
Reign of the Wallenstein

Born as a child soldier in a war-torn country, Joey was destined for bloodshed. He spent half of his life on the battlefield, trying his hardest to stay alive. Unfortunately, fate has another plan for him. Joey was involved in some unfortunate accident and died without glory to his name. And yet the death he was expecting didn't come for him. Reincarnated as a boy with the same name as him, Joey Wallenstein must make sense of his new reality while trying to avoid his airhead mother's attempt in suffocating him to death. The story's pace is a bit slow in the beginning, but it will get better in the later chapters. What happens when MHA meets Danmachi? Let's find out, shall we? Though I'm warning you, some characters might have their age altered by the whim of the author. So it might throw you out of the loop. Expect the unexpected! If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/BCloud I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. The characters that appear in this fanfiction also didn't belong to me.

BCloud · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


I was overseeing the battle between the two ladies from a safe distance. Occasionally, I changed my places when they got too close for comfort. I also made sure not to stay in one place for too long. Suddenly I saw Dusty Ash's mouth curve into a smile.

Not good!

She's planning something! But I was too late to warn Narvi.

Dusty jumped and did a double flip in the air, "Let's see how you dodge this! Haaap!" She cry out and smashed her hammer at the maid below, bringing with her great momentum.


With a loud explosion, the terrain was utterly wrecked as dirt, rocks, and pebbles flew wildly. I darted around the branches and pull out a silver knife from the sheath, flicking the strays pebbles away from me. They're pretty much bullets with how fast they moved. While dodging the hell away, I tried to find a good vantage point. That smash from Dusty caused a lot of dust to block my sight. Preventing me from seeing the overall situation.

Suddenly, some of the dust shifted before parted from the rest. It flew in my direction with surprising speed. With no time to think, I could only hop back for safety measures, dodging the onslaught of dust that flew my way.

What is it? My mind is already on its way to analyzing the spectacle in front of me. Is this her Quirk? They're moving on their own, so It's should be dust manipulation. But why the respiratory and not reinforced glasses? To prevent dust from entering her nose and mouth? But it's secondary compared to eyes. It's a different story if she could fight with her eyes closed.

Wait, don't tell me...

She could do that? Only a master capable to do such a feat. Then is she a master? Hmm, I don't think so. She's too young. There's also a possibility that it comes with her quirk. It made such a feat feasible.

With [Vision of Life] I peered at the situation inside the cloud of dust while avoiding some myself. They're still battling, but Narvi is on the losing side as she could only defend herself against the onslaught of Dusty's hammer blows with her eyes closed. She's practically blind there, her maid outfit had also become a mess.

I'm sure she could escape if she want to but why does she keep staying there?! Don't tell me she's afraid I'll be in danger once she escaped?

Not good. The situation is not good. I have to do something. But what?

It will be seeking death to charge into the dust cloud. So there's only that option. I flicked the silver knife in my left hand to my right and began charging the magic knife with life force. Lightning started to flicker around the blade as I keep pumping more juice into it. A minute of charging made the blade hum, vibrating gently. But my hand started to become numb, and it get worse by the second due to the constant electricity weaving through the knife and my hand.

My gaze locked on two green silhouettes before shifting to the one with bigger boobs. She should be Dusty Ash without a doubt. I'm pretty sure of it. Staring at her forehead, I raised the knife in my hand. No matter how powerful she was, the head is a known weakness for humanoid creatures. Even if it can't kill her, it should at least injures her to some degree.

But before I managed to throw the knife, I saw something alarming from the corner of my eyes. It's another people!

With [Vision of Life] I spotted three green silhouettes approaching at high speed. I don't have the leisure to figure out how they know our location or if it is just a coincidence. I must make a choice.

Do I kill her and deal with the three incoming people or escape and be pursued by four people like a rat. The former is not bad while the latter is a stupid choice. But I didn't choose either one of them.

Done with the knife, I enhanced my arm and hand as best as I could, then waited. I waited patiently until Dusty Ash locked in combat with Narvi.

A moment later, the time comes. When both clashed against each other, I hurl the magic knife into the cloud of dust.

Craaaackle~!! Fwooosh~

Under the observation of [Vision of Life], the knife went true to the marked area. I held a grimace when I heard a womanly scream. I can't see the blood spurting out from the villain myself but I can imagine the scene.

"Narvi, change of plan! we're escaping!" I yelled at the maid below. I can't see what happen inside so just in case, I told her up front, "Don't kill her!"

"What? Why?"

"I'll explain later, hurry up! Some people are approaching this place as we speak!"

Narvi finally agreed and we fled the place in a hurry. Along the way, I keep observing the situation by looking back over my shoulder. When we get far enough that even Narvi can't sense what was going on out there, we stopped and rested below the tree's shade.

