
Reincarnated as a Legendary Acto

I, Kyle Smith, have always been an ordinary person, ordinary appearance, ordinary family, ordinary life, ordinary habits, I spent my life doing what was expected of me, until one day a strong desire for change took over me, in a moment of impulse I decided to leave my design job and officially became unemployed, imagining living without expectation, with freedom, unfortunately it didn't happen that way. I ended up dying that day. When I woke up, I found myself confused and in the body of someone different, Kyle Evans, 18 years old, accompanying a friend who was going to audition for a role, by the irony of life , I found myself receiving a script, skills and living a life that everything less common. Disclaime: English is not my first language, I write in Portuguese and use the English translator. Some films and series will be real life, however the dates may change, some programs from my country may appear, so I ask for your understanding.

Michele_Lopes · Celebrities
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6 Chs

3. Misunderstanding (3)

There was no sound. His senses were numb, he just felt like his body was floating in the air, that was Kyle's current situation. At this moment everything was vague, he was conscious but his mind was blurred, it was unclear whether he was standing or lying down, the ambient temperature was ambiguous, what was happening? What was that?

Only one thing was certain

"It's comfortable" the uncertain Kyle was extremely comfortable, he wanted to feel like this for the rest of his life, and then out of nowhere... he regained his senses.

Kyle let out a slight groan as he opened his eyes, a few seconds later, he, who had barely recovered, was stunned, the reason was simple.

"Where....Where am I?"

He had no idea where he was. Well, was that really a space? He opened his eyes, but it was no different than having left them closed. It was dark, pitch black everywhere, it was as if he was trapped in a room with no windows, not a single light, the atmosphere was such that it wouldn't be strange if he suddenly developed claustrophobia.

 Kyle quickly stood up and shouted "Hey... Anyone?"

But there was no response.

"Excuse me!!!! Hello!!" He tried again, but still everything remained quiet, there wasn't even an echo, What the hell was this place? It was infinitely black and he couldn't even assess its size. It seemed like an infinite space.

Immense anxiety and fear enveloped Kyle, then he remembered what happened before he got here, the rotating screen.

"I definitely touched something strange, what is this? Film? Did I get sucked into the script? "

Soon, his mind stopped, no matter how much he looked around, this was real, dreams couldn't be so vivid, regardless, the biggest task in his hands was how to get out of this place.

Right now


Kyle, who had turned around again, stopped, amidst the darkness, he saw a white board, it was about three steps away. Was he there just now? He wasn't sure, but he needed to check what this was.

Moving towards the whiteboard, Kyle confirmed, it was a board the size of a failed A4, floating at the height of his chest, neat letters appeared on it.


[ Script: Page 1

Title: Unknown: Grade F

(Impossible judgment)]

-- [The conclusion is very low. It's a broken script or scenario. 100% reading is not possible. (About 10% can be implemented)]


At the same time, Kyle furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is this, a script? Scenario?... Ah..... that's the script!"

There were a few pages of script that he received, anyway Kyle slightly raised his hand and grabbed the whiteboard, it didn't move, but something else happened.

- Swooosh

Suddenly the letters changed, and new sayings appeared


[ Script 1

Title: unknown, (selected)

- [ Listing characters available for reading (experience)

A. Terrified Man

B. Strange Man ]


Is this the fuck? At this point Kyle was oscillating between frustration and anxiety, not knowing what to do he tapped the letters randomly. It was [A. Terrified Man.], and suddenly a female voice echoed throughout the space.

{Preparation for reading 'A. Terrified Man' in progress… }

The tone was firm and emotionless, it was almost like a robot, what did it matter? Well, it was the first voice Kyle heard in this place, trying to make contact, he screamed desperately.

" Hey!!! Who are you? Is anyone there??"

But the female voice did not answer him, but in fact was heard again

{Preparation completed, This is a damaged scenario script, implementation is approximately 10%, Reading begins now...}

Immediately afterwards a large gray mass swallowed Kyle.


It's cold, strange, certainly the temperature was vague just now, however, Kyle was cold, did he come out of space? Kyle down.


He had changed, the jacket he was wearing was completely gone, now he was wearing an oversized brown blouse, as soon as he felt a sense of incongruity, he quickly raised his head.

His field of vision also changed, it was still dark all around, however faint silhouettes were visible, was that a tree? Is it all trees? Are those leaves lying on the ground? So he's in the middle of a forest?

He wanted to scream, but it didn't work well, it felt like his body was refusing, at the same time, he heard sounds, senses that weren't there before also started to appear.

- Swooshes

A strong wind, hitting the trees and the irritating noise of the branches created an atmosphere and a sensation enough to make his body tremble slightly, something screamed in his mind. "Run, I need to run away"

As Kyle's eyes got used to the darkness, his legs moved faster and faster "keep running, run away"

Kyle running frantically, he didn't care about the direction, he simply ran up the hill, he ignored his rapid breathing, he also ignored the tree branches hitting him, he just ran.


Why? Why am I running? I don't know, even though he didn't know, Kyle was able to stop his frantic steps, the extinct man was telling him not to stop, his heart was beating faster and faster. Yes, I'm being a stalker.

Even stepping on the fallen leaves like crazy, Kyle was still forced to look back, fortunately, the scenery behind him was the same, forest surrounding darkness.

" Hey"

A low male voice was heard next to Kyle, at which point he looked back.

"Stop running, it's annoying"


Before Kyle could get his bearings, his leg tripped and he fell to the ground, which hurt a lot, it was incredibly painful. Should this hurt? Was this world real? The pain of his cheek scraping the floor and the blood dripping down was real.

"I'm hungry because of you"

The man behind him said, as Kyle was sprawled out on the floor, this must be paper 'B. Strange Man", the only thing left for him was to fight, he had no other choice, this whole experience was unprecedented.

