
Regret of Silence

A Boy, who is shy & introvert at the same time. He dosent have any friends to talk with and moves to a new place or city every possible year. ____________________________________ Suddenly someone comes in his life who is friendly, lovable and kind-hearted. As the time passes both become friends and he feels an attraction towards her. He want to share his thoughts with her, but the question is will he able to spell it out due to his nature or God has his own way to stop him. Simple Story of a boy depicts the challenges and failures in the life of introvert and middle class persons, how someone can internally destroyed by some moments of silence. ___________________________________ Extra Note : Chapters will be edited every day as writing and editing is in process but the main plot will not be changed. So feel free to read. Release Rate : 10+Ch/Week.

Bhushan_Gupta · Realistic
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3 Chs


It's a sunny day of the Month of May. I was standing in front of our new house. We have just moved into this house, and I know little about the residents there. To take some fresh air, I asked my mom to go outside, and she gave me approval. As I am roaming around that area, I realized some people glaring at me like they haven't met a man like me in ages. But it's not new for me as I have changed many houses till now and this situation takes place every time I go to a new locality. Being shy and introvert, I don't enjoy socialising with people, first I know about them then I make people friends of mine. As I am wandering, a boy came to me and asked me a few questions which I don't like to answer now as they ask them so much time that I am bored with answering that question. So I ignored him & started walking towards my home. When I entered the second street of my colony, I saw someone stopped a car at a house and some people were moving the luggage from the car into that house. First, I thought they are also newcomers like me so I started looking into that house secretly to know who they are? When I was looking into that house a hand came on my shoulder and I turned to see who it was?

That moment transformed my way of looking at girls in my life. Before this, I am always beaten by girls in every field. Even if it's academics, sports every time a girl has beaten me and I am sick of those types of girls in my life. But when I saw her, eventually my heart started beating quickly and I can't say anything in my defence to her. She was shouting at me and her voice was like a soothing song to me. This has never happened to me. She confused my mind, and I started thinking about what is happening to me. Before that moment I was sick of the girls and this time when a girl was roaring at me, it felt like a pleasant voice was going in my ears. After 2 minutes of exasperation, she questioned me who are you? & what are you doing here? This time I came out of my dream and answered that I am new to this place and just having a look at the society. When I gave her explanation, I hoped that she would screw me off, but she didn't and she apologized for her exasperation. After some conversation with her, her grandmother came out of her house and asked her what are you doing outside? She pleasantly answered that she was also walking around in the society like me. After this she went into the house and I also walked off towards my home. She has a some kind of attractive personality that in some ways attracted me towards her and now I was more eager to talk with her.