
Regress For Revenge

Noah, after fighting the seven demon kings, ends up on his knees with his life slowly slipping away and with no energy left to fight; however, due to certain circumstances, he ends up recovering his strength, and with the help of unknown voices, he is given another chance. "I'll have my revenge on every single one of you, I promise!"

Zxero0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs


- Ok since nobody got questions then let's start our first general class!

- Wait! Teacher! I got a question! says Noah while raising his hand.

- Go ahead then. answers Andre.

- It's about the library...

- You already went to the library?

- Yeah, since we had some free time yesterday. Anyway, I wanted to ask why did the librarian stop me from going to the second floor?

- The second floor? Did you try to go to the second floor?

- Yeah.

- Why? I don't think you could have read all of the books that are on the first floor and out of the five floors the first one has the most books. Are you telling me that in a matter of a few hours, you managed to read all the books on the first floor? Or were you looking for something?


" Damn it! Am I making it too obvious?"

- No, like you said there is no way I could have read all of those books and there is obviously no way that I am looking for a certain book since the academy is closed to anyone from the outside.

- So why do you want to know about the second floor? asks Andre.

All of the students are silent and are looking at Noah. You can also hear some whispers between them.

- Isn't the teacher right? It is pretty weird. a student whispered.

- It is weird. another answer while whispering.


" This is getting out of hand."


"hmm... he's obviously hiding something but... what is it?"

- I was simply exploring the academy yesterday and since I got blocked there it ignited my curiosity. says Noah.

Andre stares at Noah for a while, sighs, and says.

- It's because it's dangerous.

- Dangerous? asks Noah.

- If you want to know more visit the library after school. There is an explanation session about how the library works. By the way, if you don't go you won't be able to get information about the library. Im talking to everyone, the session is free to attend and is only done once a year. If you want you can buy the library info book but it cost points. Now let's get back to class.


- Oi! Noah, can you hear me?


" Yeah, I can hear you. What is it?"


- When you're done with school come inside your Inner Realm. I got something important to talk about with you.


" I am surprised. You actually called me by my name."


- Focus, Noah! This is important! Don't forget!


" Why are you acting like this? Even if I forget you can pull me in."


- Damn it! Did Bright not explain shit to you?


- Huh? What do you mean?

- Is there a problem, Noah? asks Andre.

- No, it's nothing.

- Are you even listening?

- Of course, I am.

- Who were the four heroes and which kingdom did they make?

- Arthur Fayrak was the hero of the sun and the heat. He wielded the Sacred Sword which bathed in the heat of the sun, Excalibur, and founded the kingdom of light, Fayrak. Siegfried Valmund was the dragon slayer that bathed and even ate the heart of a dragon. He wielded the dragon-slaying Sacred Sword, Balmung and he founded the kingdom of snow, Valmund. Shinki Ryoma was the hero of the moon and the cold. He wielded the Sacred Sword which had bathed in the cold of the night under the moonlight, Kusanagi and he founded the kingdom of cherry blossom, Ryoma. Lastly, Trey Sinbad was the hero of the seven seas. He wielded the Sacred Sword that had bathed in each of the seven seas, Laevateinn and he founded the kingdom of the seven seas, Sinbad.

- Impressive! Truly impressive! You gave the perfect answer as well as details that were relevant to the question even though they were not mentioned in the question! If this was an exam question you probably would have gotten an S mark.

Juliana raises her hand. Andre points at her.

- Yes Juliana?

- What is the S mark? You didn't mention it when you explained the grading system.

- Oh... that's because it wasn't necessary. He looks at Noah. At least, I thought it wasn't necessary...

Students all give glances to Noah.

-... The S grade stands for special. It's a grade that is rarely given to a student, it's so rare that you can count the amount of time it was given on one hand.

- How many times was it given? asks Aos.

Andre puts up four fingers.

The students exclaim in surprise.

- Was his answer truly worthy of such a grade? asks Juliana.

- Well, since he is a first-year, yes.