Who has ever had the experience of being chased out of nowhere by a stranger?

I will die. It seemed like this was going to happen for some reason, Kyle tried to get up, but to no avail, the strange man behind him stepped on him.


Despite this, Kyle's struggle did not stop, he fought again and again, but he remained in the same place, the dirt on the ground was persistently sucked into his nose, and water ran from his eyes. I will die. I will die. I want to live.

The desperate emotions, the hands clawing at the leaves on the ground in panic, the feeling of your back being pressed, tears and harsh breathing. Everything was real.

"Hm, I decided, I should eat pizza."

The strange man grumbled, at this moment Kyle lying on the ground was turned over, the man did that, thanks to that movement, he saw him for the first time.


There is no face, but precisely no face, and everything is black, his silhouette was clearly visible but his face was not. There was no nose, eyes, mouth, just darkness.


The stranger stabbed Kyle, who remained on the ground. There was no time to understand how and why he was stabbed, the pain was insane, the pain felt like this everywhere, his organs were stabbed over and over again, it was indescribable agony.

Kyle was shaking all over, his legs were shaking, his arms and everything else were spasming. What kind of feeling is this? Damn, it hurts so much, this was clearly real. Beg, yes, beg for your life.

With trembling hands clasped together, Kyle begged desperately, but his black face said nothing. He said he would do anything, even if the stranger's expression wasn't visible, he was human, right?

The man then laughed, even though all you could see was darkness, he laughed, having a little hope Kyle also forced a smile, and then the man stabbed him again.

"Ahhhh!!!! Ahhh!!!!"

{The reading of 'A. Terrified Man' ended}

The woman's voice, like a robot, echoed

How long has it been? Stunned, Kyle faintly heard someone's voice.

"Hey, Excuse me!"

At the same time Kyle, who had the cell phone to his ear, raised his head, he saw three people sitting at a straight table, a man in his 30s, another man who looked to be in his 50s, and a beautiful woman, who Kyle knew. It seemed from the way they looked at him that the one who called him was the first man.

"I came back.... This is the place from before..."

Kyle slowly lowered the cell phone from his ear, but his expression seemed a little strange, checking the cell phone screen, about 1 minute passed, which was strange, as he was sure he spent about 30 minutes in the forest. His brain went numb, trying to understand the situation.

" Excuse me, do you want to audition? We couldn't find Ken Davis." The first man at the table spoke, shaking the script, Kyle watched him in silence.

"the script, right I tried it, do they want me to show it?" Slowly rising from his chair, the man looked surprised.

"oh! Are you really going to do this? Wow, you must have a strong friendship."

Kyle stood in front of the three jurors, the distance was about two steps. Why? The reason wasn't clear Kyle just felt like he needed to show something, everything that had happened to him so far had overwhelmed him. Everything was alive because he experienced it directly.

#About 10 minutes later#

Kyle, who had shown everything contained in the script, was lying on the floor, his hands were raised to the sky. Why? Because he was begging, very sincerely, until recently.


His mind that was overloaded with emotion became clear, his rationality returned, now that the show was over, his brain seemed to work faster. The first thought that Kyle, who was slowly lowering his hands, felt was "Oh shit, what did I just do?"

A huge wave of embarrassment, everything was a mess, his mind was in turmoil, he had just shown everyone what he had experienced, it was certainly passionate. Soon standing up, he cleared his throat softly, Kyle came to a conclusion.

"Pretend it didn't happen, act natural and sort it out later"

Act Naturally "I'm confident, I'm fine, I'm not embarrassed" he repeated to himself like a mantra.

".... You know", a woman's voice said, she was very beautiful, with long hair, white and clean skin and looked directly at Kyle, this one was wrong Anne Hathaway, a recognized actress. "WOW, that was amazing..."

She then asked "Did you go to acting college? Or have you acted in a film/series previously? "

What is she talking about? Somehow Kyle didn't know what to say, however, due to the embarrassment of what just happened, he remained calm, brushing off the dust from his pants, he replied in a low tone.

"No, I'm 18 years old, I decided not to go to college, I'm good with.... computers"

Crazy, because he added "I'm good with computers", Kyle realized his mistake in mixing the two Kyles, but stood his ground.

"hm… good with computers?"


The faces of the three judges, including Anne, wrinkled, it was not clear why but it was certain that they were surprised.

"So... where did you learn to act?"

Act??? It was an area that neither he nor the real Kyle were interested in, wanting to escape from there, and in the situation, Kyle decided to come up with some excuse.

"Self-taught. I train a little on the weekends."


This only increased the trio's interest in Kyle even more, a shame he didn't realize it.

"So…" the man in his fifties with a goatee, sitting in the middle, widened his eyes and asked "How did you do it now? Was it your first time auditioning? But how did you… did you act like that after just looking at the script?"

Kyle, who was getting ready to leave, looked at the exit door quickly before responding, of course he still acted calmly and seriously, outwardly.

"It wasn't particularly difficult." Of course, I lived it! He thought. Although he was in a hurry to leave, Kyle slowly walked towards the door, respectfully greeting the judges and leaving, stopping in front of the clerk who gave him the script.

"Sorry, but if you use the video of my audition I will sue the show since I am not a contestant. "

It was just an empty threat, but Kyle wanted to get out of this hell as quickly as possible and think, luckily he managed to get out of the audition room without any problems.

Hi, this is the author, I adjusted the spacing between one paragraph and another, I don't know if it's better this way?... something else, I'll probably have to invent films and series that MC can act in, since as I don't live in the USA, I have little knowledge about available works, And I decided that the universe of the book is a parallel world, anyway, I'll explain it in the story later.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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