
Reign of the Undead: The Rise of the Last Monarchy

[ Kingdom Building in the Zombie Apocalypse ] This story is about my book building base in apocalypse, but much better. The whole 50 chapters have been created, and updates will be slow, but if you request it, I'll update faster. Please tell me your thoughts, I want to improve my story, my writing style, and everything. Also, don't expect too much from the story. You might get disappointed. Once upon a time there was a boy who is living in the peaceful world, however it didn't last long as there is an unknown virus that spread the earth. Making him no choice but to kill people, do anything even if it's the lowest just for to survive and to protect his love ones. And his name is: Souta an ordinary senior high school student who enjoyed playing video games and reading manga. He had no idea that his life would change drastically when a mysterious virus outbreak turned most of the population into flesh-eating zombies. He managed to escape from his school with his childhood friends, but soon realized that the world he knew was gone forever. He decided to use his skills and knowledge to survive in the apocalypse, and to create his own kingdom for himself and his allies. He scavenged for resources, weapons, and vehicles, and fought against zombies, bandits, and other hostile survivors. He also encountered some special infected who had mutated abilities, and some mysterious organizations who had their own agendas. Along the way, he met some interesting people who joined his group, such as a former soldier, a former mercenary, a nurse, a mechanic, and a construction worker etc. He also developed a romantic relationship with guess the number ;) of them. Together, they faced many challenges and dangers, and gradually built their own kingdom in the apocalypse.

KLUX · Horror
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137 Chs

Chapter 120: Jonathan/Outpost

The night brought no peace to the outpost, as most mercenaries tossed and turned in their sleep. The aftermath of the day's trials and the weight of the decision ahead haunted their dreams, leaving them restless and uneasy. Some of them left their tents, seeking the calmness of the night air.

Jonathan, like the others, found himself unable to sleep. He emerged from the tent provided by the lieutenants, and stepped into the open air, feeling the cool breeze on his face. The outpost, once a stronghold of defense, now echoed with the silent steps of its defenders.

The moon, shining brightly over the ruins of the town, created a contrast of light and dark. Jonathan, standing in the center of the makeshift camp, paused to appreciate the beauty that had risen from the ashes of the apocalypse. Stars filled the sky, their brilliance magnified by the lack of urban lights, revealing a vast and awe-inspiring view.

"The night has become more beautiful because of the apocalypse, to think that a good thing would still happen because of the apocalypse" Jonathan muttered to himself, his words a soft recognition of an unexpected blessing. The difference between the remains of the old world and the new tranquility of the night held a powerful appeal.

As he stood there, the gentle sounds of the night surrounded him—the rustle of leaves, distant cries of nocturnal creatures, and the occasional creaking of the outpost's makeshift defenses. The air, crisp and refreshing, offered a temporary relief from the challenges of the day.

In the distance, the lieutenants kept their watch, their formidable figures blending with the nocturnal landscape. Their alert eyes scanned the outpost, ensuring the security of those under their protection.

Jonathan, his gaze drawn to the stars above, pondered the choices that lay ahead. The decision to join the military or an official mercenary weighed on his mind, the importance of the choice amplified by the stillness of the night.

As he continued to stand under the starry sky, the night unfolded around him, a domain of reflection and doubt. The outpost, now bathed in lunar light, held the stories of those who dared to explore the unknown lands of Lunaria—a kingdom rising from the ruins of a world forever changed by the apocalypse.

Jonathan was startled by the unexpected encounter with the captain. The moonlit night cast a soft glow on their conversation, creating an atmosphere of casual intimacy within the outpost.

"Feeling uneasy?" A voice, calm and reassuring, broke the silence as she walked beside him, her steps confident against the backdrop of the fortified camp.

He tried to express his surprise, "Oh? You're the captain of—" but she, with a dismissive wave, interrupted him. "No need for formalities, just call me by my name."

Her directness left Jonathan momentarily puzzled. "Your name?"

She smiled, unfazed, and continued. "Oh, my bad. I thought you knew me. It seems like you're new here. My name is Anna. Nice to meet you, Jonathan, right?"

Caught between surprise and curiosity, Jonathan managed a nod. "…Yeah."

Anna chuckled. "Souta told me about you."

The mention of Souta, Lunaria's king, caught Jonathan off guard once again. "Souta… you mean His Majesty!?" he exclaimed.

