
Regress For Revenge

Noah, after fighting the seven demon kings, ends up on his knees with his life slowly slipping away and with no energy left to fight; however, due to certain circumstances, he ends up recovering his strength, and with the help of unknown voices, he is given another chance. "I'll have my revenge on every single one of you, I promise!"

Zxero0 · Fantasy
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178 Chs


- Exactly, says Turo while pointing at Noah, You guys probably don't know that when you eject mana from your mana heart to create a spell, depending on how the ejection is done the spell can lead to not having enough mana or having too much. In other words for now we are gonna work on mana control. First, as you know, a mana heart is separated into four parts the first part is the receiver which receives the Energicules that transformed into mana. The second part is the storage where the mana is stored. The third part is the processor when spells are used it's the part that processes whether the magicians possess the right amount of mana hearts and the strength of the mana hearts to use the spell. The last part is the ejector, it's the part that ejects the mana out of the mana hearts in order to conjure the spell. For our first lesson, I will see how you guys process and eject. Now let's start, shall we? Who wants to go first?

Noah walks up to the first lane out of the four.

- Mana Bullet!

The bullet charges up and he shoots it at the target aiming dead in the center.


" Impressive. There is not a single waste of energy when he used his spell. So that's Noah Arcadios, huh."

[Flashback before the class in the teacher's office]

Turo is sitting down on his chair looking at the first year's class sheet.

- Turo.

Turo raises his head to see who approached him from behind.

- What is it, Andre?

The one who had approached him was the Blue dorm first-year teacher, Andre Layton. Andre takes a chair and sits down next to Turo.

- I need to talk to you about a student, a student that is...problematic one might say maybe even dangerous. says Andre.


" Andre is a kind person. He is one of the few nobles who doesn't care about status or connections even though he is from one of the four Ducal families. No matter what he never judges people based on their first impression or their first meeting. A man like that is telling me that one of the students might be dangerous."

- What do you mean, Andre?

- His name is Noah Arcadios.

- You mean the youngest of the Arcadios duchy? The one who had a duel against Darius?

- Yeah.

- So, what's wrong with the guy?

- Today, it happened twice! I felt him, I felt him emit bloodthirst twice.

- What?

- The first time was when the nobles and the commoners started arguing in the class. It got really loud and for a second, it was only a little bit and only for a second, but I felt him emit bloodthirst.

- ...

- The second time was in the hall after class. He had a confrontation with the first princess Juliana Fayrak.

- Why did they have a fight?

- It seems like her brother, Gancelot, took Noah as his master.

- Master? Did he ask that kid to be his master? Gancelot? From what I heard, it seemed like he really didn't like Noah.

- I was surprised at first too but it's the truth, however, Juliana didn't like that...

- Yeah, it's understandable. To others, it might look like Gancelot decided to help Noah become the heir of the Duchy.

- Right. Anybody could see it like that, and I think that worried her.

- Because of the first prince?

- Yeah, you know it too don't you? What type of person is the first prince is.

[Turo has a flashback of the first time he metTelnoir]

- Yeah he hides it well but I've seen many like him. Crazy bastards that will do anything to get what they want.

- If he heard about their master-student relationship, I don't think he would appreciate it and that's probably what Juliana thought too.

- From what I heard, she deeply loves her brother and mother.

- She does and that lead to her mentioning a few words that shouldn't be mentioned.

- Like?

- Noah Arcadios's mother and the fact that he was an illegitimate child.

- I see... and that lead him to emit bloodthirst. No matter how mad you are emitting bloodthirst is beyond anger. He really could have killed her.

- Yeah. Andre says while sighing.

- So I'm guessing you want me to keep an eye on him.

Andre nods up and down to answer Turo's question.

- I am gonna see Darius now. I need to tell him too. Andre says while getting up.

[End Of Flashback]


" For now, I don't sense any bloodthirst. Does it only happen when he's angered?"

- Alright! Next! One student in each lane!

[After every student had their turn]


" This year there are a few exceptional children in this I would even say that it's our best year. If I were to rank the students, the first would obviously be Noah, the second is Abel, the third is Juliana, fourth is Gancelot. The rest is pretty average, therefore this year the ones who will be on top of the Magic-specific class will probably be these four.

