
Father of mine

Father of mine

" ENTER BLOOD REINA ! Deity almighty, goddess divine, Aria!" The royal caller exclaims while both doors open for me. I've always wanted a double door entrance. Everyone, including the emperor, is standing. Examining the room I find there are only two empty seats. My choices are opposite of the emperor at the other head of the table or right beside him. It seems to be a move of power to sit next to him and be subjected to being a mere guest. I decided on the opposite head of the table seat as my gaze lands on each individual; they all bow or courtesy except the emperor and if not for the grand entrance I would have set that aside. But alas the voice returned "you have the power here, not him".

Standing in front of my seat keeping my gaze at the emperor I noticed he smirked at me. The blood inside me boiled up and the silence was broken by none other than myself "do you not bow before me ? King of mine." This isn't like me and yet I agreed 100 percent but I'm also surprised by my own boldness. Everyone turns toward the emperor awaiting the response. The poker face was instilled upon his face, but rage was hidden in his eyes. Once realizing we have guests the poker face was replaced with a slight smile and he bowed, maintaining eye contact with me. "My apologies Reina, I was captivated by your beauty." I knew he was lying but decided to sit regardless. Everyone follows suit and the dinner begins. The meal is served with a perfectly cooked medium rare steak, grilled garlic butter shrimp, mashed red potatoes from scratch with the perfect amount of salt, and asparagus baked. I could swear I was in a food dream. During the chit chat and me enjoying my meal, "Blood Reina wow… excuse me if i may reina ?" a man of average stature, tawny skin and blue/hazel eyes looks at me from across the table. "and who are you?" I respond while everyone is distracted he continues "Lord Hera-Theon Hera, Reina"

" a pleasure to meet you lord Hera, Theon if I may ? Yes ask away"

"Of course Theon is fine… do you and please excuse my boldness… but do you plan on taking the rightful place on the throne"

The king immediately drops his golden goblet filled with wine on the ground. His eyes are so wide you can see emerald green irises from across the room. Gaspes escape from the mouths of all the people in the room and I can feel the anger rolling off the emperor without removing my gaze from lord Hera. I have to respond wisely if I'm gonna survive in this place. The king to my surprise gives me a pleading look as if to go with it. In a room full of predators but I know I'm not as naive as they'd like to think I am. But playing dumb might be the best decision for me. Everyone is staring at me in my thoughts so I smile and finally answer "I am here to enjoy my stay. Currently I don't see why, nothing seems to be wrong but should i catch poison in the blood it may change '' and there went the voice again. The emperor gaze is greedily on me as he speaks "be warned REINA, unless you marry me-"

"Is that a proposal? Why my king, it's a bit early don't you think?" I cut off his empty threat giggling to lighten the mood. Everyone seemed pleased with that answer as well as the emperor.the king is quite the looker though nothing like my Matt. We continue to dine chit chat here and there until "Well if that is all i'm going to retire for the night" the emperor exclaims as he stands and galivants to my side "Reina i would love to throw a ball in your honor be fitting the festival of la Reina coming up" I open my mouth but before i could speak he cuts my breath out and states "before you deny being Reina please except the fact that you are exact likeness to the Blood Reina, your beauty is divine and must be praised" I was in the lion's den at this point the only way out was through. Court starring and all, it's time to play my part and make it plausible. "Alright I'll except under one condition"

"Anything my dear little Reina"

"Your Name?..."

The whole table is taken aback by such a demand; gasps cloud the room again getting annoying at this point but still understandable in azec culture to know the name of a royal is a great privilege. Especially when said royal is el Rey himself. The king is to be addressed as highness, majesty, king , emperor. He comes to whisper in my ear " well played Reina ,meet me in the east kitchen before dawn and you will have the knowledge of my name along with a proposal what do you say ? nod slightly if you agree" I nodded and gasped since i noticed everyone was standing as is custom when a king arises i need to keep to show moving "why what a lovely name". A hearty laugh escapes him and contagious it is soon the entire room is laughing myself included. The king leaves and everyone else follows.

While making way to my quarters to prepare for the night Matt gives me his famous puppy dog eyes before entering his room. I turn and continue my route until the sound of footsteps reaches me. Don't need to guess on whom it could be " yes, how may I help you Alexander!?" Exasperation escapes that statement

"Ari!" He pauses to run in front of me then continues "what did the king whisper in your ear?" I'm not really willing to tell him of my endeavors that i plan on having i improvise "he told me he would have to get to know me better before bestowing me the honor of his name" yes ari half truths are the way to go hopefully he believes me.

Lex looks at me with his scary questioning glare then finally opens his mouth "be careful ari, I don't trust that man and we're in his territory- "

"And in the eyes of his people I am in charge around here, nothing has made sense since we've stepped on said territory yet my heart tells me we need to stay" I interrupt him with my hushed tone to not alarm others. Lex looks around biting his lower lip with amber eyes low with worry. "Ari, please let's go home" he begs as I shake off the insult. I just told him I wanted to stay but something was up. Why is he so worried? "LEX! WHAT ARE YOU HIDING i know your not telling me something" his gaze turns from worry to sad "EXACTLY" I shout with irritation who cares about people; the fury rising in me is too strong at this point suddenly a strike of fear flashes before his eyes and a tear falls from his face as he drops to his knees below me. "Ari, I can't… i swore to my father"

"You mean our father?" I say processing his statement.

"No, ari… MY FATHER" I'm standing there processing my shock his father?