
Reincarnated as a Golem

Kelan Stephens lived an average life without too many worries when suddenly he killed in a road accident, ‘I’m not ready’ we’re the last words he thought to himself before he passed. Suddenly he found himself in a wooden body at a strange tower under the employment of a strange old man who calls himself “The Master.” Will Kelan resign himself to be the fantasy equivalent of a roomba? Or will he take destiny into his own hands? (Author Note: This is my first novel so apologies for grammatical errors, and if the plot seems to move too quick. Please leave feedback so I can improve the story or make it flow better!)

Daven_Schaefer · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Captivating Cave

Past the threshold of the doors was a wide, roughly, circular tunnel. Evenly spaced along either side of the tunnel were sconces that held torches with a blueish, almost white flame. In the dark spaces between the torches small mushrooms could be seen in erratic patches throughout the tunnel.

After walking for several minutes Kelan and his new Master, Mordred, walked into a large cavernous room. When Kelan set foot into the space he was met with an incredible scene of iridescent colors, along the walls and ceiling crystalline clusters could be seen glowing vibrant and beautiful colors. On the ground large carpets of bioluminescent moss were scattered throughout the chamber. In the center an elevated platform 8 feet in diameter was hovering just above the ground. Runes in a circular pattern were along its edges while a septagram with a hexagram within its confines were covering most of its surface.

Kelan was astonished, like a fairytale had come to life before his very eyes. While he was awe struck his master continued walking toward the platform. Once the master stepped onto the platform he looked towards Kelan, who had been standing at the entrance, admiring the breath taking view. With an annoyed groan the old man said, "Yes yes we get it, it's very pretty. Now we really must hurry, I'm pretty sure I forgot to turn a burner off in one of the alchemy labs."

Kelan thought about feigning ignorance just so he could stare the amazing room for longer when suddenly the runes wrapped around his arms and leg began glowing forcing his body to move toward the platform. This didn't hurt him but it felt incredibly uncomfortable, he felt as if someone had violated his personal space to the maximum. When he made it to the platform the runes stopped glowing and he could freely move his limbs again. He looked at the old man up and down then gestured towards his arms and legs.

"Come now, you really expect me to trust a complete stranger? You said so yourself, you remember your past life. If you prove yourself loyal there's a chance I might remove the control crystal in your chest."

Kelan looked down and slumped his shoulders.

"Don't worry Progress I am a kind man, you'll soon find being loyal is not difficult." He said with a grin that was almost too enthusiastic. He then began chanting gibberish while wildly waving his hands in the air, followed by another blinding flash of light. This time it was from underneath their feet.

Yeeesh, imagine starting to write a story and then abandoning it after like 2 chapters. Couldn’t be me haha.

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