
Reincarnated as a Golem

Kelan Stephens lived an average life without too many worries when suddenly he killed in a road accident, ‘I’m not ready’ we’re the last words he thought to himself before he passed. Suddenly he found himself in a wooden body at a strange tower under the employment of a strange old man who calls himself “The Master.” Will Kelan resign himself to be the fantasy equivalent of a roomba? Or will he take destiny into his own hands? (Author Note: This is my first novel so apologies for grammatical errors, and if the plot seems to move too quick. Please leave feedback so I can improve the story or make it flow better!)

Daven_Schaefer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

True Name

Kelan was absolutely shocked, 'How much pain will I experience in one day!? I can understand him now, but I still can't speak!' He had become mentally exhausted but started nodding his head up and down.

"Perfect! I know you must be confused and possibly even scared, but do not worry you are perfectly safe." Between the wild look in the old man's eyes and the dark alter under him, Kelan did not feel safe.

"Here, use this to communicate." The old man handed him a piece of parchment paper and quill he seemingly grabbed out of thin air. Kelan grabbed them and quickly started writing, while he was writing he noticed it wasn't in English but what seemed like a strange combination of Cyrillic and Arabic.

"(Where am I and who are you?)" Where the only thoughts he had running through his mind.

"Many apologies, I should have introduced myself sooner. I am the Great Wizard known as Mordred Bohort!" He exclaimed with pride in his voice. "And you, my newly created friend, are in The Tower of Iannes!"

'Great so I'm stuck in some strange tower with a weird old guy. What did I do wrong to get this as a punishment?' As Kelan was lamenting his fate Mordred quickly cleared his throat.

"So now that your questions are satisfied why not answer a few of my own?"

Kelan shrugged and simply wrote, "(Sure)"

"Excellent! Do you remember your life before this moment?" Mordred asked with a bit of concern on his face.

"(Yes)" was all he wrote on the parchment.

In a dejected tone Mordred simply replied, "That wasn't the intended result, where did I go wrong? I double, even triple checked my calculations and arrays." At this point he was mumbling to himself rather than asking Kelan.

"That's okay, mistakes are meant to be learned from, lay on your back for me." Kelan did as instructed not knowing what would happen next. Mordred once again placed his hand on Kalen's wooden chest and opened it up along with the small panel with the crystal.

"Damn things never last." He said as he pulled a piece of white quartz out of the socket the blue crystal was once in. Suddenly he produced similar crystal from thin air, this time though it was purple with runes etched into the surface. Once he placed it into one of the sockets Kelan felt a sudden weight and an uncomfortable warmth on his limbs.

He looked down and saw runes being carved in a circular pattern around his forearms and shins above the joints connecting his hands and feet. He then turned his head towards Mordred.

"Don't look at me like that, I have no idea what kind of psychopath you were in your previous life. Speaking of which, don't tell me, I care not for your name or social status." He said in hurtful tone, "From this day forth I give you the True Name of Progress."

Suddenly Kalen felt something within him change as shimmering golden light contrasted his silvery wooden body, at the same time a small pure white marble coalesced at the center of the ethereal orb in his chest.

"Good, now that you have a True Name we can start our work together. Come, follow me." He began walking toward a large set of double doors but suddenly stopped and turned around looking back at his wooden creation. "What are you waiting for? I'm a busy man so we must hurry!"

Kelan closed his chest and got up, he stumbled at first but quickly regained his balance and started walking toward door following behind his master.

Sorry for this being a little shorter than previous chapters I’m just trying to plan out the story without burning myself out too fast.

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