

Where are the rest of my body? She looked down and noticed it lying right next to him.

"Why did you try to challenge me? Looks like got lost and ended up in the Wild Rift, but... you should've just run from me, yeah? I mean, even you must've known about augmented soldier."

It spoke like it was a very strange man indeed. Pieces of its body were deformed. And yet, the cross-sectional gashes in his body were overflowing with ether.

Strangest of all, the man had no face. His face was missing its vertical half.

He looked so inhuman that it was hard to tell whether he was alive at all.

An ether life-form.

An augmented soldier of the old world.

And an undead.

It was a supernatural being who cast off their physical body and transcended the framework of humanity, with the help of the system concept.

It occurred to her that this must be the end result of a person who raised their level high enough.


The reason was simple.

Because she wanted to be special.