

The shining-red round light leaped high into the bright blue sky, then hung over the air lightly burning out brighter that the sun.

“Oh, there’s another one!”

That’s going to bring more of the surrounding monsters in, the viewers in the Gran Tsar knew.

The flare was a signal they had prepared forehand to draw in the monsters in other direction as a bait.

He had already shot a number of them up, and each time it happened, more monsters gathered in the area.

Other the other side of the windowpane a knight swipe the glass bringing on many monitors go view the monsters in the airspace.

One of the many monitors hanging from the windowpane of the Gran Tsar displayed a group of dragons, reddish-brown in color chewing on the broken down pieces of an aircraft in the airspace.

There were at least three hundred yards between them and the fleeing white bird across the sky, but he fired anyway, unconcerned with flare light stock or anything else.