
Reincarnated as a Dragon in some Kaiju World.

Guy wakes up as a Dragon after he died in an accident (by our BOI Truck-kun himself) and now tries to survive in the inhospitable environment he finds himself in, a world full of Kaijus. Tags: Male MC, Transmigration, Non-human MC, Kaiju, Post-apocalyptic World, Slice-of-life. 1st fanfic, English isn't my first language, and im an amateur writer but I'll do my best, but be sure to correct any mistakes I make. -The world is a mix of different worlds like Godzilla 1998 and Monsterverse but Legendary Godzilla won't be here unfortunately, he is too OP, I might add Kong or other Kaijus but still not sure, i am also adding little things like skills or environment that is similar to Godzilla Anime. -Update won't be consistent as i am just writing for fun and it is rather therapeutic, and school work too. -Inspired from a certain Goji Center video on YT -Artist drawings used in this fic are not mine and all belong to heri respective owners, if you are the artist of said image/art and you want it taken down, then I will do so.

Bagyong_Pablo · Movies
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Chapter 3: Juvenile Zilla and Skills training

(Night Fury POV)

'Zaleria huh?, Is this the place where I'm at right now?' I ponder while i re-read the Behemox's description.

'Welp, lets put that aside for later' I look at the Juvenile Zilla, to see if anything changes in the description


[Zilla /Juvenile

The older, juvenile form of the infant Zilla, classified as a Juvenile Zilla once it reaches 4 times the size of an Infant Zilla, this still growing offspring of Zilla has reached its rapid development stage, it has a barely developed and immature methane gland but it still packs a punch so beware of the flame breath it releases from its mouth.]

"Yup, it is a Juvie Zilla".

I have to say that their hunting tactics is quite an experience to witness, probably cuz this is the very first time seeing predators hunting aside from documentaries i watched in my previous life.

Taking it all in, I wonder, I'm quite calm throughout this whole ordeal huh?, dying to a car accident, waking up in another world, Is it because I am now a dragon? Which is a very different anatomy compared to a humans?

Speaking of Anatomies, since i am a dragon, i should require lots of food, but Night furies only eat fish right? How do i get that here? As far as i can see, there's no large body of water here.

With how crazy this world looks, i wouldn't be surprised to see a few ambush predators in a watering hole, Or do Night Furies eat other things? How about i ask Ms. System here

"Hey System, can I eat meat other than fish?" I ask her

[As a Night Fury, your main diet is fish, but can still eat any type of meat] She replies

Okay, that's good to know, "But why can i eat meat other than Fish? Is there a special reason for that?" I ask her again, maybe the movies never mentioned it.

[Even though you are called a Night Fury, you are a completely different species of Night Fury altogether] she replies

"So I am special kind of Night Fury, that's awesome"

"Wait, There are different species of Night Furies?

A few more questions asked, i decided to just return to the cave, conserve some energy, wait for when it's nighttime where it is most advantageous for me, as for what i learned, well, that's a story for another time.

I drag myself towards the caves entrance, once i went inside, my eyes could see clearly, how i couldn't see properly earlier when i woke up?, i don't know, i chalked it up to me moving to a new body.

Entering the comforts of the cave, I begin by exploring my "home", to look for anything dangerous as there might be other animals inside here.

A few minutes later, after making a few laps around my dwelling, i have come to the conclusion that:

My place is massive, but not too massive but i could probably fly a little bit around in here, a good place to practice for my flying skills.

I also made a sort of blasting range.

I look to my right and see the wall, and i could see the scorch marks and broken blackened stones around it with a bit of cracks on the black stained wall.

If you inspect the wall a little more you would notice that the black spots had different sizes and characteristics, some big, some small.

Yup, I have been testing different variations of my plasma blasts, and in doing so, i learned my first skill along with a few others

[Rapid shot Lvl. 1/10

-A plasma blast that is weaker but one you fire in quick succession to stun, disorient, warn or intimidate prey or opponent.

-You can fire a maximum of 4 blasts in quick succession should you decide to, the number of blasts increases by 1 each level up.

