
Reincarnate as a Zorua in a Pokemon world

Follow the adventure of a boy who reincarnated in the Pokémon world as a little Zorua. He will try to adapt to the new place where he finds himself, while becoming much stronger and laying many eggs in different Pokémon, or who knows, perhaps a human girl will give birth to a child with fox-like characteristics.

RyenMC · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 4

"What the heck did I do to deserve being tortured like this?!" I wondered when I was bitten by a giant dog, and to top it off, he used <Fire Fang> for the fifteenth time, so apart from hurting, it burned if I was unlucky. He might be holding back not to completely break the barrier protecting me, and although the barrier mitigates a large part of the damage, the same cannot be said for the damn pain!

"Stou-Stoutland! (Hold on, weakling!)" said the giant dog before spitting me to the ground.

"How am I supposed to endure this kind of training if I feel like I'll be cooked alive with one of your bites?! I've been trying to learn <Fire Fang> this way for three whole days."

"Stou-Stoutland (The best way for you to learn to use this move is to experience it with your body. It's not a move your species naturally learns or has high compatibility with. So stop complaining and bite that wooden stick until it turns to ashes)."

"Fine!" I shouted before starting to bite the stupid wooden stick with all my might. But all I managed to do was leave marks of my teeth and nothing more.

"Stou-Stoutland! (Why can't you learn something as easy as a simple move?)" Upon hearing that, I felt anger bubbling up from deep within me, and in a fit of rage, I looked at the lazy dog that did nothing but ask me to get close to his mouth to bite me and then sent me to bite a damn wooden stick.

"Screw you!" I yelled before transforming into a Pidgey and flying over him before diving towards his back to bury all my teeth in his skin.

But when I bit, I couldn't even pierce his skin, which made me even angrier, and I tried to bite him harder as retaliation for what the son of a bitch had done to me.

But suddenly I could see flames appearing in my field of vision, and that got me more excited, but before I could take another bite, long fur appeared that interrupted my bite, and when I bit that fur, I was dragged in less than a second in front of the giant mustached dog.

"Stou-Stoutland (Well, kid, you finally did it. I thought it would take you much longer, but you learn quite fast)," he said with a pleasant old man's voice before putting me on the ground and handing me a Sitrus Berry.

Before I could retort, I heard a loud noise from quite far away and became alert, but all I saw was a tree that was somewhat far from this place that had just been knocked down, and after a while, my sister came jumping in our direction.

"Bune-Buneary! (Brother, I did it, I finished learning <Ice Punch>)," she said with much excitement, and I was also happy for her. But I envy her a bit, she has <Copycat >, which is a one-use Sharingan, allowing her to learn moves much more easily.

She had already learned <Thunder Punch>, <Fire Punch>, and <Attract >, and I was the guinea pig for my mother and sister for the last move, which still makes it hard for me to face them remembering the feeling I had for them when I was under the effects of <Attract >, and I tried to attack them.

I think my mother noticed my strange behavior because she held me back and prevented me from getting too close to either of them when I was under the effect of <Attract >. Normally, Pokémon only become temporary Simps. But what I felt was different, and the worst part is that I think there are still remnants of those emotions because I feel a strange emotion when I interact with both of them.

I abandoned those thoughts and told my sister, "I also finished learning <Fire Fang>" with quite a bit of joy. I won't have to go through that torture anymore.

"Bune-Buneary! (Congratulations, brother, you finally did it!)" My sister congratulated me while giving me a hug.

"Lopu-Lopunny (Congratulations, Zorua, but I think you're forgetting something)," said our mother with a slight chuckle. I looked at her with confusion until I realized something and looked in the direction of the giant mustached dog.

He looked at me with a smile before saying something that gave me a chill, "Stou-Stoutland (Remember that you still need to learn <Bite > But don't worry, it's a move related to your type. Therefore, it won't be too hard for you to learn it)." This hell is not over.

"Lopu-Lopunny (Rest today, and tomorrow we continue)," said our mother before walking away. She always goes out to replenish the berries we consume, it's a shame I can't drink her milk anymore. But why would it be a shame? I don't know what's been happening to me lately.

"Bune-Buneary (Brother, let's go to sleep)." When I heard my sister, I approached the giant dog and fell asleep instantly in his fur, but before doing so, I felt my sister doing the same, hugging me.

My sister and I woke up at the same time, and the first thing we did was pick up some berries our mother left on the ground.

When we finished eating, I turned into a Buneary and stood in front of her, and we started playing 'Patty Cake.' I like playing this kind of game with my sister, it makes us closer, and besides, this game can help us improve our coordination a bit if we end up fighting as a team or so I believe.

"Yaaaawwwwwnnnnn." We looked in the direction of the giant dog that always gave a deep yawn when he woke up.

"Stou-Stoutland (How nice that you woke up early, accompany your sister to where your mother is, and come back so we can continue training) Cough."

"Well, I'll be back, old man," I told the giant dog before accompanying my sister.

"Bune-Buneary (See you later, grandpa)," when she finished saying goodbye, we walked towards where our mother was.

After walking for about a minute, I found something interesting on the path we took to get to where our mother trained.

It was a Sewaddle hanging on a leaf of a fairly small tree, a caterpillar wearing clothes made of leaves. I've seen several Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Wurmple, Spearow, Wingull, and other Pokémon whose names I can't remember. But this is the first Pokémon that evolves into a waifu that I encounter besides my sister and my mother who already is one.

I don't know its gender, but it doesn't hurt to check, although it seemed quite calm eating a tree leaf, it's not something that would prevent me from trying. So I stopped my sister who was still walking and told her, "Wait a moment, I have something to do."

After notifying her, I looked in the direction of the Sewaddle and used <Attract >, and to my luck, I could see how the <Attract > took effect, and the Sewaddle started to wobble on the leaf it was eating.

I transformed into a Pidgey and grabbed the Sewaddle to the ground. I saw how the Sewaddle didn't resist, so I returned to my original form.

"Bune-Buneary (Brother, why did you do all that?)" My sister asked me about my hasty actions, but it was something that couldn't be helped.

"I want to take care of this Pokémon, it looks so pitiful, and I want to raise it," my sister looked at me with slight doubts, but I simply ignored her gaze.

"Can you put her on my back along with the leaf?" My sister continued to doubt my true intentions, but she couldn't notice anything strange either.

"Bune-Buneary (Alright)," she placed the Sewaddle on my back, and we continued on our way.

Maybe I should become a Pokémon trainer by pretending to be human using my illusion in human cities and blending in with the environment? I really should give it a try.

[Creation is hard, cheer me up!]

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