
Reign of Glory

As I lie in my deathbed, my body wracked with pain, I wondered just what it was that would await me on the other side. A peaceful rest... or something entirely unexpected? Before I knew it, I found myself reincarnated in a world completely foreign to me. In this strange new realm, everything was different - the rules, the societies, the magics - but my shock quickly gave way to wonder at the possibilities this second chance offered me."

SrTaj · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Star and Sun

Kaiser looked at his clothes

He noticed that his clothes are torn because the fight with the orc.

" my clothes are torn. I better find a way to repair it...*He thought*

He then saw a notification from the system.

[Do you want to open the Black Iron treasure chest.  (Yes) (no) ]

He didn't hesitate to open the chest.


[*Congratulations! You obtain a new technique [Aura Training].*

Kaiser read the notification.

He then opened the explanation window about the technique as he was curious.

He was surprised after reading the explanation window.

"H...How powerful is this technique!? It sounds so powerful, I could even become stronger and stronger if I used it!" *He thought with excitement.*

[Aura Training is a training method in which a person absorbs mana in the atmosphere to transform it into auric power inside their body in the form of stars. Then, said person can release the stored auric power into their weapons or use it to strengthen their bodies]

"This ability is indeed so powerful!..I wonder how much am I able to absorb aura? Will this be useless for me, or will this ability help me? Guess, I have to find out *He thought.*

Kaiser tried to follow the instructions and sat cross-legged. Then, he closed his eyes. He could feel a sense of inner peace and it's relaxing...as if he forgot everything that makes him stress and tired.

He began to feel the mana, he could see the beautiful colors of lights hanging in the air in red, blue, white, and black. He was fascinated as he drew the mana inside his body into his heart.

He could feel the mana flowing in his veins and attached to his heart in the shape of a star.*

Kaiser felt the pain when the mana form the star above his heart. The pain was too hard to bear for an ordinary person, but, he endured it and tried to continue as best that he can

The star slowly formed above his heart, it was white in color. He endured the pain, but the pain slowly subsides and the star It emits a light white color. It was a beautiful star

*[Congratulations on forming the aura Star! You are now on the path of Knights. Please open your status window to see the changes it will bring.]

Kaiser read the notification and opened the status window to see and check the changes happened because of learning the aura Star.

He saw it.

"My stat points increased by 3? What? What happened? Hold on, let me read the status explanation about Knight..Hmm...What the?! Am I now a Knight?!" *He thought*

A variable statistics window appeared in front of Kaiser


Name: Kaiser

Race: Human

Class: One-star knight

Level: 5

Exp Points: 400/600

Strength: 14

Speed: 11

Flexibility: 8

Wisdom: 18

Magic: 6

Luck: 8

Statistics points: 0

Skills: (Aura Training Technique)


-Broken Rusty Sword

-Torn Hospital Clothes


Kaiser had a question about the system of strength in this world.

He asked the system about the classification of knights.

[System: Knights in this world are divided into several ranks according to their strength. The ranks are from 1 to 10. 

1-2 Stars: Knight-Class

3-4 Stars: Sword Master-Class

5-8 Stars: Earth Knight-Class

9-10 Stars: Sky Knight-Class

Each class is divided into further levels, for example, Knights have Knight Rank 1, 2, and 3 and so on.]

[When a Knight reaches 10 full stars they can start merging it all together to form a bigger star, which is the sun. This transformation is very difficult to achieve, but with talent and perseverance it's possible. This rank is called the legendary Knight. After that, he has to continue until 3 stars to become a half-god. In order to overcome everything that has come before, you must finally reach the rank of five stars to become equal to a god and not a god, but surpass all that has come before and reach new heights of power]

Kaiser was stunned when he heard the information.

He thought that becoming a god and half a god is just myths and legends that can't be become true.

"Is this true? Can becoming a god be achieved? It's hard to believe, but...to surpass all that's been before and reach new heights of power...that sounds good"

He became very determined to becoming a god or at least a half god, so he can finally surpass all that before and reach new heights of power as he continues his training.

Kaiser still stunned from the information, suddenly see his ragged clothes and rusty broken sword.

He nodded when he noticed his appearance, it was bad.

He searched the orc's tent that killed him

He found a wooden box and opened it. He found weapons, leather armor, and some gems inside. He took everything he found inside the box without second thoughts.

This is more like loot than treasure.. *He thought.*

Kaiser inspected the shield and the sword.

He read the description about the shield.

[The shield is made from the skin and fur of a pure white wolf. It increases defense against magic and weapons.

Kaiser: He thought it was interesting.]

He checked the weapon's description.*

[The sword is made from a special metal, Volk. It increases strength by 20% and will make the opponent bleed faster when hit by it.]

"Wow..this is such a good weapon for a warrior like me"

*He then took the leather armor and try to wear it.

He then equipped the shield and sword.

Kaiser thought that the orc is a hoarder indeed. And the quality of the items he found is actually good. Maybe, there is other good things in the orc's possession.

He decided to look further inside the tent for more treasures.

Then saw a small backpack near the entrance of the tent. So, he went to open it. It looks like it's been untouched and forgotten. And he wondered what's inside the bag.

He opened the bag and find some items inside the bag. He inspected the items and saw a pair of gloves, necklace, ring, and a belt.

Kaiser thinking if the items he found was the orc's or he just stole them. Regardless, he put all the items in his backpack.

He took a moment to check the area, trying to feel a sense of unease. But, there was nothing wrong with this place so he continued to the orc's dead body. He bent down to check his pocket.

searching the orc's body and found a key. Then he stand up and walk out 

He turned his attention to the key he found. He looked at it and saw that it was a key that has a wolf head attached. It looked magical in a way, and he thought that maybe this key has some functions that he could use in the future. He decided to put the key inside his backpack, just in case.

Kaiser looked at the sky and saw the sun was starting to set. He realized that he doesn't have a place to rest his head.

'Hmm...I have to find a place to rest my head.."

  then started to look around the area to find a place to rest.

noticed a cave near the hill and thought it might be a good place to rest for the night.

He went to the cave and entered it

"This place looks comfortable and quiet, what a nice place to rest! I'll rest here for a while..."