
Reign of Darkness: Reign of Vampires

Once Mankind ruled the world. And living within the fringe of society, hidden but existing among us were the inhabitants of myths, fables, and legends. Then came the Crimson Plague, followed by the mass hysteria changes, and then the War. The War of Race broke out among the nine factions of the Etherborn society, led by the Vampires and the Children of the Light. Six millennia later, after the Long War, the nuclear holocaust, and the darkening of the sky, a new civilization prospered. The Children of the Light are gone, mankind has fallen from the top, and the Vampire race leads the new civilization. And among the Vampires are the seven Noble House that rule the Major nations. Follow the journey of Lilith Kain, Ariella Ashtarmel, Elijah Ashtarmel, and Eduardo Gomez as they strive to survive in a world that preys on the weak. ... Discord: https://discord.com/channels/436731682268381186/436731682268381189

Daniel_Orions · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Book of Lilithism

 Book Two: The Departure

1. Eons passed, and Paradise flourished under the rule of Adam and Lilith Kadmon. Each Etherborns were given the name of Feyborn, Chalkydri, Basilisk, and Dragons. 

2. The Merciless satisfied with his work of Creation returned to his world beyond Paradise, leaving the ruling & governing to the Kadmon Spirits.

3. As eons passed, the Great Spirit, Lilith began to be aware of a presence below the world of Paradise and began to speak to the presence. Learning and growing from the Presence, the Great Spirit began to resent being submissive to Adam. Not wanting to bear the Seed, Lilith enlisted from Adam an oath to be the Seed bearer, when the time came.4. Though the Great Spirit Adam had sworn to be the Seed bearer, according to one of the Chalkydri's prophecies, Adam foresaw how painful bringing the Seed forth into existence would be, and as such, he broke the oath.5. Refusing to honor his oath, Adam forced Lilith into bearing the Seed. Enraged at Adam's action, Lilith fled from the Garden within Paradise bearing the Seed that had begun to grow.6. The Merciless Light sensing the disturbance, returned to Paradise to bring Lilith back. But Lilith refused so long as Adam bore full authority over Paradise. But the Merciless Light refused to see her pain and thus rejected her offer.7. Enraged at both Adam and the Merciless Light, Lilith rejected the Merciless and all of Paradise. Aware of the Presence below Paradise, Lilith drew upon all of her power and the Seed's power and broke through the barrier that separated both worlds, leaving Paradise and going to the Material world below known as Earth.