Once I'm seated on a rock, Narvi showed her confusion to me, "Young master, why did you spare that woman?"

'Are you lusting after her body?' That is what I'm seeing from her expression. It's clearly written on her face. She gave me that suspicious look I often saw in movies when a wife suspects her husband is cheating on her.

I sighed, "How is that possible? I really spot some people approaching from the other direction."

"Isn't that the more reason to kill her? There's a high chance that they might be her comrades. Sparing her is the same as helping the enemies..."

Her eyes suddenly flickered with complicated emotion as she realized something. Narvi glanced at me with a complicated gaze, "You're so mature, young master. Sometimes I forgot that you're just 12 years old teenager." She sighed, "I guess it's normal for you to lack the insight that an adult should possess."

"Hey, are you dissing me now?" I gave her an annoyed look.

"No way. It's a self-introspection." Narvi brushes her hair. "I need to be more thoughtful."

I rolled my eyes at her, "What I did, it was for the best."

"Oh, yeah?"

This woman, Isn't she getting more disrespectful lately? I shook my head at this, hiding my amusement. It feels like we are getting closer. Not as a master and servant, but as something else. Friends maybe? No, we are not there yet. But I can feel that she's no longer so formal about the maid duty.

"So, why don't you enlighten me then, young master."

It looks like she's having so much fun. I took out a chocolate bar and unwrap the foil before chewing the sweet in a small bite. Under Narvi's impatience look, I finished the whole chocolate and waved the foil in front of her face, "This is your friend." I stared at the foil when I said so.

"Ha, that is my friend..." Her voice was flat, definitely not impressed.

I then crumpled the foil with my hands before throwing the trash beside her. I pointed my finger at the crumpled foil on the forest floor. "What're you going to do?"

"Huh?" She looked at the foil with a dumbfounded expression. Heh, did she start to realize the reason why I leave Dusty alive?

"Are you going to abandon your friend?" I chuckled at her funny expression.

"No way!" Narvi stared at me like I was an alien. "Are you intentionally injuring that woman so that one of her colleagues would stay behind to save her and reduce the number of our pursuers?!"

I shrugged like it was not a big deal. And it was indeed not that grand of a matter. Narvi was just amazed because I was supposed to be a teenager who haven't had his 13-year-old birthday yet. It's normal for adults, but a kid that young coming up with such a cunning plan is unheard of.

If only she knew... I held back my amusement.

"That was pretty amazing, young master! I'm impressed."

"It's too early to be impressed."

She blinked, before coming to a realization. She straightened her posture and stood in front of me. "Are the enemies here already?"

I shook my head at her question. "Something is off."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I narrowed my eyes in the direction where we come from. Other than busty babe, there are also three new people. I've been observing them the whole time but I'm starting to doubt if they're from the same group. Unlike my prediction, the three newcomers who looked like a small fairy through long-distance [Vision of Life] didn't try to save or lend a hand to the injured Dusty Ash. But they also didn't chase after us either.

Did they really put such importance on the Key? Is it really that amazing of an item though? To think they were trying to kidnap a kid and abandon an important member just for a Key. A Level 4 is not a small matter. It's a must for a Guild to have at least two Level 4 to be recognized as a Guild.

But my surprise was not over as suddenly the situation turned 180 degrees when the three newcomers started attacking the one with a curvy figure and big lumps on her chest.

"What the..." I was looking at this spectacle, feeling a bit speechless.

"What's wrong, young master?"

"It looks like my prediction is wrong." I turned to Narvi and sighed.

"Huh? Really?"

"Yup, they're in a fight right now."

"They're fighting?!" Narvi exclaimed in surprise. The infighting is the least on her mind. Never in her wildest imagination that a single kid could arouse a lot of high-level villains' greed into fighting each other.

"This must be caused by the key that was mentioned by the grunt." She wondered. "To think it would make them fight each other.

"Well, that's not necessarily the case..."

"Young master?"

I turned to Narvi, "Can you go there to see the situation?"

"By there, you mean back to the Dusty Ash?"

"Yeah, I don't think it's an infighting."

She looked at me in surprise. "Are you saying they're a third party?"

"It's a possibility. That's why I want you to check on them."

She pouted, "Aren't you treating me like a disposable pawn right now?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "Yeah right. Just get going already."

"You're not coming with me?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? If I go there, they will discover me right away." Especially with these enormous weights pressing on me. Third-class villain aside, I don't think I can hide my presence from those second-class villains.

I waved my hand at her, telling her to piss off. I'm not worried about her. Unless she wants it to happen, no one below first-class hero would be able to catch her. Her Quirk is pretty useful in preserving one's life. It is also the same for those she guarded. That's why I feel safe with her around me.

I stood up from the moss-coated rock and brushed the dirt off my pants. "Well then, I should also make my move."