
Reincarnated as a Legendary Acto

I, Kyle Smith, have always been an ordinary person, ordinary appearance, ordinary family, ordinary life, ordinary habits, I spent my life doing what was expected of me, until one day a strong desire for change took over me, in a moment of impulse I decided to leave my design job and officially became unemployed, imagining living without expectation, with freedom, unfortunately it didn't happen that way. I ended up dying that day. When I woke up, I found myself confused and in the body of someone different, Kyle Evans, 18 years old, accompanying a friend who was going to audition for a role, by the irony of life , I found myself receiving a script, skills and living a life that everything less common. Disclaime: English is not my first language, I write in Portuguese and use the English translator. Some films and series will be real life, however the dates may change, some programs from my country may appear, so I ask for your understanding.

Michele_Lopes · Celebrities
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6 Chs

4. Misunderstanding (4)

Actress Anne Hathaway was shocked, of course, her excitement prevailed, the fifty-year-old man with a goatee asked:

"Computer... After showing this level of performance? What a peculiar face…""self-taught?! No way! He definitely took theater classes" said the man who appeared to be in his 30s. "even if he learned everything on his own, I have been a director for 20 years, and I guarantee that it would be impossible to reach that level of acting""that's…" said Anne "But the confidence and posture with which he responded was real, he really found it easy, besides he showed such performance after reading the script for a short time, this is the first time he I see something like that."Soon the man with the goatee looked at the door Kyle had just left and laughed. "A rare genius. Full of talent"That's how the misunderstanding started.The man with the goatee, or rather Jose Dias, is a veteran, he worked on several BDC series, he was known for having a good eye for actors, since the vast majority of his works featured unknown actors, and they worked really well in the branch, was also known for being very demanding, but he had the credentials for it.After all, he had been in the business for over 30 years, produced at least 15 successful works, when he received the invitation to be a judge on Super Actor, he didn't have high expectations, at most out of 1000, one or two would stand out, and Even those that did, would not be different from those already on the market. That's how he thought, but this first competitor was a monster.The first impression Jose had of Kyle was "Your face looks confused", he looked somewhat stupid, as if reading his mind, Anne sitting next to him asked."Director, doesn't he seem a little confused?"The other director sitting on the right, Nelson Winker, shared a similar impression "I agree. It seems he found the script difficult."Kyle seemed out of spirits, Nelson saw him lifeless, which told him that his performance would probably be pointless, at that moment an employee approached the trio of jurors."Excuse me, can I have a moment?" whispered the Super Actor employee, a woman with short hair. "This person is not the official participant, he came with his friend, and the friend went to the bathroom""Then?""If we eliminate the first participant for going to the bathroom, the atmosphere will not be good, he might complain on the internet, so we decided to let his friend do the audition to pass the time""spend time?""yes, if we can capture funny moments it would be great, we need some material to post on ToKTiK and in the TubeMe preview.""So you want to use him like this... Well, as it is the program's decision, I won't be against it, but you should ask for his consent first, right?""Of course, we already asked if he wanted to act..."Kyle, a very handsome boy, but on the verge of being sacrificed, was the conclusion drawn by the three judges, and thus began Kyle's performance."Hmm! Cough!"The confused Kyle shocked the two directors, actress Anne Hathaway also seemed to not believe what she was seeing, suddenly everyone in the room was frozen, not just the judges who watched Kyle crying and begging desperately on the floor, but the entire team of Super Actor employees.The impact of the performance was very strong, in just one minute he captivated the eyes of the veterans present, it was so realistic, vivid and intense, even without looking at the script they realized that Kyle was in a forest and was being chased by someone.Seeing such a transformation, Nelson thought "This isn't just a matter of luck or talent, this kind of acting was something that should have been honed for at least 5... maybe 10 years."He nullified the imprecation he had of Kyle, it was a skill that even top actors who made their living from acting had difficulty mastering. "emotions took action and feelings became the setting"All of this was mixed together to create the character, to create a character, there was only one method, repetition, you must "breathe", speak and weigh like the character, many actors currently bet their lives on this type of process, and Still, he who read a script for minutes did this.

It wasn't at the level of just being good at acting, Kyle was the character in the script, but the shock didn't end there, it was because of Kyle's calm response at the end.

"I am self-taught"How lonely must he have been on this journey of learning? In this way, Kyle surprised everyone, including the employees present.- SilenceHe calmly walked out of the room, there was no one to stop him and everyone just had dumbfounded expressions."I am really sorry"Kyle's first competitive friend arrived, it was Ken Davis, with a guilty expression on his face, Jose who came back to reality asked."The Friend who came with you. What's his job?""Hmm? Ah.... he doesn't work, sometimes he sings with a band... why?""Sing?""Yes, Rock with a band."Every answer Ken gave seemed true, so being self-taught was probably true, Jose had the feeling he had found a rare gem for the industry."I understand. Mr. Davis, let's begin your audition."---------

10 minutes later a bus stops in front of the BCD Arts Center, there was a large crowd gathered there, sitting at the bus stop, pressing his temples, Kyle had a headache, which was becoming very common lately, processing everything that had just happened, he thought.

