
Reincarnated as a Cookie

I reincarnated as a cookie?! Eek! I have no legs, no arms, how do I move? [Roll of course!] I wanna be turned back to a human. Save me! Accompany Nikkie the cookie on her adventure to survive in the modern world

Kira1239 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Talking to Crystal helped Nikkie calm down a little, but of course, still careful to stay a distance away from the wandering hand. After a while, the kid seemed to have given up on trying to get her and left. Nikkie let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. How many times have I gotten so nervous that day? Ugh! I wish it was still when I was only worried about not handing in homework on time, not worried about my survival!

Even though the kid left Nikkie alone, she still didn't go out, being able to hear the kid playing in the grass with the other kids who came out a while after the kid gave up trying to get her. At least Nikkie didn't have to be so tense now. Listening to the children's laughter brought back memories. Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered the time her parents brought her to the amusement park for the first time.

That time, looking at the people hooting and cheering, and their smiling faces while riding the roller coaster, drew Nikkie to try riding the roller coaster too. And she did not regret going on the roller coaster a single bit. The adrenaline rush, the wind on her face, she loved every part of the roller coaster ride. She still remembered that during the ride, her father was holding onto the handle so tightly that his fists were white instead of the natural red colour and after the roller coaster ride, her father was very pale. When she suggested going on the roller coaster again, he immediately bailed out and said he would wait for them on the ground. Nikkie giggled at the memory. If only things are still like that now...

Looking at Nikkie like that, Crystal felt guilty. She liked Nikkie as a person so far and looking at her feeling so sad made her sad too. Maybe because of her loneliness and seeing how much damage humans caused to the Earth made her forget that not all humans are so greedy.

Nikkie closed her eyes. This is not the time to feel lethargic. After all this is over, you can do whatever you like. Pamper yourself all you want. I won't stop myself.

[Don't worry. You have me.]

Of course I know. You won't ever leave me alone and I know you are looking at me somewhere out there.

Crystal chuckled. Yes. Maybe one day I'll bring Nikkie here, as my only friend, after she dies of old age.

As Nikkie was just lying there, thinking about her life before this had to happen, she suddenly remembered something. Won't a cookie rot after a while? Oh no! Then, won't she die in about two weeks?

[As I said, stop worrying. I won't let you die to something like rotting, so relax.]

Right, I'm not a normal cookie. I have a goddess preserving my life, so why should I be worried?

[Hehe, you finally stop worrying. This goddess wants you to call me by my name, without the goddess part. Can't we be friends?]

Yeah yeah. Sure! After I become human again.

[Apologies, I just realised that I can't bring you back yet.]

What? Fine fine. I'll continue calling you goddess Crystal then.

[Hey! I'll try my best to bring you back to your body as soon as possible. So rest assured.]

Thank you. I mean, that is what you are supposed to do, so... Nikkie smiled. Even though she didn't have her parents by her side, at least she has Crystal to talk to, so she isn't completely alone. Though she really wondered, how is it up there, watching humans do what they do every day. Is the view nice?

"Let's go back home now. It's getting late!" "Aww... Bye Mitchell and Lana. See you next time!" Nikkie heard. They are finally leaving! Good! Nikkie's tiny cookie body was aching from leaning on that rock for too long. The rock was so hard! What did she expect from a rock?

Waiting till the sound of humans disappeared, Nikkie finally dared to go out of the cave. No one. Good! She has never been so relieved that there was no one else around. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. There was only the occasional sound of animals passing by and the crickets singing their usual song at night. She had actually waited until the sky turned dark! The light from the house was the only light source which allowed her to see now, apart from the fireflies flying around her.

Wow! So beautiful! Indeed, at night in the wild, you can see things that you can't see in the day. The different animals, the lovely fireflies, many types of animals gather at night and sleep in the day. Nikkie, being so busy with school stuff, never gets the chance to go up and personal with nature. She's always busy either studying, or going out with her friends, or spending time with her parents, or sleeping. She would always procrastinate to no end if she were to be forced to do something other than those things. Since this is like a one in a lifetime chance for her, why not stay here another day?

Nikkie is also a very lazy person. She wouldn't do something if she doesn't need to do it. Like moving to another location. Since now she's out of danger, why not stay here and appreciate the beauty of the night? Lying on the soft grass, she moaned as her tense body relaxed. That day was indeed an exciting day. Nikkie shut her eyes and immediately fell asleep. Guess the exhaustion was too much for her to bear.

You better alert me if someone's coming and wake me up goddess Crystal, Nikkie thought before she fell into deep sleep.

[Of course I will, my friend. After all, isn't that what friends are for?]

Crystal watched as Nikkie peacefully slept and smiled. She deserves a break from all the drama that happened that day. After all, just two days ago, she was still worrying about failing exams and school.