- What does the grade have to do with the fact that he's a first-year? asks Juliana


- Before we could pull you in because you didn't have the slightest amount of control over your Inner Realm. Let's use a phone for example. Before you mastered Mind Immersion, it was as if your Inner Realm didn't have a password, face Id, or energy recognition but when you mastered Mind Immersion, it was as if you implemented a security method, one that blocks control over the Inner Realm for everybody else than you.


" I see... comparing it to a phone was definitely a good idea. By the way, nobody taught me how to enter my Inner Realm."


- Right... It's simple when you enter your cultivating state instead of absorbing energy bring all of your focus to your mind when you do you will feel like there's a wall there all you need to do is tear the wall that is between your Consciousness and your Subconsciousness.


" Sounds simple and doable."


- Alright see you later.

Andre continues.

- When you take into account his age his answer is exceptional but later in his academy years, while it isn't exactly common knowledge it is something that those above average knows.

The bell rings.

- Alright! This is gonna be all for your first general class! As you know next up you have your specific class so you got to head to the training grounds.

All the students leave. When Noah goes through the door he hears somebody calling him.


The one running in the hall and calling him master is none other than Noah's "disciple", Gancelot Fayrak.


" At first, I thought that he was one of those incredibly prideful nobles that hate it when others, in any way, damage their pride but now that I'm getting to know him I feel like he's just a little simple."

While he is running, somebody puts themselves in the middle of the hall in order to stop him. Obviously, that person is his twin sister, Juliana and she is fuming mad, you can see it by the redness on her face.


- Oh shit! exclaims Gancelot.

Gancelot slows down, stops in front of his sister, stands straight, and stares at the roof.

- WhAt Are YOu DoINg? asks Juliana while clearly trying to hold in her anger.

- I came to pick up my master to head to the training ground for the magic class. says Gancelot quickly without taking a breath in a monotone tone.


" Now I see who, out of the twins, has the most power over the other. He is quite obviously scared of her."

- Master? Who is he talking about? some students in the hall ask each other.

- Who is that master of yours, huh, Gancelot?

- My master? He is right behind you. He says while pointing at me

She grabs his ear and starts pulling it.

- Do you think I am joking around? Huh! Time to get serious otherwise, I really will beat you up.

- Ow ow ow ow. That hurts! I swear I'm telling the truth.

Noah sighs and walks up to the twins. He grabs Juliana's wrist of the hand that she's using to pull Gancelot's ear.

- That should be enough. After all, he isn't lying.

Juliana lets go of Gancelot's ear. Gancelot while grabbing his ear that became red says.

- See! I told you he was my master!

- What are you trying to do Arcadios?

- What do you mean?

- I am asking you why are you trying to get close to my brother.

- I am not, he came and asked me to help him get stronger.

- Are you sure? Is that really all, Noah? persists Juliana.

- What are you trying to say? Get to the point. I don't mind whatever it is that you are insinuating since you are wrong. answers Noah.

- I heard that your relationship with your family started to get better these days. Are the rumors wrong?

- Sis! Stop it!

- I think I already told you to get to the point, didn't I?

- Fine! Are you trying to get closer to my brother in order to gain power and influence? Enough influence to make your father's decision about his heir tilt towards you?

- ...

- ANSWER ME! Are you trying to use my brother so that you can gain an advantage in the succession of the Duchy?

- Why would I even do that?

Andre walks out of the classroom to see what's happening.

- What is going on here?

- Why you ask? Isn't it obvious? You are an illegitimate child! The child of a lowly maid that didn't know her place.

Noah's pupil sharpens and one of his eyes starts turning red. He also, uncontrollably, lets out a lot of killing intent as well as Aura, which creates immense pressure and it becomes hard for the others to breathe. He gets closer to Juliana, grabs her wrist again, closes the distance between their faces, and says.

- What did you say? I dare you to say it again. in a calm but terrifying tone.


" Wha.. Wwwhaat is that.... is he rea.. really human?"

To be continued

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