
Reincarnated as a Dark emperor to change the order of the world

What will happen in this different world ? Who am I really ?

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Into the dark

The people were really scared.They were crying.

One shouted ," Hey you please let me out ."

Words such as ," Please don't kill me " and what have we done to you ? " coupd be heard in a fearful voice .

The creature said ," I think you people didn't listen to what i just said ? Kill him or you are all done.

Suddenly everybody except for me had a knife in their hands . They started running to kill me and one person stabbed me in the chest and he said crying ," Iam sorry."

I was Crying with pain but all the people started stabbing me .

I didn't have any time to react .

The next thing i remember were my eye closing.

When i opened my eyes i found myself in an open field .

There was nobody besides me.

I shouted in frustration and anger ," What is happening ? Who am I and is anyone here ? Please listen ."

I started moving in a direction without much thinking .

After much walking i thought ," I wonder what time it is ? "

Then i saw a hut .

It was an old looking hut.

I felt a little relieved .

An old man and a person of my age came out the hut.

The old man gave signs of coming towards him with his hands .

I started going there .

Suddenly i saw a dark hole near me .

In notime the person of my age came behind me and pushed me. I fell in the hole

He also went inside the hole.

It felt i was falling through a large hole.

I screamed at the person," Why did you do that ?"

The person replied ," Don't worry.Your journey will start here ." as we were falling through the hole.

After sometime i lost my consciousness and when i opened my eyes i saw i was in a different place. The place was looking like a kingdom.The temperature there was moderate. I was standing on a hill with the other person.The place looked beautiful from there .

The person said to me ," Iam Leliet. Let's start this journey ."

- to be continued .