Anna's response was nonchalant. "Why are you so surprised about this? I'm one of Souta's friends, you know."

As realization dawned on Jonathan, he felt a surge of anxiety. What did it mean to catch the attention of Lunaria's king? What consequences would it have for his future?

Before he could delve further into his thoughts, a lieutenant approached Anna, whispering something in her ear. With a nod, Anna turned back to Jonathan. "I'll be going then. You can continue what you're doing," she said before departing into the shadows of the outpost.

Left alone once again under the night sky, Jonathan couldn't shake the lingering questions. What had Souta told Anna about him? What role did he play in the intricate tapestry of Lunaria's leadership? As the outpost stood in the quiet embrace of the night, the mysteries of this kingdom seemed to deepen, weaving a narrative that Jonathan was only beginning to unravel.

Jonathan felt a pang of frustration as he ran his fingers through his hair, feeling the scratch on his head as if it mirrored the complexities unfolding around him. "This is going nowhere," he murmured, a quiet admission of the challenges that seemed to follow him.

Seeking some peace, he decided to take a walk around the outpost. The moonlight bathed the ruins in a gentle glow, casting shadows that moved with the flickering flames from barrels strategically placed for warmth. The air carried a mix of scents—smoke from the fires, the lingering aroma of cooked food, and a faint earthy fragrance from the surrounding ruins.

As he strolled, he met many of his comrades huddled around a barrel, the crackling fire offering both light and comfort. Their smiles and nods expressed gratitude for the camaraderie he had fostered among them. The outpost, though damaged and makeshift, radiated a sense of unity and resilience—a testament to the collective efforts of those who called it home.

Continuing his walk, Jonathan noticed the varying states of stability within the outpost. Some structures stood strong, fortified against the dangers of the night, while others showed signs of wear and tear. The survivors, determined to secure their new sanctuary, engaged in repairs and fortification efforts.

The sounds of hammering and whispered conversations filled the air, creating a rhythmic melody of resilience. Lanterns hung sporadically, casting warm glows upon the hands that tirelessly worked to reinforce the outpost's defenses. Jonathan could feel the tangible dedication in each swing of the hammer and the careful placement of salvaged materials.

The night air carried a subtle chill, but the warmth of collective effort and shared purpose enveloped the outpost. As Jonathan navigated the improvised pathways, he felt a sense of belonging amidst the challenges. The night, once a canvas of uncertainty, now bore witness to the determination of those who sought to carve a refuge in Lunaria's heart.

In the midst of the repairs, Jonathan's footsteps echoed through the outpost, a lone wanderer exploring the evolving tapestry of survival. The scent of burning wood, the sight of lantern-lit faces, and the ambient sounds of communal labor created an immersive experience, capturing the essence of life within the outpost's makeshift embrace.

The outpost came alive under the morning sun, as the mercenaries resumed their efforts to fortify the outpost. The air was filled with the smell of fresh wood and earth as they erected makeshift barricades, strengthened walls, and solidified defenses. The lieutenants, working alongside the survivors, lent their expertise, creating a sanctuary within the outpost.

Half of the lieutenants had gone into the town, a faint outline against the horizon, on a mission to clear out any remaining zombies. The distant sounds of moans and faint shouts reached the outpost, a reminder of the constant danger beyond its walls.

Days turned into a full week, marked by the noise of construction and the steady hum of activity. The outpost, once a ruin of the town, had become a stronghold of resilience—a testament to the collective will of those who sought refuge within Lunaria's outpost.

Jonathan, among the communal efforts, was amazed by the transformation. The sight of the mercenaries working together, the harmony of tools hitting wood, and the occasional laughter shared during breaks—all became part of the evolving story within the outpost.

As the week went on, a sense of accomplishment and anticipation filled the air. The outpost, fortified and ready, stood as a testament to their determination to carve a future within Lunaria's embrace. The smell of freshly cooked meals drifted from the improvised kitchens, mixing with the smell of damp soil and new structures.

With the completion of the outpost, a crucial moment came. The lieutenants, returning from their mission, brought news of a town gradually being freed from the grip of the undead. The mercenaries gathered in the central area of the outpost, surrounded by the results of their labor.

Amidst this backdrop, a decision loomed—the choice between joining the military or living as a mercenary. The lieutenants, distinguished figures against the backdrop of fortified walls, waited for the decisions of those who had endured the challenges of the past weeks.