
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · Horror
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137 Chs

Chapter 121: Jonathan's Choice

The morning sun cast long shadows over the outpost, painting a picture of resilience and new purpose. Jonathan, standing among his comrades, felt a mix of pride, uncertainty, and hope. The air, once filled with the smell of construction, now held the promise of decisions that would shape their fates within Lunaria's outposts..

The captain marched to the front of the crowd, flanked by her lieutenants. She raised her voice and addressed the recruits. "Today is the day that you will make your choice: either become a mercenary, or join the military. The decision is yours, and yours alone. We have given you enough time to think, now act! Go to your left if you want to be a mercenary and go to your right if you want to join the military!" She shouted with a mixture of authority and urgency.

The recruits looked at each other with concern and hesitation. They knew this was a life-changing moment, and they had to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Finally, they made their move. All of them, except one, decided to step to the right and join the military. Jonathan was the only one who stepped to the left and chose to be a mercenary.

"Eh?" He exclaimed, shocked and confused by their choice. "Why did you all decide to join the military? Don't you want freedom to do whatever you want?" Jonathan asked them, hoping to change their minds.

His former comrades shook their heads and replied:

"I mean… the freedom you're talking about comes with a larger risk, right?" one of them replied.

"Yeah… in exchange for freedom, you risk your life," another added.

"You already know what happened in the test, right? Half of our comrades died because they pursued the freedom you speak of," a third one said.

"He's right, we're just lucky that we survived this time, we won't make the same mistake again," a fourth one agreed.

"If only we had pursued the military, they would probably still be alive," a fifth one lamented.

Jonathan remembered one of the people that died in the battle. He was the one who talked to Jonathan about how he was safe because he was one of the archers, but now he was dead. He had been shot by a sniper, who had spotted him from a distance. Jonathan felt a pang of sadness and anger, but he also felt a surge of defiance.

"Are you really going to sacrifice your freedom for safety?" Jonathan asked them, challenging their logic. "You talk like they're not going to restrict you that much, but it's not the same military. It's much stricter, much harsher, and much more demanding. You'll have to follow orders without question, even if they're immoral or illogical. You'll have to give up your individuality, your creativity, and your autonomy. You'll have to wear a uniform, salute a flag, and pledge allegiance to a cause you don't believe in."

Jonathan couldn't believe it. The ones who used to crave for freedom, adventure, and excitement now wanted to be part of the military, who was strict and followed orders by the higher-ups. He wondered what had changed them so much, and if they would ever regret their choice. He knew he wouldn't. He was proud to be a mercenary, and he was ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited him. He turned his back on them and walked towards the left, He had made his choice, and he was happy with it.

The tension in the air was palpable as the group stood divided—the majority choosing the path of military discipline, while Jonathan remained steadfast in his choice to embrace the life of a mercenary. The captain, with an air of authority, observed the split in their decisions, her gaze shifting from the disciplined majority to the lone dissenter.

Jonathan, surrounded by those who had once yearned for freedom, couldn't fathom their shift towards the confines of military structure. He questioned their newfound inclination, challenging their decision to sacrifice liberty for perceived safety.

As the arguments unfolded, the outpost became a stage for contrasting ideals. The scent of uncertainty lingered in the air, intermingling with the echoes of their deliberations.

The captain stepped forward, her voice cutting through the uncertainty. "Freedom comes at a cost, a cost that, as mercenaries, you'll bear on your own. The military offers structure, protection, and a shared responsibility. You've seen the consequences of pursuing absolute freedom without organization or discipline."

The surrounding scenery mirrored the division within the group. The walls of the outpost, once a symbol of protection, now seemed to bear witness to a dichotomy of choices. The breeze carried whispers of uncertainty, while the makeshift structures reflected the duality of dreams—some sought the security of military order, while others yearned for the uncharted realms of mercenary life.

Jonathan, standing alone on the left, felt the weight of his convictions. The camaraderie they once shared had fractured, giving rise to an unforeseen rift within their ranks. The choice between structure and freedom, safety and risk, hovered over them like an unspoken challenge.