- Let's see... we got a good 20 minutes left, huh... Ok! for the next 20 minutes I want you guys to cultivate. At the same time, I will be going around giving you pointers.

The students enter the cultivation state. The first one he approaches is Noah.


"... What is this? Is this a joke? How is he absorbing Energicules at such a speed?... I guess that's why he is called a genius."

Turo continues his rounds observing his students.

[Blue dorm classroom with the Contract Holders specific class]

- I am the teacher for the contract holder-specific class Lyria Munike.

Lyria Munike was a young lady in her twenties with grey hair and blue eyes, who had just gotten accepted as a teacher for the Contract Holder-specific class.


" Oh! I know her! I saw her on TV once. She is from the Munike family a family that has the title of Marquis, the second-highest title in the hierarchy that is nobility. If I remember it right, during her interview she revealed that just like her father she had made a contract with a named spirit."

Spirits have two ranks. The first one is the Unnamed there are regular spirits with the ability to manipulate certain elements, they are also called low-tier spirits. There are the Named spirits they are spirits with great powers. When a Contract Holder enters a contract with a named spirit they easily have the power of a magician with four mana hearts or a Gold-ranked martial artist. And at the top of the named spirits are the Spirit Kings or Queens. They are the spirits with the greatest powers among all the spirits.

- So, first, we should go over what Prana is and what are it's uses. You gain the ability to store Prana in your prana pool; however, Prana is an energy that can only be used in order to manifest the power of beings outside of this realm, in other words, a Blessing from a God or an Angel or the Curse of a Demon, or a Contract with a spirit. it's pretty useless if you don't have one of those.

- Teacher?

- Yes, student.

- My name is Kramptus and I would like to know if Angels, Demons, or Gods actually exist.

- It's a question that every Contract Holders ask themselves. As for an answer, I don't know.

- You don't?

- I don't. As you already know some say that back in the Dark Ages the four heroes were people that received their swords and powers from the Gods, however, none of us ever met them. And while it's true that the four Sacred Swords possess mysterious origins, it's not right to assume that they actually came from the Gods. We have yet to see someone with powers gifted by the Gods and we don't have the technology nor the magical skills to prove their existence. Maybe, one day, someone that received power from them will appear or maybe we will never be able to prove or see someone with their powers. Who knows? Anyway for today's lesson to enter in contact with spirits but from what I heard there is a student who is already able to control a spirit.

The students look at Sunev.

- So, it was you? asks Lyria

- Ye...Yes it is me. answers Juliana


" Hmmm... Her prana is unbelievably pure and clean I can see why she was already able to enter a contract with a spirit."

- So, you already entered a contract with a spirit, huh? How about you explain how you did it to the other students?

- Hmm... I... I think there... is a... misunderstanding. says Sunev while constantly moving her eyes around to avoid eye contact with anybody and everybody.

- What do you mean? asks Lyria

- Hmmm... I mean... I...hmmm. She closes her eyes and says. I didn't enter a contract with a spirit!

- What!?

- What do you mean? Everyone saw you use the Unnamed water spirit! says Kramptus with anger.

- WAIT! sit down, Kramptus.

Kramptus sits down and the other students are whispering about Sunev's statement.

- Please explain, Sunev. What do you mean by that?

- I mean that I... I didn't enter a contract with a spirit. she says while looking down.

- So, how did you use a spirit?

- I don't know I just can hear them and when I call for them they answer me, it's only the Unnamed one that I can hear, and that answers me.


" Is she saying that she can summon spirit without entering a contract? but that's impossible! This has never been heard of before... wait... no, there was someone who was able to do that. He was able to summon Unnamed spirits without a contract but to summon named spirits he needed a contract, however, his name is unknown since he was someone from the Dark Ages. Does she have a special constitution?"

- I see... well, I don't know anything about that! You will probably find out more about it once you get stronger and enter into contact with stronger spirits. Now, I'm guessing you don't know how to contact sports then?

Sunev nods in agreement with Lyria's statement.

- Well I'll explain. To enter into contact with spirits, you need to, simply, release your Prana! When you do that spirits will approach you by themselves and when they choose you as their Contractor, they will touch your prana, and by touching your prana reveal themself to you. Oh, and by the way if your prana touches them but if they are not the ones to initiate contact with it it won't work.

To be continued

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