
Reign of the Wallenstein

Born as a child soldier in a war-torn country, Joey was destined for bloodshed. He spent half of his life on the battlefield, trying his hardest to stay alive. Unfortunately, fate has another plan for him. Joey was involved in some unfortunate accident and died without glory to his name. And yet the death he was expecting didn't come for him. Reincarnated as a boy with the same name as him, Joey Wallenstein must make sense of his new reality while trying to avoid his airhead mother's attempt in suffocating him to death. The story's pace is a bit slow in the beginning, but it will get better in the later chapters. What happens when MHA meets Danmachi? Let's find out, shall we? Though I'm warning you, some characters might have their age altered by the whim of the author. So it might throw you out of the loop. Expect the unexpected! If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/BCloud I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. The characters that appear in this fanfiction also didn't belong to me.

BCloud · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


Six years later.

Seigakuin Junior High School.

Grade 1, Class A

"Joey, can we have lunch together?"

A black-haired girl asked me six years after the monster spawn disaster. Now, I'm 12 years old! I finally graduated from the kiddy school.

It felt like just yesterday that I'm reincarnated into this world, but now I just had my middle school debut flashing before my very eyes.

I eyed the girl in front of me.

She looked familiar. Have I seen her before?

I don't... wait, I have seen her before. Ah, yeah. She had some resemblance to that girl with huge tits from MHA. Momo Yaozuru, or is it Yaoyoruzu? The Japanese name is quite hard to say, especially her name.

But why is she asking to have lunch with me? It's puzzling, but we're in the same class. So it should be okay? I don't particularly mind, so, "Sure. Just let me get my bento..."

Himiko always put the bento on the side compartment. I reach out to my bag and feel the surface with my hand, looking for that particular warm sensation.

Found it!

She's seated right behind me, so I rotated my chair to share a table with her.

"Oh right, I'm Joey Wallenstein. What's your name?"

"I heard and knew your name, Joey. I doubt anyone in the class will forget you anytime soon."

Hm, What is that mean?

She then slightly bowed her head.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu by the way, in case you forgot."

As expected, I was right. She's Momo. But I was wrong about her family name. But instill can't believe this girl is that Momo...

How could this boyish girl be Momo? Where are your big tits? Momo without big tits is not Momo at all.

"By your reaction, I don't think you remember my name, much less our other classmate." Fake Momo sighed.

What do you mean by my reaction? Are you Sherlock Holmes? But, indeed, I don't care about random kids in my class, so I might have untagged them from my radar. Still, I can't let this fake Momo know about this. I have a reputation to uphold.

I shake my head at her, "How rude. It's not I don't remember, but I choose not to remember. Got it?"

"Isn't that worse?"

"Not at all." I shake my chopstick at her. Japanese style. "We are bound to meet again at the U.A. Academy anyway."

"Not all people will become a pro hero though."

I shrugged, "Then they're not worth remembering."

I'm not kidding. Relationships without anything in common will not last long. They won't be able to understand each other.

I opened my bento and a familiar aroma immediately assaulted my nostril. Shit, who put veggies on my bento? Are they trying to mess with me? That was uncool.

What should I do with these veggies? No matter how much I want to throw them, my soul cried at the very notion of throwing food. I eyed the green beasts cautiously, thinking about their fate when I heard Momo calling out to me. Now that I looked closely, Momo with black hair in twin tails doesn't look that bad even without tits.

Ah! I saw an opening!

I caught her hand and said seriously. As serious as I can make it to be. Which is not serious at all. But it's the thought that counts.

"Momo, you're too skinny. Here, some bell peppers."

She looked startled for a moment, her face filled with doubt. But when she saw the bell peppers, she sighed.

"Hah... And you call yourself a man? So childish. And for your information, I'm not skinny, alright. I'm normal for a middle schooler."

"Here, I'll give you some service. You can have all the bell peppers."

"Huh, wait, Joey! stop it! That's too many veggies!"

"I know right?"


"What're you saying Momo. We're friends, aren't we? Friends always help each other."

