
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasy
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358 Chs

Chapter 319

Vorbuk walked to the back of the merchant cart to look out as they entered the town. The scenery as they got further into Drethia seemed to wilt away. Land was slowly looking more and more dead as they came further. Now that they entered the town the land had truly started to look like a haunted forest of death.

Homes were made out of the sides of wilted trees. Trees had turned grey and white with black spots. The land looked as if it was decaying. Is this because of the high number of undead races that roamed within the boundaries of Drethia?

Roads were wide even as they entered the town they first came across. This was because the number of those who lived inside of Drethia was small. Few came looking for adventure inside such a dangerous kingdom. There were few buildings and most of those that were made were created large in order to host several guests or ensure that guests were given vast privacy inside their businesses.

Vampires were not social beings. Those who were most often roamed in large social gatherings. Businesses like clubs were often used as a means for the social vampires to hunt among a crowd and feed. It was uncommon in Drethia to find a vampire that was not twisted in such manner. Their king had created a place where vampires could roam purely on instinct to hunt the weak.

The merchant cart came to a stop outside a large dark mansion that was built around the base of several leaning ancient trees. It was painted in dark colors giving it an even more eerie feeling. That feeling was balanced out by the dark beauty behind its delicate design that took much care.

Climbing down from the cart they all began to walk towards the entrance of the mansion. Captain Cory lead the way as he knew where they were.

Vampires did not stay in crowded inns. When it came to inns they preferred to use large mansions. In this method they could allow the guests, especially vampires, plenty of space to rest in peace. That was also why businesses in Drethia towns were spread apart more widely then average human towns in Cadirade.

"Hm~ You all may call me Mandes," A vampire spoke as they entered the mansion's doors. He was waiting inside for them since the moment he heard their merchant cart pull up outside the mansion. As a vampire his hearing was heightened. The vampire gave his best business smile as he said, "Welcome to The Maroon Inn. You all seem to have come a long way."

"Ah, Mandes, you look like you have been doing well." Captain Cory smiled back with his own best. It was clear to Vorbuk that they both had met in the past as they spoke.

The vampire, Mandes, gave them all a careful once over before saying to Captain Cory, "Cory, it has been a while since I last saw you sneaking around our territory. I suppose you are looking into the auction house items?"

Mandes had been running the vampire's mansion they were in for years now. They were known as an inn to the public eyes outside. However internally they were known for black market deals, gambling, and other activities. Most of which were illegal in any kingdom outside of Drethia.

Over the years Captain Cory had come to The Maroon Inn many times. Most of those times were due to his interest in acquiring items or people through the vampires. This inn had come to recognize Captain Cory as a wandering merchant because there were many rare items that could be obtained in Drethia. As long as you could live long enough to get your hands on them. He had come to this place many times in recent years.

"I did not come for that this time. Actually I am just passing through for the capital." Captain Cory replied honestly to Mandes. He knew that there was a limit to how far he could lie to a vampire and get away with it. If they were caught they would be in trouble. Instead he chose to be honest in their destination. He simply did not give the truth behind the reason.

Mandes's eyes flickered with a hint of regret at the mention of the capital of Drethia, "You're on a suicide trip. Pity. It was pleasant having you as a guest when you came to Drethia."

"Why are you condemning me like that? When have I ever got myself into trouble?" Captain Cory felt wronged by those words.

Mandes shook his head as he walked them through the mansion. Silence fell over the group as they moved through the halls together. He was leading them towards the counter and asked, "How many rooms do you need?"

"My men can take care of themselves as usual. Two should do it." Cory smiled brightly and it made Mandes shiver.

Mandes tossed the keys for the rooms to Cory and said, "Do not smile like that. It is unpleasant. Show yourself there. I have other things to tend to."

Captain Cory turned and headed up a tall winding stairway to the second floor. Prince Leo, Sebastian, and the wolf followed him closely from behind. He knew they were considering many questions in their mind. It was best they remained quiet until they were alone before asking them. Caution had to be taken in front of the vampires of this kingdom.

Reaching the top of the stairs they went down a long hallway. When they reached the first room for the two keys that Cory was carrying they stopped. The captain turned to look at them and tossed the key to Prince Leo, "This will be the room for you three. Enjoy."

"The three of us are sharing?" Prince Leo paused at the thought of being stuck in a room with Sebastian.

Captain Cory chuckled as he said quietly, "Humans are best not left alone in this place."

"Ah." Prince Leo recalled that he and Sebastian were supposed to be careful. They had to remain around Vorbuk at all times in order to seem as if they were owned by him. If they were careless they would draw the attention of slavers that roamed the streets in the kingdom of Drethia.

After parting outside the door the three went into the room. It was a wide and spacious place. Two large beds were to the side of the room. In a far corner of the room that was darkly lit a single coffin stood against the wall. It was a place meant for vampires to rest. Vampires did not use beds to sleep because they rarely needed sleep. If they chose to rest it was most commonly done in a coffin due to how perfect they were at sealing away any interference from the world that would disturb their sleep. Such as sound and light.

"I have this odd feeling that one of you should go look inside that thing." Prince Leo said to the both of them.

Sebastian sighed as he walked passed them both and went straight for the bed. As he lay down on the bed he said to the prince, "There is nothing inside it."

"You both should get some rest. Do not cause a commotion over that box." The wolf said to the prince as he walked over to the window to take a look outside. He could see the other pirates hanging out by their merchant carts outside.

Prince Leo muttered to himself as he thought, That is not just a box. It made him uncomfortable to sleep in the same room as that thing. Even if there was nothing inside of the coffin it made him uncomfortable.