
Reign of Glory

As I lie in my deathbed, my body wracked with pain, I wondered just what it was that would await me on the other side. A peaceful rest... or something entirely unexpected? Before I knew it, I found myself reincarnated in a world completely foreign to me. In this strange new realm, everything was different - the rules, the societies, the magics - but my shock quickly gave way to wonder at the possibilities this second chance offered me."

SrTaj · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Goblin slayer part 1

After observing for a while, he suddenly notices and heard two goblins approaching the bush!

[I can see two goblins approaching your position. Their lvl are a bit high and could be dangerous for you alone]

  as they are getting closer and closer to him. He's trying his best to conceal himself. He can't move right now, he should wait for the right moment...*


"Hhmm! *He threw a stone to inflame the goblins.

"This should be easy, just need to time it correctly"

The first goblin turns to the direction where the stone landed.

"This is my chance!"

" Haah! *He quickly runs toward the goblin and stabs him with rusty sword.

"The second one still hasn't noticed me yet... If I don't act now, I'll lose this chance!"

He grabs some mud and threw it to the second goblin.

The goblin's eyes became blurred by the mud, as he frantically tries to wipe the mud out of his face.

Kaiser: *He took this advantage to swiftly attack the goblin. He successfully stabbed the goblin, but the goblin tries to retaliate.

The goblin tried to grab Kaiser's arm, but was unsuccessful. He was able to dodge in time, before he stabs the goblin once more.

I have to end this fast.*He thought*

[Congratulations on your level 3 advancement! You received 2 stat points to allocate.]

He nods to himself and opens his personal stats window to allocate stats.*

" I should allocate 2 points to speed to increase my movement speed and 2 points to strength to increase my physical attack "

  stats :

Name: Kaiser

Race: Human

Class: Human

Level: 3

Exp Points (for leveling up): 50/200 (need to reach lvl4)

**Strength: 11** (normal adult human 6)

**Speed: 8**


Kaiser looks at the goblins, disappointed*

"Huh " he was expecting to loot something valuable*

"But, they only have rusty swords..." *sigh* 

He then started to continue to explore the dangerous forest, and the stat window closed, because he's trying to focus on the outside world and the enemies he has to face.

"Why does this world have so many dangerous creatures" *He thought*

"I need to get stronger. I still need more experience in this world." *He realized*

He continues his exploration, deep in thoughts

"Hmm, I guess I saw a lot of goblins in the forest"

"Wait, is there a goblin village near here?"

*He then remembered about what he watched from a certain anime about goblin

"Geez, goblins are disgusting." *He cringed

*He knows what he saw is anime but it's still disgusting to see... As he shudders, he continues his exploration, but with more caution now.

He's feeling hungry, his tummy is growling and making strange noises.

He remembered himself when he was sick, and couldn't eat well, or taste the food. Now, for the first time in a while, he's hungry, he feels like he haven't eat for days.*

He took the opportunity to hunt for his preys. He took his rusty sword and tried to look for a prey to hunt.*

[I need to refill my energy.] *He thought*

he spotted a deer in the distance

"Okay, this is a perfect opportunity to hunt something for food."

*He started to slowly move toward the deer, making sure not to make loud noises.

Now, he just has to stay still and wait for the deer to get closer.

*He waited for the deer to get closer in order to make a surprise attack. The deer's still close to him, it couldn't tell he was there hiding in the bush. He'll strike when it got closer...

*He quickly pounces and stabs the deer. After that, he start to skin the deer and cutting its meat. Then he noticed that the sun has started to set, which makes it a bit dark.

While the sun set in the sky, he was still hungry. He took his rusty sword to cut the deer's leg, it was already enough for his hunger

Now he has enough meat for his dinner. *He thought*

"I should lit a fire to cook the meat too. But I could climb a tree for safety. *He thought*

[Night is approaching, it's better to prepare for the night.]

He lit the fire and put some branches, and cooked the meat.*

*He then climbed up the tree to sleep


Hello, im Srtaj at the end of the third chapter, thank you for reading and supporting. It may seem a little strange to you, how can a hero fight and slaughter easily, but he learned all these skills from books and programs because he spent a long time alone and did not practice them, but he remembers them because he is smart and has a memory. Good, this is reflected in his wisdom, which is 15 and advanced in this important world. Thank you for the follow-up and support ❤️