-Consumes 2 Shots

-Atk × .20]

This is not my only Skill of course but if you are asking what the 2 Shots means, well, in short, It's like mana but for my Plasma Blast in general, it also means that i have limited amount of ammo, and if i use it all up, i have to wait for it recharge again, I have 24 Shots per day, which means that i can only get 1 Shot recharged per hour, which kinda sucks, but what can i do?.

"Status" i say out loud before a blue screen only i can see appears in front of me.

[Name: Alan Jones

Race: Dragon/ Night Fury (0/3»)


HP: 220/220 (is the result of VIT×10)

Shots: 12/24 (1/hr) (is the result of Stamina × .10)

ATK: 72 (STR×4)

Stamina: 242/244

(is the result of END×10= 200 + (200×.22 VIT), and Stamina regen is 22/Minute and it is based on VIT)


STR: 18

AGI: 35

DEX: 23

VIT: 22

INT: 12

END: 20


<Offensive Skills>:

{Charged Blast lvl. 1/10

-A stronger, more destructive variation of a normal plasma blast.

-Has a 10.02 second charge-up to activate

-Charge-up decreases by 1 second per level up.

-Consumes 2 Shots however consuming more will make the blast stronger

-Atk × 3 (Increases with each level up)} **NEW**

{Plasma Blast lvl. 1/10

-The classic Plasma blast

-Consumes 1 shot

-Atk × 1 (Increases with each level up)}**NEW**

{Piercing Shot lvl. 1/10}

-A plasma blast designed to pierce throught tough armor however the destructive power is arranged in a smaller area

-Has a 10.02 second charge-up to activate

-Charge-up decreases by 1 second per level up.

-Consumes 2 Shots however consuming more will make the blast pierce through stronger material

-Atk × 7} **NEW**

{Plasma Stream lvl. 1/10

-A variation of plasma blast where you fire a continuous stream of plasma

-Consumes 2 shots/second of use

-Consumption decreases with each level up

-Atk × .25} **NEW**

{Rapid Shot lvl. 1/10} **NEW**

(1/2») Open to see more skills

<Defensive Skills>:


<Miscellaneous Skills>:

{Appraisal Skill lvl. 2/10}

{Mind Map lvl. 1/10} **NEW**

{Regeneration lvl. 1/10} ]

{Night Vision lvl. 1/10}

{Eagle Eye lvl. 1/10}

(Open for more 1/2»). ]


Seeing my stats and skills, boy was i glad to see that i have a Regeneration Skill, I mean, Dragons are lizards too you know? So it makes sense to have the ability to regenerate especially on the tail, now i don't have to worry about my tail wings failing me once it gets damaged or ripped away somehow, but the wait time is gonna be troublesome.

Inspecting my Status Screen, my ears pick up a critter skittering outside my home, right at the entrance, and judging by the frequency of steps generated

'Centipede?' I crouch down to try and hide from its senses, it's a big one so it might develop some special abilities for detection, i mean why else would it be here? It's definitely here for me

'my stomach is hungry so maybe a few insects can act as my appetizers before i hunt outside, i kinda want to try eating a Behemox, it looked tasty' i thought to myself while drooling at the imaginary sensation of biting down on its juicy carcass.

-5 mins later-

Mmm hmm~, It tasted crunchy, a bit slimy on the inside, yet satisfying, my hunger is curbed for a bit.

What i hunted looked like those Giant centipedes in those ancient animal documentaries i saw back on Earth, but only it was a lot longer and bulkier.

It had thick chitinous scales but just one plasma blast and it went down, i regret using it to be honest, it blasted its head to pieces letting fly around the entrance, hopefully i managed to clean it up properly, who knows what could get attracted to its smell.

Cooking it with a plasma stream made it taste better for some reason but i didn't use it too much because the smoke coming out of my cave might attract something i dont want coming here.

I tried looking for more around my cave but to no avail which was a bummer, I planned to just have them for sustenance until i am ready or I could've used the centipede carcass to attract scavengers but i dont wanna risk it, so it seems like Gods plans are a go.

Oh and i saw the Zillas outside eating their prey too, so that was cool, and then i went inside my cave again.

