
Regret of Silence

Realistic Fiction
Ongoing · 2.5K Views
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What is Regret of Silence

Read ‘Regret of Silence’ Online for Free, written by the author Bhushan_Gupta, This book is a Realistic Fiction Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A Boy, who is shy & introvert at the same time. He dosent have any friends to talk with and moves to a new place or city...


A Boy, who is shy & introvert at the same time. He dosent have any friends to talk with and moves to a new place or city every possible year. ____________________________________ Suddenly someone comes in his life who is friendly, lovable and kind-hearted. As the time passes both become friends and he feels an attraction towards her. He want to share his thoughts with her, but the question is will he able to spell it out due to his nature or God has his own way to stop him. Simple Story of a boy depicts the challenges and failures in the life of introvert and middle class persons, how someone can internally destroyed by some moments of silence. ___________________________________ Extra Note : Chapters will be edited every day as writing and editing is in process but the main plot will not be changed. So feel free to read. Release Rate : 10+Ch/Week.

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【团宠+苏爽+穿书1v1】女主可甜可萌可A(雾) 996在即将退休之际迎来了最后一任宿主。 本以为宿主是软萌可爱的娇憨姑娘,想着说不定能赶在退休前时髦一把,效仿隔壁和宿主谈个恋爱啥的。 谁知宿主是个芝麻馅汤圆。 外表看着着软软糯糯,切开全是黑的。 虽然吃下去还是很甜。 996:天然黑真可怕。被团宠的呆萌天然黑更可怕。 最可怕的是这个女人从她的同事一跃成了他的老板娘啊 ! 身为老板娘的同事,以后要每天被老板盯着啊!!! 从此之后996经常感觉老板在检(偷)查(看)工(老)作(婆) 姜凝(一脸懵):系统你最近怎么了?感觉你很焦虑啊。 主神(眯眼,冷笑):你有意见吗? 996疯狂摇头,不敢有!我很好!我没事! …… 姜凝自从入职以来,一直兢兢业业的工作,小心翼翼的隐藏身份。 直到某一天,联邦总部统计员工资料时,发现了一个了不得的人。 系统:啊?(破音)你是星际S级通缉犯?! 姜凝(疯狂摇头):我不是!我没有!我不知道! …… 姜凝:我真的不是星际大盗,真的不会三秒开锁和飞檐走壁,也不会穿过红外线取走宝物,更不会徒手拆高达。 我真的只是随手捡了点别人不要的东西拿去卖啊! 来自一个伪·大盗,真·走私商的血泪哭喊。

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