

The Palace

The entrance door of the hotel is slammed open, An exhausted man out of breath scans the room and makes eye contact with me. Lex intercepts him on high alert, he practically jumps in front of me frowning down on the poor exhausted man. "STATE YOUR BUSINESS, I DON'T ASK TWICE" the shaking man slightly peeps his head past Lex with great bravery to gaze at me before he unfolds a scroll and makes an announcement "HIS ROYAL MAJESTY EL REY DE SANGRE HAS EXCLAIMED THAT YOU, LA REINA RESIDE IN THE ROYAL PALACE FOR THE REMAINDER OF YOUR STAY. HIS HIGHNESS REFUSES TO HAVE LA REINA STAY IN A MOCKERY OF A PLACE SUCH AS THIS, ESPECIALLY WITH THE FESTIVAL IN HER HONOR SO NEAR" he finishes then closes the scroll with the emperor's seal on it.

Lex turns to me with sadness as I turn my gaze to the poor man. "I'm not this Reina you speak of sir; my name is Aria… Aria heart from Kalatorah and-"

"None the less madam please come, if i return without you el Rey will have my head ordered on a spike" I'm taken aback with such a statement.

"Well when you put it like that i guess you're lucky i like your head exactly where it is; plus who can deny such an invitation… as long as my companions can join" I finally reason out.

Petra and Gwen squeal and jump for joy at my last statement. Elijah shrugs,Lex and Matt have great worry on their faces. Finally catching his breath the poor man sighs in relief then speaks once more "Well, don't worry for your belongings and follow me the cars should be here by now" Lex leads the way practically dragging me in his stead Matt follows behind us, Gwen and Petra arm and arm in the back followed by Elijah.

Once outside flower petals fall from the sky as if a wedding ceremony had just ended. Thousands of people were gathered to prepare for the festival and praise of la Reina. As a child I did hear stories of her in history she brought back religion to the world. The gods are back and stronger than ever as they have been since her reign. Suddenly everyone turns to me and freezes, so silent you can hear a feather fall. A walkway is made for us to reach the statue. I gaze upon the embarrassing statue and someone far away screams "SE VIVA LA REINA, LONG LIVE BLOOD REINA!" All the people bow on all fours. Looking around in awe something takes hold of me and I speak as if I know what I'm supposed to do " RISE... I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR PRAISE AND ALLEGIANCE THOUGH ITS NOT NEEDED… NOT YET … CONTINUE THE CELEBRATION IN MY ABSENCE". When I come back to my senses I feel very weak and fragile. My gaze lands on a worried Lex then darkness.

"You know who you are little Reina, beware of the poison in the blood" that voice… it's mine and yet not. I see myself running into a throne room everyone is a blur, I sit on the throne and just like the people here the blurs bow on all fours. "ARI,ARIA PLEASE WAKE UP" Lex says though his voice sounds muffled. Realizing I can't breathe I find I am underwater! My eyes open as I'm pulled up gasping for air fully drenched with water. I must have collapsed into the fountain at the base of the statue. Matt, Elijah, and Lex gasp themselves as if they were holding their own breath until I came to probably from the panic.

Matt lifts my body off the ground with ease and carries me to the blacked out suv with the Azeca white feather textured flag on it, its silver crown with blood dripping over it. We all get into vehicles but as the driver pulls off with me and Matt darkness comes over me again. "You are pure, child of the blood, Blood Reina… my dear accept me, accept us, i am the you that you've heard but Ignored so many times but you must be wary … listen now" the voice again. I do remember talking to a lady that looked like me when i was younger but it was my imaginary friend.

Could it possibly be myself?... When I come to I see Matt's face as he kisses my forehead to wake me more. Looking around realizing we are indeed alone in the car and the others are in the one ahead of us.Continuing my gaze out the window my blurry vision begins to focus on THE GREAT PALACE on top of the hill that is in my sight. During the ancient wars all the places of power were utterly destroyed, all but this one. The great palace was the only place left intact; one of the reasons why it's the only place of power. The true place of power at least.The gods have protected it; baptized it in the blood of the ancient wars and sanctified it by the tears of the leaders that once were. What stands now is the most magnificent palace anyone can imagine. Marble, gold, silver, limestone, rubies, sapphires, the old and new parts of this place bring out the pure beauty of this palace. THE GREAT ANCIENT PALACE, HOME OF LOS REYES A GIFT FROM BLOOD REINA HERSELF.

Blood Reina… the most divine being ever to behold.. does that mean I'm the most divine being to behold? "It really is beautiful" I say to Matt "not as beautiful as you" he proclaims as he brushes the back of his hand on my cheek. I think my heart just skipped a beat; he goes in for a kiss but the car stops before he gets the chance and we get out. Servants ran out to grab our luggage to place in the palace. Gwen winks at me as we all step into the entrance. Two huge doors open wide into the palace and I suddenly feel very underdressed looking down. I find to my despair not only are my clothes unfit for such a place but I'm still soaked from falling in the fountain earlier.