
How it all began

1 year ago…

"Ari, aria wake up!" My dear best friend Guinevere Pierce better known as Gwen wakes me with her kinky curly hair and golden skin as well as all the excitement in the world in her hazel eyes. I growl at the attempt of her waking me off the sofa. Sadly she knows me too well. "Get up I know you're just as excited as me; plus Matt and Lex are right here so get off the sofa" I jumped up to find myself in only underwear and a tank top that rolled up in my sleep, no bra whatsoever. I catch Matt's hungry gaze that earns him an elbow to the gut by lex. "Dude that's my sister!" lex yells at Matt ``sorry ari !" Matt proclaims with a cheesy smile slapped on his face. As embarrassing as it is, I find it flattering that he should find my curves appealing. I run to my room as red as a tomato and get dressed. After placing my very long curly red plum hair in a braid with pearl pins throughout; I put on my white lace bustier dress and my matching white rope sandals. Suitcase in hand I leave my room ready "wow Ari, you've - you've grown up on me little sis" Lex says fake sobbing and pretending to choke on tears. He too earned an elbow to the gut today, this time from me. I sensed the repeated gaze from Matt but decided not to check.

Gwen sensed my anguish and came to my rescue. "Well my dearest Aria, Elijah is outside waiting alongside Petra, so let's GO and meet them downstairs shall we?" Nodding all in agreement we leave my apartment shared with Gwen to find Elijah Davis waiting by the SUV that Petra is driving. "GOODBYE KALATORAH!" Gwen screams "AZECA HERE WE COME!" I follow us giggling at our goofiness, Elijah grabs our luggage with a chuckle. "Matt Davis my dear bro, do you mind not gawking at Aria for a few to help with the bags" Elijah exclaims, with a sigh and an embarrassed Matt goes to help. I find myself blushing to look at the brothers, Elijah catches me and winks making my cheeks burn even more. Elijah is the best friend of Lex so I grew up with him and Matt constantly over my house. Not that I ever minded. I've always felt the brothers were fighting for my attention when I was younger, a silly thought.

We all filed into the car on the way to the airport anxious to go to the place where it all began...Azeca. We will see vineyards, castles, and museums. In ancient times Azeca was once called Barcelona; it is known now to sit on the highest ground and towers over the world we live in today. All-time has passed since the end of times also known as the great world wars. Kingdoms fell or as they called it countries, states, capitalism, science. All that is now is Azeca and Azeca rules the world; things are simpler with a monarchy. It's only the deities that can change the line of succession and decide who shall reign or who shall not. Although most people speak the root languages of their land the most common language is English or azek. Everything old and new collides in this world, kalatorah was once known as Canada in the ancient tongues. As I watch the long drive to the airport go by I continue to think these thoughts and they trail into how my father was an ancient researcher who taught me and Lex all languages that ever existed, I always found them easy to learn. Father always said I had all the knowledge in the world that anyone could want to know, that one day I'll awaken the ancient goddess in my heart and soul. Never understanding his metaphors for such things I nodded my head in agreement every time. He was so kind but I've always felt he went mad with the questionable things he'd say. My father had a very athletic figure, about seven feet tall, jet black hair, bright amber eyes that saw through you, and a very appealing and chiseled face. Sighing I call out "ALEXANDER HEART" my dear brother Lex that looks exactly like him "what now ari?" He has fathers deep and smooth voice too. Noticing my distraught face he sits closer to check on me and when I meet his gaze I get this feeling I always have; like I know him but I don't, shaking it out I whisper "I miss him" lex always knows what I mean by that "me too ari" he replies.

Finally, when we arrive at the airport we get out of the car and we girls approach the jet my family owns while the guys get the luggage. Klaus James, our lifelong family friend, and pilot greets us all with a slightly closed-lip smile. We climb aboard together and just as I enter Klaus stops me by gently holding my arm. I look at him after the sudden contact " aria I haven't seen you since .. well.since-"

"my father died" I reply with the feeling of being stung in the chest " well, yes. You were so young then how you've grown beautiful." His gaze looks curious and he states "has anyone ever told you; you look just like-" "KLAUS DON'T'' an angry lex interrupts. As I look at Klaus in confusion to find him shaking and terrified but he finishes anyway "your beloved mother may she be at eternal rest and forever praised". "Thank you, '' I replied. '' Then gently removing my arm from his scared grasp I courtesy then take my seat beside Gwen across Petra and Matt. Lex and Elijah are playing cards on their table on the opposite side of the jet. We fasten seatbelts and take off. Let the adventure begin.

After waking up towards the end of our flight I take out the most interesting thing known to mankind: " a phone!" Gwen shouts in awe "but ari that must have been a fortune" she continued; I reply " for one your in my family's jet... and not if it's found; my father had uncovered an old cellphone and technology store in one of his excavations and that gave us yet another fortune but for me and lex got to have a first pick of whatever we wanted to though it used to be for communication it's only good for ancient games, music, taking pictures and videos. Chess is my favorite though I play more in person and I'll plug in music to the sound system so we may all listen" smiles from around the room at that statement. The song placed you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish. Her songs are amazing but this song is empowering and we land safely listening to the song.