'Welp, time to test flying' I climb to a high point in my home which is close to the wall and spread my wings, flexed my wing muscles, and then I brought them up and down in quick succession.


"Hrrrrnng" I increase the flapping of my wings but i just can't get off the ground in a natural rhythmic pattern, i sometimes move back and then forward and then any and all directions present on a compass with each flap and i do not like it.

'This is not working' i grumble to myself, 'How did Toothless do it?' i try to remember how he went from ground to the sky.

'if i remember correctly, he did one strong stroke which made him fly up quick, as well as jumping or pouncing towards the air for a bit in tandem with the wing stroke'

'Okay i think I get it now' I position my self to starting a jump and then-

*Blam!* Doing a strong jump then flapping once full force, I accidentally launched my back towards the wall 'I forgot i was quite close to it'

Oof, that....surprisingly didn't hurt one bit, a testament to my durability

I walk down and approach one of the sides of the wall, minding in my mind to not launch myself towards it a second time.

"Fuuuu, Okay, you got this, it aint too hard"

I flexed my wings, feeling every muscle tense, with a deep breath, I launched forward "Hup!" *Fwoom Fwoom* wings pounding the air. The ground slipped away, and suddenly-

I was aloft—really flying! The rush of cold cave air against my scales was electrifying

"Holy 💩!! I'm flying!!"

I couldn't stop grinning, looking down at the ground, my wings instinctively flapping by itself

I control it again to keep flapping in own way but not too disruptive of my flow, tis a weird feeling to feel this kind of feeling, but one i should fully embrace, get myself used to it, I mean it kinda feels lik-


I hit the other side of the wall, the impact sending a shower of small stones and dust cascading down, falling with me and then on top of me.

"Ouch," I groaned, 'Ok that one definitely hurt me in the noggin', I muse in my mind before shaking my head to clear the last of the dust and small rocks that fell on top of me.

My first successful attempt at flying inside the cave had ended with a bit more of a BANG than I'd anticipated, kek.

I checked myself over quickly; no serious damage done, just a bruised ego.

"I guess it takes more than just wings and enthusiasm to master this flying thing," I muttered, half-amused and half-annoyed with myself.

With a deep breath, I pushed myself up from the ground, my wings unfolding with a rustle that echoed softly through the spacious cave.

"Again!" I say with enthusiasm, eerily similar to certain blonde violinist.


A few more tries and I finally got the basics of flying, another problem emerged which i quickly got rid was the landing part, just another set of trying my best and I got it

Which also gave me another problem to deal with, Haaaa~ they just keep popping up one after the other huh? I mean it makes sense but im allowed to complain about right?

Well the problem was practicing tight maneuvers, I know it's a bit arrogant to even consider mastering but i at least should get the basics of it, which i do but applying it is a bit of a problem.

"Haa~, I'll just sleep it off, I'm too bored and there is nothing to do" but before i could lay down a plasma stream on the ground where I'm about to lay down on, I heard the system.


[You have earned a new skill:

{Flying lvl 1/10}!!. ]

Oh thank you, feels great to have new skills given by the System but....it feels kinda redundant to be honest, I mean Is it really a skill if a fish can breathe underwater? Same should be said to me flying because I have wings for cryin out loud, flying is in my blood!, but lets see what this says.

[ {Flying lvl. 1/10}

-Enables the host to achieve controlled flight through physical prowess and aerodynamic understanding.

-Each flap of the wings consumes 1 point of Stamina.

-Initial skill level allows for rudimentary maneuvers.

-With each level up, an improvement on flight duration, speed, and maneuverability while reducing Stamina cost per flap by 10% will be present, Skill mastery unlocks advanced aerial tactics, near-effortless soaring capabilities. (1/2») ]

'.....Ok it ain't so bad, I would like to apologise thank you Ms. System'.

[No worries dear host] she replies in a friendly manner, didn't know she could sound like that, or is just me?.

"Alright, I'll take a short nap and wait until it's night time" I say out loud to which she replies [I'll wake you up if it is night time if you want?]

"You can do that? Cool!, and thank you, wake me up alright?"

[Very well, take a rest]

I lay down a plasma stream on the ground before taking a well deserved nap.