
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"System Wake Up"

Once he introduced himself, he didn't seem to bother to continue talking as he unfolded a package on a desk to the side, taking out two things inside: six round black stones and a bright blue crystal ball.

His Yuntao placed the six black stones on the ground in a hexagon shape, then motioned to the first boy on the left to stand inside.

"Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully."

As he spoke, Su Yuntao's eyes suddenly lit up, and in the dismayed eyes of the children, he shouted in a deep voice:

"Lone Wolf Body Improvement."

A strand of greenish-purple light rose from between his eyebrows, continuing upwards, then on his rear back a dark purple werewolf phantom formed.

His body grew in small circles and his hands took the shape of claws and the most striking thing was his eyes that took on a dark purple color.

Furthermore, coldly shining with a dazzling brilliance. Two concentric halos of light shone brightly from beneath his feet, constantly moving from beneath his feet to the crown of his head. Among them one was white, the other was yellow. Extremely strange.

Jia Hao was the first to stand among the black stones, his eyes looking at the transformation of Su Yuntao's body, he was surprised after all it was the first time he had seen it in person.

When he was thinking this, a scream was heard behind him:

"Aaaaah~~~~~~", the boy behind was about to run away in fear.

The cool purple glow in Su Yuntao's eyes was truly terrifying.

He just looked at him and said:

"I said don't be afraid. This is my spirit, Lone Wolf. If one of you is able to become a spirit master in the future, he too will be able to employ similar abilities."

The only one who was not immediately scared were Tang San and Jia Hao, the rest, although they were not so scared, their legs were still shaking.

As Su Yuntao clasped both his hands, at lightning speed, six faint golden lights poured onto the black stones on the ground. Immediately, a layer of hazy golden light was released from the stones and rose up.

For some reason, when Jia Hao was enveloped in the faint golden light, he immediately fell silent, somewhat bored standing there.

Every speck of golden light fluttered out from the black stones and entered deeper into his body.

Jia Hao felt some kind of shackle break within his body.

"Stretch out your right hand."

Su Yuntao's two purple eyes stared at Jia Hao.

Jia Hao extended his right hand slowly, then stopped. All the specks of light surged, instantly a common blue silver grass appeared in his hand.

It would seem that this herb was not a trick of the light, but actually existed physically.

Jia Hao was immediately disappointed.

Even if he already expected it it was still a bit painful, after all he was not Tang San and he couldn't carry this common martial weapon at the same level as him after all Tang San's was the Silver Grass Emperor...

However just when he was a little sad he felt light gather from his left arm to his palm and another martial soul came out.

He quickly closed it and checked that they didn't notice, then sighed a little excited but still melancholy.

He didn't expect it to be a double spiritual weapon but unfortunately they were two wasted weapons.

But then he cheered up "Even if it's just a common sickle, it still has a bit of attack power as long as I have spiritual power I can cultivate and even if I'm the weakest Spirit Master that's better than being a civilian in this life" he thought to himself same.

Su Yuntao wrinkled his brow,

"It is a grass-type spirit... But it is the most common and weakest of all"

His Yuntao was not very disappointed as it was something he had expected for a long time.

With a wave of his hand the golden light gradually disappeared.

But at that precise moment Jia Hao was stunned on the spot.

The Yuntao of him said:

"It is a useless spirit. It has no attack potential, no defensive power, and no assist ability. Blue silver grass is also considered the standard of useless spirits."

"Haa~ Come, let me test if you have spiritual power. If you possess spiritual power, even if your spirit is the blue silver grass it can undergo martial spirit cultivation."

Su Yuntao said trying to comfort him a little. However, what he didn't know was that at this moment Jia Hao was in shock obviously not because of the impact of having a waste of martial spirit but because a ringing sound was heard in his ears and with it a pair of panels appeared in his retina.




[LINKING TO ANFRITION AT 1...10...50....100%]


Indeed the novels did not lie to me, even if it arrives late it will never be missing.

Jia Hao was so happy that he was already thinking about how he was going to defeat all the enemies and finally become a powerful spiritual master. But Su Yuntao quickly woke him up from his sleep.

Su Yuntao said coldly:

"I do not have all day". Jia Hao put his hands on the blue crystal ball in front of him.

Jia Hao's immature little hand and Su Yuntao's wolf claws above and below the crystal ball respectively, there was a clear contrast.

A moment later, Su Yuntao said somewhat dejectedly:

"With spiritual power but pitifully only level 2 barely cultivable. I recommend that you do not become a Spirit Master. But if you insist you can still work hard and to reach level 9 throughout your life Haa~ forget it aside there are still more "

Jia Hao ignored him and quickly left, not even interested in the rest of the awakenings.

Once Jia Hao left, scenes continued to unfold, one after another, the spirits of seven children were awakened. Their spirits were a few pickaxes, sickles and similar agricultural tools. No Beast Spirits appeared in succession, and as for spiritual power, Su Yuntao considered them all to be "null".

Until the last child's turn came, Tang San was going to wake up.


A few minutes after Jia Hao came out and dodged the village chief's questions, he arrived at a secluded place.

