
Blood lines

Blood Lines

Am I not the father of an archeologist? "Let me get this right your FATHER?.... not ours?" More tears fall from the face of a man I have never witnessed cry "who is he ?" I continued raising his chin with my finger to meet my gaze. He shakes his head no… and it sets in that my entire world just crumbled to pieces… we're not siblings yet somehow I feel I've known that. I've known him my entire life yet I always pushed the thoughts of us not being family aside. Then a new question arises and leaves my lips " WHO ARE YOU?" I choke on my words and find strength to hold back tears with disbelief. I guide us both to my room upon shutting the door and shake free.

"Aria Heart is your name, Alexander Heart is mine"

"But!!" I push

"But you are not my sister, i am not your brother, Nathanial Heart is not your father and nor is naomi heart your mother" he finishes looking me straight in the eye slowly moving towards me. It isn't until he holds my arms that I notice I've been trembling and crying uncontrollably. "Then who are my parents lex? Who are you?" Silence falls after my shaky question is asked, processing on both sides I assume. Then lex finally breaks the silence. "I am a guardian of the PURE like my mother and her family before her. I am your protector or to be whatever you want me to be, whatever you need me to be''. Panic strikes me to replace the sadness lingering in me. I know the next statement he's going to tell me I guess I've always known; but now he's going to say it. I need to hear it from him. The hardest pill to swallow, the truth "ari… you are… Blood Reina '' he pauses then states "the reincarnation of her and as a guardian that is all I am able to tell you" it's been done its said aloud which means i am Blood Reina.

Well of course you are little goddess, what do you think i am to you… just a voice in your head. Even at your young age have you truly not noticed… darling you've never experienced illness, you heal incredibly fast, people around you adore you so easily, no one has ever defied your wishes, no one questions your judgement, your leadership, you know who you are my little goddess, now except who you will become. That energy; that voice of my own, the one I don't recognize, that voice that scares me,the one that's mine. But I'm not ready… not yet. "Lex?"

"Yes, ari!" Lex responds with a raised eyebrow

"Who can tell me more ?"

"Another day aria, another day" he replies holding me tighter than ever " you know your eyes glowed…" he pauses then backs away to gaze at me "when you spoke at the statue.. Did you know that? They glowed bright gold and the scary part… so did the statue" I'm frozen in place by this, am i really this person, how? What is my purpose? Realizing the time, I have less than two hours to dress and meet the king. I rush lex out of the room, bidding him goodnight and telling him I must process this information. Closing and locking the door behind him once more.

Finally alone, I walked into this lovely bathroom. Its elegance is beyond this world. A huge white tub in the middle of the bathroom is separate from a glass door shower on the side. A double sink with marble countertop is at the entrance with a long mirror that is mounted on top. I approach the mirror and find an engravement at the bottom that states: para la Reina de mi vida yo quedo contigo para siempre mi amor

-Alexander H

Wait Alexander? It can't be… it's impossible..is it? I push my thoughts away for another day. It's time to get ready.

Setting aside the attire I decided to have a spa like cleansing. They have everything here so why not. I open a drawer under the sink and it's so many different herbs, pastes, masks etc. as if they knew all my favorite scents and knew my skin. I first exfoliate with a lemon sugar scrub I made back at home, then use this wood and cherry scented shampoo and conditioner that works wonders on my hair. I feel like I'm coming out of a commercial for hair products. After I finish up my shower I draw a coconut lime scented bubble bath. By the end I'll smell like a rainbow popsicle stick, I love it. I lay in my hot steaming bubble bath and breathe out a sigh of satisfaction,finally able to calm down. Having an hour left I set a 30 minute alarm; deciding to drift into a nice nap.

There's a long corridor and at the end, a white door with blood splatters all over it. Approaching closer to find two guards with sliced throats, hearing fast footsteps behind me, anger runs through my bones and without a second thought I turn with my dagger and slice another guard's throat… feeling as strong as ever i use the silver curved dagger with studded sapphires to see my own reflection. It's me ? I look scary black makeup like smoke on my eyes, blood splatters mixed in and a wide smirk on my face , I don't feel it's me, I'm speaking but cant make out the words in the reflection then after a wink throw the dagger down the corridor so it hit someone like a bullseye. As the person falls a yellow glimmer shines but it's all to blurred to make out

I awake, choking on water, finding my alarms have been going on for 10 minutes now. Rushing out of the tub with my lungs still burning to dry myself. Not knowing to expect a long shirt with basketball shorts will have to do. Keeping my hair down to air dry, I get my fluffy footies there so soft and muffle the sound of my feet so that's a plus. I quietly unlock the door and exit the room and begin to walk down the hallway. Lex merely went next door to gwens quarters and you can hear her giggling from outside, I smirk at the thought. It's dark but the moonlight shines through the windows just enough to light my way. The king said the food was cooked in the west wing down the long corridor before it splits in two, turn left and walk down the stairs and that walkway will lead to the kitchen. Just as I'm about to make the turn to the left, a hand grabs my arm and turns me around. Practically yanking me out of place.