
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
358 Chs

Chapter 314

"Allisa?" Elas's voice called back to Allisa at the sound of her troubled voice calling out for his aid.

Cutting down a pirate he turned and rushed in the direction of the wolf. His sword was gripped firmly in his hand as he blocked any random strikes from the rogues around him. Pirates truly have no honor in fighting.

Heat from the prince's burning flames around the area caused sweat to drip from Elas's forehead. The elf disliked the heat. It made him feel more exhausted to fight under the heavy waves of heat being put off by the fire.

A light flickered in Elas eyes as his free hand stretched out to the side. Having trained his mana alongside Vulen over the years. The elf was able to control his element well. Tree vines stretched down from above. Grasping at the wolf and vampire while Ashley's scythe repeatedly sliced away at them.

Elas was able to communicate with and control plants. It was not an element that most would consider scary at mere mention. In fact many would probably scoff and laugh at the mention of his ability. However with his personality his nickname from those who knew him had become more of something he disliked more then the jokes about his ability.

Elas, a thorn of the elves. With his ability over plants he could be surrounded by a beautiful scenery. His personality amongst even the most beautiful scenery was different. The elf was like a prickly thorn on the side of a rose.

Vorbuk dodged the tree vines that came for him while the vampire continued to slice through them. The wolf used his sharp fangs to shred apart the tree vines that attempted to attack him. Ashley had to remain near the archer to keep her under control. As the wolf moved further out he was not able to protect his master from those tree vines. The wolf had to cut them down on his own while the vampire protected himself and kept the archer captive.

The wolf dodged vine after vine as he got closer to Elas. Both of them closing in one each other. A deep growl was heard coming from the beast. Red light glowing in the wolf's eyes made him seem as if something from a nightmare. Elas saw the red fog coating the beast's body as he fought back. The wolf was using the shadows to avoid and attack the vines.

"Your Majesty," Elas called out to the wolf tauntingly as he continued to send tree vines after the beast, "You seem to be quite far from your palace."

Vorbuk struggled to get closer. The elf had stopped moving in as well. Keeping a distance from the beast the elf hoped to avoid being taken down easily. He wanted to help Allisa and did what he could. The wolf was being kept back from him thanks to his talent with the vines. If only he could properly fight back against the beast. He had to stop them from harming Allisa.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Vine after vine struck the ground around the wolf. They were aiming for him. Every time he managed to dodge it felt like the attacks were gaining momentum. He could tell the elf felt desperate.

Flinch! Vorbuk's body jerked as a tree vine stabbed into his side from behind. His sharp fangs exposing with a pained growl. Turning his head quickly around he snapped the vine. Continuing to struggle against their attacks.

"Master..." Ashley muttered under his breath. His hand holding the scythe twitched as he considered just killing the archer and rushing over to help Vorbuk.

Restrain.... Vorbuk thought as he felt the need to catch Elas alive. He knew the elf worked closely for General Vulen. It would be useful to keep him alive just like Allisa. At least until they got information out of them.

Black shadows started to seep up from the ground below Elas's feet. A flickering glow in the wolf's eyes as he used his mana to try and restrain the elf from a distance by controlling the shadows. Using them like serpents or living rope. They tried to wrap around the elf's ankles and hold him in place.

Elas was startled by the shadows attacking him from below. They were trying to take him captive. Struggling to get away from them as they continued to embrace him from below. Shadows continued to expand from the ground and slowly climb their way up the elf's body as he struggled.

"What-?!" Elas knew he needed to think of something quickly.

Glancing up at the tree tops. His hand raised and all the surrounding trees bent over and made way. Directly allowing the sunlight to shine down on where Elas struggled. The shadows became weaker in the light of the sun. With less things making shadows they were weak enough for Elas to break free from their grasp on him.

Elas took the chance to free himself from the shadows hold on him. Jumping away as he sent another wave of attacks at the beast.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The tree vines struck the ground faster and harder. Rock and dirt were thrown into the air with every strike. A green light glowing in Elas's eyes as he tried his hardest to fight back against the wolf.

"Childish tricks!" Captain Cory's voice could be heard calling out to Elas loudly.

Elas pulled his sword quickly to block an incoming attack.

BAM! Shnnng!

The captain slammed his fist into Elas's sword. His blade vibrated as it made a ringing sound in the ears. Elas glared back at Captain Cory as the man's wolf ears and tail twitched at the excitement of a fight. Cory had already killed several knights. Coming over quickly to help when he saw the wolf was struggling.

It would be difficult if the one who promised to pay me well was killed during the job. Captain Cory thought to himself.

Vorbuk growled as he felt thankful for the pirate's help. Even if he understood the pirate captain probably cared very little about his life. The pirate only helped for the sake of being payed after completing the job.


Taking advantage of Captain Cory distracting the elf. Vorbuk was able to close in on Elas. Lunging upward the wolf's massive paws slammed into the elf's chest, shoving him backwards. His jaws biting down on the elf's shoulder. Teeth sinking into him briefly before the tree vines shot downwards.

"Argh!" Elas grunted in pain from the beast biting into him.

The tree vines grasped around the wolf and yanked him off of the elf violently. Tossing the wolf aside with a hard thud against the ground. Vorbuk did not stay down long as he quickly rose back up to his feet.

The elf rose to his own feet just the same. Elas picked his sword back up with his good arm. Blood seeped from the bite wound on his other shoulder. The tree vines waved about the air around him. It seemed as if they were cautiously determining which way to attack from.

Vorbuk slowly moved closer to Captain Cory as he watched Elas carefully.