"a screen appeared in the script, right? When I pressed it, I was sucked into a space, there was another screen floating with the information from the script I received, and when I pressed it, I was teleported to a crazy forest, and I died there, didn't I?"It was a fact Kyle died in that cold and dark mountain, the faceless strange man killed him, it wasn't vague like an imagination or a dream, he clearly experienced his body being stabbed. In fact he still seemed alive, he seemed like he could show the emotions he went through in the forest at any time, it seemed like he had created deep roots in his being."It feels like I actually traveled through time, or something."- Bruuuu BruuuuKyle's phone vibrated, it was a call from Ken, when he was about to answer it he saw Ken running in the distance."Hey, Kyle Evans"As soon as his friend got close, Kyle immediately growled, "You idiot! Are you shit or save the country?""haha ha! Sorry about that, seriously, there was a line at the bathroom, almost none of it, I thought I was going to die...""Shut up, I really died because of you!""Huh?"Ken looked confused, then Kyle calmed down and let out a sigh."Anyway, how was your audition?""Okay, by the way, did you audition too?""why?""the judges kept asking me about you, what's wrong with you and did you do something there?"Remembering the previous embarrassment, Kyle decided to change the subject "I didn't do anything, so you passed?""no, they cut off my hearing after 15 seconds, I'm out""Congrats then""Yes at least, my national comedy will be short and unmemorable, by the way have you seen Anne Hathaway? She was beautiful!"At the actress's message, a sincere expression of masculine appreciation appeared on Kyle's face."Yes, she was very beautiful""I probably won't see her again, but I think I'll remember this experience for the rest of my life.""Yes, I think he was the only good thing in this rubbish day"Kyle saw a piece of paper tucked into the side pocket of Ken's jacket, which caught his attention, it was a 3-page script, the same one he had seen, he looked at the script and held out his hand."Hey, give me this…""Hmm? ... Oh yeah"The script when it was with Ken was just a script, there was nothing different about it, however when it passed into Kyle's hands the situation changed."Ah, damn"A square that didn't exist appeared, it was A4 shaped and its middle rotated, in gray and black tones, looking like a black hole. "I am getting crazy?"Ignoring the board, Kyle opened the script, technically, it was the first time he read it, as soon as he read the first line, he was sure "Exactly as I thought, this is the same... what I experienced in the forest."A terrified man in a brown oversized shirt, his emotions, feelings and appearance were not well defined, in the forest, the rustling of fallen leaves, a strong wind, a stranger chasing him and finally being stabbed, everything was in the script."I chose the terrified man right? So in the end, the role and the situation in the script become... me."Who would believe such crazy talk? But Kyle was sure, he had to check again, just to confirm, soon...."Man, I need to go, I remembered I have something to do" said Kyle to his friend "I'm going to take a taxi, I'll see you later" he said, walking away."Hey, I'm going with you, you forgot to pick up your guitar at home, you left it at the bar that night.""hm... Ken.... do you have any scripts from your theater days at home?""Yes, some, but why the sudden interest in scripts? You hate watching TV""Never mind" said Kyle, getting into the taxi with his friend.##About two hours later##Ken lived alone in an apartment near Chinatown, however his parents came over from time to time, Kyle went straight to Ken's room, immediately frowning"Man, what is that stench? Did you shit yourself here?"Some sort of pungent stench wafted through the air, Ken however just shrugged his shoulders, as if it was no big deal."that's what a man's room smells like.""Nonsense! Open the window to let in fresh air."Ken opened the windows, Kyle reached out and asked for the script, Ken then went to his bookshelf and started looking through it."I found.... two scripts."Two tightly bound scripts, when Kyle picked them up, pictures appeared, thus Kyle confirmed his theory, sighing deeply, he checked the time, it was 11:45, looking at his friend he said"Just watch okay?""what?" Ken asked confused.Kyle didn't respond, raising his hand, he pressed one of the paintings, suddenly his body went numb, and when he realized he was in the empty room again, for a moment he let out an absurd laugh."I came back here again"He entered the dark space again, the feeling of comfort was the same, however Kyle was quite calm now, he gained a bit of confidence, he turned his body to check around, a white board was floating at his chest height."hm... Has it increased?"There was a change, the point was, he didn't just see one painting but two, this means that the number increased as he acquired new scenes, he hadn't checked closely yet, but he was sure that one of the whiteboards was of the area he had just touched.But first of all there was another experiment to carry out." Let me out!" Kyle shouted loudly, but there was no change, about 5 minutes in this way, he accidentally said "leave". And with that word a gray color swept over him."Hmm"Soon Ken's voice was heard next to him."What do you want me to look at?"In Kyle's view was Ken, he had returned, a little dazed, but was definitely fine, so "leave" was the order. Kyle checked his watch again, 11:45, only seconds had passed in the real world, meaning time in space was different."How was I now?""what do you mean? You just fingered the script like an idiot.""after that""you stood still and then said 'hm'"Just as Kyle was about to touch the board again Ken's phone vibrated."Hello"Soon Ken was talking to someone, he looked at Kyle. " Yes Yes Yes? Wait a moment he's right in front of me now" Ken then pushed the phone towards his friend. "the person responsible for Super Actor wants to talk to you"Kyle frowned but accepted the phone "Hello""Mr. Kyle? We were surprised when you suddenly disappeared! Do you have any intention of appearing in Super actor?""why?""You passed! You passed the first round, if you can make it to the second round, that would be great! The story would be great too! You came to accompany your friend but ended up passing by, wouldn't that be fun?"Funny? This woman is talking nonsense, he died there!"I don't want to, anyway I was just booking a place" Kyle, who was still traumatized, spoke up making an excuse, but the Program Director seemed to have had yet another misunderstanding."this type of performance.... was it just to make a place?"

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