
Reincarnated as a Dark emperor to change the order of the world

What will happen in this different world ? Who am I really ?

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Who are you ?

Seeing the man i trembled with fear.Gathering some courage i went near him but it turned out it was some other man.

I thought," What has the dream done to me? It was so strange.It is affecting my daily lives .

I must do something.

I reached my office. Everything seemed normal.

I thought," The dream had really distorted my mind.The normal seems to abnormal now."

Thinking that i laughed.

I went inside office.

Everything was normal there .I felt a little relieved.

Inside the office my boss called me and asked me ," Is your project ready?"

I replied ," Yes sir.".

Boss : Iam really sure we will get this deal today .

I thought ," Did boss only call me to tell this ?"

Boss suddenly told me ," Bring your ears close to me . I have an important thing to tell you."

I did .

Boss told me ," You know your boss is no more and soon everyone will be gone too. Listen to me very carefully . Don't Respond to them. Don't go to them. This is my last warning ."

It sent shivers down my spine .

I told in a feared voice but trying to laugh ," Boss, What are you telling ?"

Suddenly Boss started laughing.

His face changed to that of a creature.

I shouted in fear.All the people in the office got alarmed and tried to run but the door got closed.

I screamed "Noo ."

The creature went on and killed some employees with his sharp claws. It tore them apart.

Everyone was crying in fear.

The creature stood infront of the door and told in a scary voice," If you want to survive then you have to kill this man ."

-To be continued .