I quickly called the system in his mind:

"System, explain your functions to me"

No one answered him, just when he doubted that what he heard before was a hallucination, a warm current seemed to arise in his mind and it contained information about the system.

"So this is how it works... Amazing with this system as long as I used it correctly I can become Title Douluo even a god it's not a dream"

Jia Hao understood how powerful his system was after all, even though it only had three basic functions, it was very powerful.

As his name said, his system was about replication, it may seem simple but it is not, his first function is called [Copy] not only talents, but martial spirits, martial arts and herbs or legendary items. ..

Unfortunately you can only have two martial spirits and the blue silver grass cannot be replaced but the sickle can, but it is not a big regret either since the second function of the system allows you to improve like this is [Improvement] be it weapons, martial spirit or items and take them to a higher level.

As for the even simpler third function of him, it was simply [Status] which allowed him to evaluate his power more accurately.

With these functions, if I couldn't become more powerful, I might as well change my name.

In addition, the system had its own recognition and classification system for the level of either martial spirit or items.

And they were divided from lowest to highest into: broken, ordinary [1], ordinary [2], ordinary [3], Elite [1], Elite [2], Elite [3], Superior Martial Soul [1], Martial Soul Superior [2], Superior Martial Soul [3], and God-level Martial Soul.

As for objects, it is the same, divided into three levels but removing the martial soul from the phrase.

Then he decided to use state first:

"Status" he thought in his mind and before his eyes a fairly simple panel opened.

Jia Hao

Level: 2 (Spirit Scholar)

Spirit Weapons: Blue Silver Grass (Broken), Sickle (Ordinary [1]

Talent: ordinary [1]

Skills: None

Copy: [5]

Improve: [5]

Items: [8] gold coins.

Evaluation: A weak little chicken.

He made a wry face, if he hadn't awakened the system he would probably be fighting at the Scholar Spirit level for his entire life.

It seems that if he wants to continue getting opportunities to copy he must complete some achievements or kill spiritual masters, as for what the achievements are the system did not give it to him in the information package he had to find out by himself.

In fact Jia Hao was already thinking about his first target and that was of course his dear friend Tang San as to why not his father Tang Hao is why there is a 10 level limitation to be able to successfully copy huh he even has a chance of fail depending on the degree of hostility or repulsion.

After he did some more tests he returned to the martial hall but only Tang San and Grandpa Jack were left.

It seemed like they were talking about something and then he took his hand and they headed to Tang San's house.

Jia Hao knew what was going to happen and had no interest in watching a family drama so he simply went and went to bed for the afternoon, there will be time tomorrow there is no reason to rush...


A few minutes earlier when Tang San left the spiritual hall he wanted to ask Su Yuntao something but he had already picked up the package and was heading to leave.

"Old Jack."

With the door open, Old Jack with a tense face went to meet Su Yuntao.

"Grandmaster, what do you think? Is it possible that the children of this year's village have the ability to become spiritual masters?"

Su Yuntao looked at him, heaved a sigh and said:

"There is someone who does it, but it's a shame."

A bewildered and indeterminate expression was revealed in Jack's eyes. Probing further, he asked:

"Grandmaster, that result is..."

Su Yuntao said:

"This year, among these nine children, only two possess spiritual power, and even one possesses innate spiritual power, it's a pity, their spirits are blue silver grass. Do you understand?"

"Blue silver grass? Innate and full spiritual power? Heavens."

On Jack's face was a dejected expression that was much more serious compared to Su Yuntao's.

He, who had been the village chief for so many years, naturally understood the meaning that innate and full spiritual power represented.

But this innate spiritual power appeared with the blue silver grass spirit; that really was...

"Grandmaster, does the blue silver grass really have no cultivation form?"

Jack asked with a frown.

Su Yuntao could understand Old Jack's mental state. Instead of his previous arrogant attitude, patting old Jack on the shoulder, he said:

"He is not completely unable to cultivate. Just that you consider the blue silver grass in the spiritual promotion index; what can evolution achieve? Useless spirits are, in the end, useless spirits. Even while becoming a spiritual master, "It will probably be a useless spiritual master. This innate spiritual power is really a pity. Well, then I will leave first, I still have to go to another village."

In the end, Su Yuntao did not wait for Tang San to continue asking questions and left the village. Without Su Yuntao, Tang San could only rush to Jack outside and ask him his most pressing question:

"Grandpa Jack, what is a spirit ring? How can you get a spirit ring?"

Old Jack, as if he was still thinking about Su Yuntao's words, responded subconsciously:

"I also don't know what the spirit ring is. To obtain the spirit ring, apparently one must hunt spirit beasts. This is a very dangerous task that only spirit masters are capable of performing."

"By the way Tang San besides you who was the other one who obtained cultivation qualifications... Even if he doesn't achieve much it's better than being an ordinary person"

"Yes, grandpa, the person who got the qualification besides me was Brother Jia Hao."

There was a gleam in old Jack's eyes and then he murmured, "Well the old man from the next village owes me a favor, and his village doesn't have anyone with spiritual power so I can get another job student job." .."

"Well little San let's go and see that father of yours"...