As the echoes of their arguments subsided, the captain, with a measured gaze, acknowledged their decisions. "Your choices have been made. Embrace the path you've chosen, for Lunaria's heart accommodates both order and independence. We shall see how these paths unfold within the embrace of our kingdom."

The heavy gates of the outpost creaked open under the command of the lieutenants, revealing a convoy of military war vehicles waiting outside. The low hum of engines filled the air as dozens of soldiers disembarked, their disciplined formation a stark contrast to the varied group of survivors they were here to reinforce.

The captain, Anna, took command of the situation with a calm yet authoritative presence. Her words carried weight, echoing across the outpost. "Now that the reinforcements are here, we can return to the capital. Those who chose to become soldiers will undergo further training. As for you," she turned her gaze towards Jonathan, "you can forge your path as a mercenary. Come back with us to the capital to register officially. Prepare to go, dismissed."

The landscape transformed as the military vehicles lined up in precision, creating a seamless connection between Lunaria's heart and its protective forces. The lieutenants maintained their composed stance, orchestrating the movements of both soldiers and survivors.

Jonathan stood at the crossroads, torn between the structured military life and the unbridled freedom of a mercenary. The scent of exhaust mixed with the lingering traces of construction, symbolizing the convergence of two contrasting worlds.

As the lieutenants saluted Anna, the soldiers followed suit, their synchronized movements a testament to the discipline that defined the military. The display of unity resonated against the backdrop of the outpost, its fortified walls silently witnessing the unfolding decisions that would shape the destiny of those within.

The convoy awaited its passengers, a visual embodiment of the choices made within the outpost. The air was charged with anticipation, carrying the weight of diverging paths and the uncharted territories each decision would lead to. Jonathan, standing amidst the transitioning scene, felt the pull of possibilities as the outpost prepared to bid farewell to its diverse inhabitants.

The convoy rumbled through the familiar gates of Lunaria's capital, entering the heart of the kingdom. The capital's grandeur unfolded before them—majestic structures, bustling streets, and the orchestrated harmony of a society that had adapted to life after the apocalypse.

As the vehicles navigated through the capital, Jonathan observed the capital with a mix of awe and contemplation. Compare to the city in the past that once touched the sky now stood as remnants of a bygone era, juxtaposed against the emerging architecture shaped by Lunaria's resilience. The juxtaposition of the old and the new created a captivating visual narrative.

Upon arrival, Anna's command echoed through the military ranks. "Take a rest. Those who chose the path of soldiers, prepare for further training. Jonathan, you are free to pursue your own endeavors. Welcome back to Lunaria."

The capital's atmosphere carried a distinct blend of normalcy and the extraordinary. People moved about their daily lives with a sense of purpose, a stark contrast to the chaos beyond the kingdom's walls. Lunaria's heart pulsated with vitality, embodying the resilience of those who called it home.

Jonathan, now standing at the crossroads of possibilities, felt the weight of newfound freedom. The city's energy enveloped him, and he marveled at the possibilities that lay ahead. The streets, once lifeless during the apocalypse, now teemed with activity—a testament to Lunaria's ability to reclaim life from the brink.

As he wandered through the capital, Jonathan sensed a renewed sense of purpose. The aroma of street vendors' offerings mingled with the laughter of children playing, creating a tapestry of normalcy against the backdrop of extraordinary circumstances.

The capital offered a myriad of choices—markets with goods from different corners of the world, establishments with tales of survival woven into their foundations, and the constant hum of life reasserting itself. Jonathan, now free to explore, couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and curiosity about the kingdom that had embraced them.

Lunaria's capital, with its juxtaposition of past and present, resilience and adaptation, beckoned Jonathan to carve his own story within its walls. The journey, it seemed, had only just begun.

The inn, a haven amidst Lunaria's bustling capital, welcomed Jonathan with a familiar warmth. The wooden door creaked as he entered, and the comforting scent of aged wood and lingering hearth fires enveloped him. The innkeeper, a stout figure with a friendly smile, greeted him.