
Reign of Glory

As I lie in my deathbed, my body wracked with pain, I wondered just what it was that would await me on the other side. A peaceful rest... or something entirely unexpected? Before I knew it, I found myself reincarnated in a world completely foreign to me. In this strange new realm, everything was different - the rules, the societies, the magics - but my shock quickly gave way to wonder at the possibilities this second chance offered me."

SrTaj · Fantasy
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8 Chs

First Blood vast forest

[You are in the vast, beautiful forest on the continent of Eldoria, where there, numerous species of magical creatures roam within the forests and ancient ruins]

Kaiser stood in the middle of the huge forest, surrounded by the sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves. It was a feeling he had never experienced in the hospital.

"This is no dream. What is this place? It's amazing!" *He thought to himself.*

  [With its diverse creatures and species, the continent of Eldoria is a land full of magical possibilities]

Then the System talked more in depth about how people are divided between different races and societies in the Eldoria continent.

Kaiser started walking, as he was curious and wanted to explore this amazing place.

He walked across the giant trees, as he was overwhelmed by the beauty of it all.

[This forest is home to many magical creatures and is considered a dangerous location. You might want to be cautious]

Kaiser thinking 

I might be in the magical world of Karkor... *He stopped.*

'How can I tell whether this is a dream or not? Maybe system can answer me…"

"Oh, System, how... How did I move here? Where am I now? And what is this system?"

*He was asking the system to answer his questions.*

  [You were transported here during the moment of your death]

"What?! Is this some kind of joke" *He thought*

[This is not a dream or a hallucination, your soul has moved to the land of Eldoria]

[To help you adapt to your new life in this world, you gain a system. With it, you can acquire new skills, level up, and acquire magic and power never witnessed in your previous life]

"So this is real? And this system can help build my power?"

*His eyes glow with excitement*

"But, what if I tell someone about this system? How do I know other people can't hear this?"

[Only you can hear it]

"Oh, I see. "

"Hmm?" *He can hear sound coming from the bush.*

He quickly hid behind a tree, as he was hiding.

"What was that!?" *He thought*

"Maybe it was just a bird"

*The hero's heart pounding*

[Don't be afraid. That was a goblin, but it is weak. But be careful, you should be quiet while exploring the forest.]

Kaiser: Huh? *What a tiny goblin!*

Kaiser: System, if I kill this creature, can I become stronger? *He asks*

[ Yes, you can receive some experience points by defeating this monster. However, it may be dangerous to fight against one in your current level. It is best to avoid facing it directly]

"Oh, i understand! "*he smiles.*

*Kaiser thinking*

"System, is this goblin intelligent?"

[goblins intelligence is at the level of a child, and they rely on attacks without thinking]

"You sure?" *raising an eyebrow*

[ Yes ]

*smiling mischievously* "Alright then"

He decided to use trap to kill the little monster.

Then, he started making the trap, when suddenly, he heard the goblin coming.

He has to be quiet lest he gets caught.

*Quickly set the trap. It's ready now.*

Kaiser: *whisper to himself*

"I've just set the trap here" *He said and he covered the hole with leaves and branches.*

Now, he just had to wait, as the goblin was still coming.

He finished making the hole, then started lure the goblin into the hole.

At first, the goblin saw him, but soon ignored him as he continues to eat the leaves.

Then, he successfully lured the goblin into the hole, as he quickly covered the hole up.

" Wow! This is amazing "

He smiled at the goblin in the trap, and was excited to get some experience points.

Took the old rusted sword and shield from the goblin's body.

Now, he's ready to kill the goblin...

[ There are different races and societies in the continent of Karkor. There are goblins like this one, but others are even bigger] *System warns him*

*nodded to himself* I guess I have to be extra careful in the unknown world..."

Now He's ready to kill the goblin trapped in the hole, he raises his rusty sword.

*with a sharp gleam on his eyes* "Finally, my first kill"

He took a deep breath, steeling his nerves, and stabbed deep. He was surprised at how quickly the goblin perished.

Huh... the goblin died so quickly*He thought*

"This is not that bad as I imagine~"*he was thinking*I've got to survive in this land.

A feeling of guilt washed over him for a moment, but it quickly fades after getting rewarded experience points by the system.*

  [Congratulations on killing the little goblin, you've obtained 50 experience points.]

" Yes~"

He feels happy as he advances to the second level.

System: You can see your personal stats and upgrade your skills through the status window.

[Now, open your status window now to check your personal information. You can see your stats and learn how to increase their levels]

*He opened his status window and looking at it.*

His current stats are:

Name: Kaiser

Race: Human

Class: Human

Level: 2

Exp Points: 50%100 ( need to reach lvl3)

Strength: 6 (adult human)

Speed: 5

Flexibility: 5

Wisdom: 15

Magic: 3

Luck: 5 (average)

Statistics points: 4

Skills: None

Equipment: (rusty sword) (semi-broken armor) (good hospital-made clothes)


There is also a stat point slot, he can allocate stat points earned through leveling up after receiving it.

"I need more strength to wield the sword effectively, so let's allocate 3 points to it

Speed is also important so I will allocate 1 point to it"

[Stat points allocated successfully.]

[Strength 7, Speed 6]

Kaiser then continued his exploration of the forest... *Then suddenly, he heard strange sounds coming from the bush.*

[You should be careful, the forest is home to many creatures]

Kaiser *nodded to himself* "I know, I better be careful..."

He slowly went to the bush to observe and investigate. He's hiding in a nearby bush. It was very quiet now... He has to be very careful, it might be more than a goblin this time...

Kaiser kept observing and waiting for the perfect time to strike the bush.


author Srtaj : here is the end of the second chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter. If you enjoyed, support me so that I can continue this work. All love and respect to you.❤️