How does a rat evolve into a possum in the first place? Nobody knows the answer to this question that once forced a group of world-renowned scholars to reevaluate their thesis on monster evolutions.]

Reading through the description, Scaly felt thankful that she didn't just attack the rat possum carelessly.

The reason for this was simple, as the rat possum had also gone through its first evolution just like her!

From the increase in strength that she had experienced first-hand, Scaly knew very well how beneficial it was to evolve.

The rat possum was most likely like her and had also gone through an enormous increase in strength!

Thinking about all of this, Scaly began to unknowingly view the rat possum lazily relaxing in front of her as an equal opponent… And as an equal opponent, there was no way Scaly would dare to hold back!