
Reincarnated as a Cookie

I reincarnated as a cookie?! Eek! I have no legs, no arms, how do I move? [Roll of course!] I wanna be turned back to a human. Save me! Accompany Nikkie the cookie on her adventure to survive in the modern world

Kira1239 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

I've read so many novels about reincarnation, but, wow! The characters seem like they're not in the least affected, but, reality is so different! Nikkie thought as she travelled in circles on purpose, trying to get used to it so she will be less dizzy when she rolls.

"Look! A cookie!" Nikkie heard a child's voice. Shit. I've been spotted. Rolling away as fast as she could, she could hear the sound of the child's footsteps getting closer.

"Thump! Thump!" "Why is the cookie rolling away? I wanna eat you!" Nikkie heard as she frantically rolled away from the child. No, no no! I'm too slow. I need to be faster! Damn you goddess! Why didn't you tell me this child was coming?

[It would be more fun to see you rolling away from the child, so I purposely made the sound of the child's footsteps softer so you couldn't hear it.]

Grrrr..... Hateful goddess. Then make sure I survive.

[Sure. I'll make you slightly faster.]

Just as she heard the goddess say that, she felt herself going a tiny bit faster, barely any faster than before. Are you serious? This is your slightly faster? This is literally the same speed as previously!

[It is already a bit faster. Stop complaining.]

Curse you! Nikkie thought, cursing the goddess for the umpteenth time.

Up in some random realm, a goddess is still sipping her tea while watching Nikkie.

"Achoo!" Eh, why did I sneeze again? Do I have a cold? But goddesses can't get sick!

Back with Nikkie, she was still rolling for her life, screaming inwardly at a certain goddess. Ahhhhhhhhh! I would really appreciate if you would give me a human body right now! Kyahhhhhh! No! She was so close to getting me!

Wow! Luckily the goddess muted the channel with of Nikkie on it, so she couldn't hear Nikkie's frenzied screaming in her mind, or she would have gone deaf.

As Nikkie rolled at full speed forward, even she was getting exhausted. Why is that little kid so persistent in chasing me? Pesky child. I'm just a cookie! And you had lots earlier! Get your huge grabby hands away from me! Was I this annoying when I was little? Thinking of which, since young, as long as I would get a cookie, I would do anything! When I get back to my body, I won't eat cookies anymore! How is that kid so fast? And she has so must stamina too! Actually, the kid was moving quite slowly, but since the kid was quite young, she could not catch up with Nikkie. So Nikkie had actually not travelled far, it's just because of her small size that she thinks she travelled quite far.

[You're lucky the kid's mother hasn't seen you yet, or you'll definitely get caught.]

Damn you! You finally decided to appear! Help me out a little!

[Sure! Thank me later.]

Nikkie smiled. The goddess finally decided to help her. However, she did not feel herself getting faster at all. Instead, it seemed like nothing changed at all! Her smile turned upside down. Hey! Dear goddess! Where's the help you promised?

Just then, she saw a small cave up ahead, just nice for her to fit inside it, So that's the help the goddess was talking about! Nikkie rolled forward even faster at the discovery, determined to reach the cave faster so she did not have to roll much longer. She was starting to get dizzy and tired. Seems like she still needs to roll quite a bit more before she will get used to rolling like that. Wait, what if when she gets back to her body she will get too used to rolling and forget how to walk like a human?

[That's your own problem.]

... Knew this goddess isn't so kind... And Nikkie finally reached the cave and skillfully swerved in before leaning on the rock furthest in the cave. Yes, skilfully. Didn't I tell you Nikkie is quite smart? Leaning on the rock, Nikkie panted, exhausted from all the rolling. Phew! I probably won't be caught by that kid anymore. Letting her hands appear again, she wiped her sweat off her forehead. (Since Nikkie can cry, why can't she sweat?)

"Ahhmm..." Nikkie almost screamed out in fear. A big hand wandered around the entrance of the cave she took refuge in. She managed to stop herself from screaming out loud by putting her hand over her mouth just in time. I mean, you would be pretty creeped out if a cookie could speak, right?

Nikkie watched as the hand moved around, trying to get her and almost touching her several times. Oh. My. God. She almost got a heart attack, if she had a heart as a cookie. All the times the hand almost managed to grab her as the hand continued to try to reach deeper into the cave where Nikkie was. Cold sweat dripped down her back. If the hand could reach in just a little further, she would be doomed!

[Don't worry. She won't be able to reach you. I designed the cave after all, Her hand won't be able to reach you if you continue leaning on the rock you are leaning on now, though it is funny to see you so scared. Haha! Scaredy-cat!]

I'm not a scaredy-cat! Why don't you replace me and see if you will be scared?

[I won't be like you, so scared that you're literally shaking in fear. I have confidence in the cave I made, okay?]

Nikkie rolled her eyes. The shameless overconfident goddess showing off again. I really hope the kid goes away soon. I don't trust that goddess. But having that goddess around made Nikkie more self-conscious, so as to not get picked on by that goddess. Oh, speaking of which, she hadn't gotten the goddess's name yet.

[My name's Crystalline, but you can call me Crystal. You only thought of finding out my name now? I'm hurt 🥺.]

I apologise for my disrespect, goddess Crystal. Nikkie thought sarcastically.

[That's more like it.]