
Reign of Glory

As I lie in my deathbed, my body wracked with pain, I wondered just what it was that would await me on the other side. A peaceful rest... or something entirely unexpected? Before I knew it, I found myself reincarnated in a world completely foreign to me. In this strange new realm, everything was different - the rules, the societies, the magics - but my shock quickly gave way to wonder at the possibilities this second chance offered me."

SrTaj · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Goblin slayer Last part

He did expect to see the goblin, but, it's an orc!?*

He became surprised

Oh, you stupid system! I have to defeat the last boss now"

Kaiser: prepared himself to fight the huge orc, he slowly approached him with his rusty sword drawn. It looks like the orc didn't even see him yet..

Kaiser looked at the status window.*

"Geez...it's Level 10..." *He was surprised.*

"This will be tough..He looks quite tough, I better be careful." *He thought*

He slowly approached the orc with his rusty sword.

"Let's do this, I don't have much choice anyway.."*He thought*

The orc suddenly noticed him, he immediately drew his giant mace.

Kaiser raised his rusty sword and prepared for a fight.

"Crap, what have I done" *He thought*

The orc shouted and swung the giant mace at him, Kaiser barely dodged it and his rusty sword hit the ground making a metal sound.

He almost got hit by that mace.

"This is not good~ This orc's mace attack is quite fast"*He thought*

He dodged the mace again

'Okay, that orc mace swings is fast. That mace can hit me easily" *He thought*

He then started to attack the orc with his rusty sword. He attacked several times with his rusty sword to the orc's legs.

He tried to avoid the mace as much as possible while he attacks the orc. He's worried that the orc will grab his rusty sword. If that happens, the battle would be harder than he expected..

He took advantage when the orc staggered.

"He staggered?! Good! I have a chance to attack him."

He then raised his rusty sword once again and attacked the orc's chest. The orc got hit by the rusty sword and became staggered...

"Now's my chance to do my strongest attack!"

He was about to jump to do his strongest attack, suddenly, he saw the rusty sword blade broke into two pieces!

"What?! The rusty sword broke?! Crap, now I need to deal with that orc without weapon." *He thought*

The orc stood up again and started to charge toward him, his mace is raised and ready to hit him.

The orc swung the mace at him rapidly, Kaiser had no weapon to block it..

He couldn't dodge the attack anymore, he's cornered..

He tried to protect his face to avoid getting hit at his face, he grabbed the mace handle and tried to block the mace.

"Crap! There's no more choice here except blocking it with my hand..*He thought*

Kaiser tried to kick the mace with one of his leg, but, the force of the kick was too strong. He was flying backwards out of the tent.

He landed on outside hard. He was in pain due to the fall.

"Man! My leg is hurt...*He thought in pain*

The orc came outside to look for Kaiser.

Then Kaiser rolled to the side and managed to avoid the orc giant mace swing.

He then took the mud from the ground and threw it towards the orc...He hit the orc's face and now it covered the orc's face, and the orc can't see anything

He quickly stood up and picked  rusty sword found it on the ground.*

He suddenly became serious.

He opened the status window to read it. He saw the new stat level up to level 5 and obtain 8 stat points After killing 15 goblins*

*Then he placed all of the 8 stat points to Strength.*

Kaiser saw his new stats and he nodded.

He put away the status window and looked at the orc once more.

He smirked and prepared his rusty sword and charged toward the orc with his Rusty Sword's slash attack.*

The orc waved his giant mace to the right and missed, but Kaiser quickly avoided it.

He then rushed to the orc and stabbed him in the heart. The rusty sword broke, but he didn't care, he continues to stab the orc with the broken sword...blood comes out as the stabbing continued.

The orc tried to defend himself with his mace, but it was too late. The orc fell dead with broken rusty sword stab to the heart.

He looked at the dead orc.

"I did it..! Finally!"

*A system notification suddenly pops out of no where.

[Congratulations on completing the Red Skull Clan mission! You have obtained a treasure chest of the rank of Black Iron, and 200 experience points for killing the orc ]

He was very happy about the notification.

"What a treasure chest..I wonder what I would get inside?' *He thought*

He ran to the chest that he obtained for completing the mission, he opened it and looked what's inside..