
Regress For Revenge

Noah, after fighting the seven demon kings, ends up on his knees with his life slowly slipping away and with no energy left to fight; however, due to certain circumstances, he ends up recovering his strength, and with the help of unknown voices, he is given another chance. "I'll have my revenge on every single one of you, I promise!"

Zxero0 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Genius and Constitution

" What did he mean by my brothers becoming a pain in the ass when it involves me? I could understand Jynn bothering them since I could threaten his position as the next Duke of the Arcadios family but why would Yoann bother them?"

[In the stands with Luke and the Galliard]

- What was that Luke? The amount of mana that he could use as well as the spell used was definitely something that could be done with one mana heart. However, the combat technique that he showed. It was as if he experienced countless amount of battles.

-I agree the way he moved and his utilization of his spells contained an incredible amount of experience but how, when, and where did he get it?

Jynn sits next to Luke and says

- Did you forget that there's a way to explain this?

-What do you mean? aks Galliard

- It's actually pretty simple, what if he didn't think before moving what if his body reacted before he even thought of doing what he did

-You mean he moved by instinct aks Luke

Jynn shakes in head up and down to show his agreement with his father's question.

- That'll mean that the Arcadios house gave birth to another genius. says Galliard with a huge smile on his face.

- Isn't it obvious after all its Noah were talking about here.

-Impressive! Truly impressive! Luke!

-Yes your highness?

- A week before the semester starts there will be the King's Sword will hold a meeting. Bring your sons with you!

- It shall be done.

- You can go now every since he laid down you've been fidgeting to go make sure he was ok. so go now.

The Duke jumps down and lands next to Noah, extends his hand, and casts a spell.

-Flame Magic. Flames Of Healing

Green flames light up in his hand and he then proceeds to wrap the flames around my body. My body is now Covered in a green fire.

"It's warm. But why...why are you smiling like this. Such a warm smile but at the same time full of guilt." I thought as my eyes slowly closed.

-You can rest now Noah, you did a good job. are the last words I hear when my eyes close.

I open my eyes and all I see is a green plain. A beautifully pure and clear green plain.

"I'm in my inner realm, I'm guessing Bright called me here."

-That's right since it seemed like you had more time compared to when you tried to contact us earlier.

I turn around and I see Bright but Dull isn't here.

- Alright so why did you call me?

Dull appears and say

- Arent you the one that called us earlier, Do you not have a brain?

- Since you can hear my thought there is no need for me to hide them. Why are you acting like this?

- It's nothing too complicated I simply don't like weaklings. You fought a lot of demons so you know it right? Demons only acknowledge the strong.

- WHAT! While I may not possess the strength that I possessed. In the future I was strong.

- That's why you ended up dying at the hands of the seven Demon Kings huh?

- Alright alright let's calm down ok? Dull you can go I will answer his question if I can but I don't think we'll get anywhere if you are here too. Sooooo right now, I think it will be in everybody's interest if you two are separated.

- I was going to go anyway.

Dull disappears. Bright face, smile.

- So what did you want to ask?

- It's about my body, it seems like I have a special constitution that [ermits me to absorb Energicules it's faster when I cultivate but even when I'm not my body naturally absorbs Energicules. Do you know anything about it?

- Yeah I do, I can even tell you about it.

-Explain then...please?

- its actually nothing complicated. In the future, you met people with special constitutions. You probably don't remember all of them but I'm pretty sure you remember two of them. One is your best friend he also was your right-hand man before he died and the other was the woman you once loved but betrayed you by trying to kill you. One was the man you trusted the most and he died protecting you the other was the woman you loved and died by your hands in a fit of rage.

I frown.

- I remember all too well.

- That guy had the freeze constitution. Because of that, his mana ended up changing making him able to use the rare Ice magic. Thanks to his constitution cold and attacks based on Ice were useless against him. The woman had a more common one, poison constitution. She could realize poison from her body and even implant it inside her magic. But your constitution is way more special. It doesn't have a name since you are the first one to possess it, but I would say that you are simply loved by the Enrgicules. Normally you can only enter the state of absorption through cultivation if you're not then Energicules can't enter your body but it seems like your body is constantly in a state of absorption and when you cultivate instead of entering the absorption state you accelerate the absorption.

- It sounds good and all but it ended up being a pain in the ass in the beginning of my life.

- Actually, that was not your body's fault, it was ours and yours.

- What do you mean?

- You weren't born with all the energies for no reason actually since we are beings from another realm we use Prana. Normally when you reached eight years old the seal on you should have weakened enough so that you could hear our voices. When you did we were supposed to guide you so that you could break a part of the seal when you did we were gonna absorb your Prana so that we could recover our strength you would have been left with Mana and Ki and we would lend you our powers through a blessing of mine and a curse of my brother. But we never thought that somebody would place another seal.

- Another one?

-Yeah we can't remember who it was but somebody definitely placed another seal on you. Somebody that knew that you had demon blood.

- What do you mean? Right now, Demons, Gods, Angels, and Beasts are not known to the world. people think of them as legends or myths there are some that believe that they exist because of Curses and Blessings. But since they have never tried to enter in contact with us, most believe that Curse and Blessings are a sort of phenomenon that appears when one awakens Prana. they think it's created by the energy itself.

-However just like you said there are some that believe in them. anyway, times up! Staying in you inner realm for too long is not good for you since it causes mental strain you might have a headache when you wake up.

- That's why my head hurt last time.

My body starts fading proof that I'm leaving the Inner realm.

-Hey Noah!


-Be careful it seems like things are not as safe as we thought.

- Yeah, don't worry about it-

I smile

- I'm strong after all.

To be continued

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