


An augmented soldier with all three colors of ether was much more dangerous; they could wipe out entire nations. The meaning behind the colors was unclear, but one thing was certain: if there was an augmented soldier with more than one color nearby, the greater the likelihood of you dying.

Animal-type, Knight-type, dragon-type—all kinds of augmented soldiers existed during the starfall.

They had to be destroyed as quickly as possible.

But couldn't be destroyed as these soldiers had a huge amount of ether. They were only ripped off of their spirit which turned them to an undead. Their lack of strategy was the one saving grace. It was said that one year there would equal a lifetime's worth of battles for the average person, and that soon proved to be true.

Having heard of the rumors that the augmented soldier were still alive and roamed the Wild Rift.

She escaped the plant and sought out for them as an achievement.

She fought frantically and recklessly.