
Reincarnated as a cursed goddess

WARNING MATURE CONTENT|| In the mystic mountains dwelled a young girl who was made the protector of the most powerful orb in the world.  Julia, the chief of the mystic clan's daughter, was betrayed and killed while protecting the orb and getting engaged, only to reincarnate as a goddess. After gaining that much power, her entire clan turned against her, and she was exiled by her father for refusing to hand over the orb and accepting the accusation of attempting to murder her cousin as well as the guy she was engaged to, With no other option, the girl fled from the mystic mountains to an unknown kingdom known as the kingdom of melody as a street rat until the crown prince discovered her and everything changed in both of their lives, but the seemingly picture perfect prince had a secret of his own that could change the faith of his entire kingdom along with the girl's life. Disclaimer: Cover does not belong to me, if you are the artist and want me to take it down, please contact me and i will do it immediately. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/Mg9FsrYH2n

Darkswan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs


"I am warning you, Daisy, leave her be," Alre said and Daisy smiled.

"That's not going to happen" she replied.

"You don't want to mess with her trust me on that, it won't end well for you," he said.

'Why do you care for her so much?" she asked and he grabbed her by the neck.

'You and I both know if I find something precious, I protect it, right now she is one of those in my life, stay the fuck away from her" he responded then shoved her into the wall and walked away.

"Precious huh?" she asked with a wicked smile.

"Alre" his mother called out as he entered the living room and he looked at her.

"Mom" he said.

"Where is Julia?" she asked.

"She is packing her bags" he responded.

"He wants to take the girl with him on his little trip, what would people say about that?" Daisy asked as she walked into the living room and he sighed.

"I told you to stay out of this" he replied and Julia walked into the living room with a bag on her bag.

'Give me that" Alre said as he collected the bag from her.

"Julia" Rose called out as she appeared beside the girl and she looked at her.

"From today onwards stick by his side... you two together are a good thing, always support him and you wouldn't be able to see me anymore," she said and Julia's eyes widened as Rose patted her on the shoulder then disappeared and the girl sighed.

"I don't think it's a problem if she goes along" the king said as he came.

"People will start talking if they see a street girl and the prices together" Daisy replied and Alre folded his cuffs in anger then sighed.

"You are just mad that I am not taking you, you are an extra baggage which I don't want, she is going and that's final, anyone has a problem you can take it up with me," he said.

'If he wants to take her along, let him do that but I hope you remember what we talked about Alre" his mother replied.

"I remember what we talked about mom, don't worry, come on let's have breakfast, I already have a bloody headache," Alre said as they got up and all went to the dining hall where they sat down and the maids served the breakfast.

"Pass me the pancake syrup Julia," Daisy said and Julia was about to give her but then the prince grabbed onto her hand then she looked at him.

"Daisy sweetheart the syrup is not far from you, you don't have hands to waste time, use them," he said and Julia wanted to laugh but she covered her mouth with her hands as the princess stared at her.

"Here," Alre said as he gave the syrup to Julia and the girl's eyes widened then she swallowed deeply.

"You will get me in more trouble than I am already in," she said and he looked at her sternly then she jumped and collected the syrup.

'I wonder what he is up to?" Julia asked herself with a frown as she poured the syrup on top of her pancakes.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked and she jumped then looked at him.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked and he tilted his head.

'What's wrong with me?" he asked.

"That's what I am asking you" she responded and he smiled wickedly.

'I just realized a purpose" he said and she sighed.

"What purpose?" she asked.

'Me to know and you to find out" he responded then she folded her cuffs as he smiled.

'I will slap that smirk off of your face" she said.

"Give it your best shot" he replied and she pouted as her heartbeat increased.

"I am getting a really weird feeling... it's like he has completely changed overnight" the girl said to herself as she drank some juice.

"You need to relax... you are really nervous," Alre said and the girl looked at him,

"You are the cause of it and now you are having a problem" she replied and he smiled.

"What are you two mumbling about?" Daisy asked.

"Why do you care?" Alre asked and Julia sighed as her hand started glowing and she hid it under the dress for she was afraid that she was causing problem between the two.

'Well, mom I am done here... I have some things to do and when I am finished we will leave" Alre said as he stood up.

"So early?" Julia asked as her hands trembled and he sighed.

'Woman, it will be fine, it's not like I will do anything bad" he whispered in her ear as he stopped down and she frowned.

"What did you say to her?" Daisy asked and Alre sighed as he raised up.

'You really need to stop being a pest" Alre responded and his mother gasped.

"Alre that's enough stop being mean to Daisy," his mother said then he looked at her sternly.

"Tell her to mind her own business and stop sticking her nose into mine I don't like that" he replied and his father sighed.

"Stop this, guys it's early and I would like to eat in peace, Daisy heed what my son is saying, give him his space," the king said as the queen looked at him.

'Okay, your highness" she replied as Julia got up and walked away.

'I will be back" Alre said as he was going after Julia and his mother grabbed him by the hand and he looked at her.

"You need to apologize to her this instant," his mother said.

"I am not going to do that" he replied.

'Yes you will, I get that what she is doing is wrong and is making you feel very uncomfortable but that is no way to treat a lady Alre, you are better than this" the queen said.