"Friend? You have the gall to say that after dumping all of your peppers on my bento. Aren't you just pushing over what you don't want?" Momo looked at me with a flat gaze, unimpressed. "You don't even remember my name a few minutes ago!"

I sighed, "What a pampered Ojousama. Here let me take some of your bell peppers."

"Why are you looking so smug when you're only taking a bit of mine." Momo sighed. "And they're yours begin with."

She's picky, this fake Momo.

I wonder if her Quirk is still the same as Canon.

"Forget it, just think of it as you owe me one. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it."

She sure likes to nag.

Yum, Ohh this stuff is not bad. What is this? Chicken?

"Btw Joey, what's your Quirk? I'm sure it's not just a mere glowing Quirk."

Glowing? Is she referring to me? Is it supposed to be an insult? Unlikely, it looked like she was just curious.

I put the chicken dish in my mouth and tasted the flavor. It's delicious~

"What do you call this dish?"

"That should be Caprese Chicken."

"Ohh, that sounds amazingly delicious. Momo, You sure know everything."

"It's nothing, it's just– wait, you haven't answered my question yet, don't change the subject!"

The one who snapped first was Momo.

I gulped the milk down my throat and wiped my lips with a handkerchief.

"Okay, no need to get angry."

I calm her down with my treasured veggies.

"Stop doing that to my bento."

I ignored her refusal.

"Why did you think my quirk is more than that?"


"Is it because I'm a Wallenstein?"

She winced, "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

I don't really care though.


Momo also belongs to the upper-class household. Though not as influential as Wallenstein. This made her sensitive to these kinds of things, I guess. Suck to be her.

"I'm joking. But the blood of Ais Wallenstein indeed runs through my vein, so my Quirk can't be weak. It's Quintekinesis, life force manipulation."

Rather than being excited about my quirk, her eyes sparkled when I started to talk about mom. Looked like she's just like Himiko, they're both Ais's fangirls.

At the end of her ranting about how awesome my mom is, Momo asked me something.

"So, what is it? tell me the truth!"

She can't help but ask again.

"You won't be able to distract me again! It's been six years, It's finally time! Now, fess up!"

"Six years? What're you talking about?"

Hmm, I tuned her out since she started gushing out about mom. And somehow my thought wandered to the training and missed what she was talking about.

She's talking about something that happened six years ago... Did something happen to us six years ago? I don't think so, but... Now that I think about it, It was six years ago that I reincarnated into this world.


This girl... Don't tell me...

Did she know... my secret?

What should I do?


Should I kill her...?

No, I can't kill her now. Too many eyewitnesses.

Without realizing my internal struggle, Momo fidget as she muttered something to me. "Well, I'm not sure if you remember. But, we have met six years ago."


Is that when she found out I'm a fake? How? I don't think I made a blunder. I am not a rookie.

"We used to be classmates."


"I'm not sure if you remember but we go to the same Elementary School and have the same class in our first grade." She perks up, but a sudden memory made her down. "Though starting from the second grade, we always had different classes."

Is that... It?

What the hell... I am not sure what to think anymore. Did this mean I'm safe? Sheesh, this fake Momo. You nearly made me kill an innocent girl.

"But I always heard all of your antics from the other classmates. You always..."


Uh, she's still going strong in her Deja Vu. Talking about the old-time sure has her going. With a faraway gaze on her face, she happily retells our past that I had no clue about.

Why is she so concerned about the past anyway. Especially something about me...

"Don't tell me... Momo, do you like me?"

Nah, it's just my imagination. I shouldn't assume things without finding concrete evidence first. Less I make another wrong assumption.

The class suddenly become quiet as everyone started looking at us. Momo also has stopped her ranting.

I glanced at Momo, trying to catch her attention. But she avoided my gaze. I tried harder, something in my gaze must have made her wave a white flag.

C'mon, say something will you. Say that I was wrong.

With a face as red as a tomato, she bit her lower lip while glancing at me, "So what if I like you?"

Her voice is small, but since the class is as quiet as it could be. Everyone could hear her voice clearly.



Everyone is going crazy.

Did I just dig my own grave?