
Regress For Revenge

Noah, after fighting the seven demon kings, ends up on his knees with his life slowly slipping away and with no energy left to fight; however, due to certain circumstances, he ends up recovering his strength, and with the help of unknown voices, he is given another chance. "I'll have my revenge on every single one of you, I promise!"

Zxero0 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Creation and Kingdom

I had done the impossible. I created a new energy. An energy that was born from the mix of all five energies: Aura.

- I've thought this ever since you entered the ruins. Just what in the hell are you???

- What do you mean? I'm a human.

- What the hell do you mean? No human should be able to withstand that powerful of an energy clash. Not only that but how is it possible to possess all of the five energies inside your body? and lastly... WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO!!!

-Even if you ask me it's not like I know. As for what I just did, I used my instinct!

- Why do you look so proud while saying that idiot? Doesn't that just mean you don't understand what you just did? haaaaaaahh.... I swear you are not normal.



- hehehehehe.! HEY! YOU'RE BODY.... IT'S FADING!

- The only reason why I'm still here was to pass on Aether to someone while I didn't pass it on to you; it seems like giving you the knowledge was also enough. Now I will disappear and rejoin my main body.

-Wait, wait, wait, are you saying that you're not dead?

-Did I ever say that I was dead?

- Does that mean that we will meet again?

-If you ever reach my level, then we will.

And his body vanished. That day was the day I took my first step toward my goal. It was the true start of my future, and today I must recreate that miracle. Last time I did it instinctively but this time, I need to understand what I'm doing fully.

So I started, I broke the balance, and the energies went rampant inside my body. "I need to remember the feeling I had last time" The pain is incredible, but it doesn't match the pain I endured during the Causality trial. "That's right, just like that." I redirected the flow of the energies in every nook and cranny of my body was filled with the rampage of energies; I then proceeded to the fusion of the energies starting from the head to the toes. It was a success. I managed to do it again, but I was extremely exhausted, so I passed out.

[Inside the Inner realm.]

-What do you think Dull? Isn't this child formidable? He was born with the Versial constitution a constitution that is always absorbing Energicules and transforming into whichever energy the body is able to wield. While is absorption rate is slow with training he'll be able to control it and even speed up the absorption rate, and when that happens, it'll be like he never runs out of energy. Just like father.

- Don't compare him to Father.

- Plus, he even succeeded where Father failed; the unification of energies. Give him some credit Dull.



[Outside world]

When I woke up, half of the day had already passed by. There were only three hours left until my ceremony. I get up and head to the indoor training hall. "Perfect! nobody's here." Aura is different than the other energies for a few reasons, but the biggest one would be the way to store it. Unlike the other energies where you need to store your energy in a specific place or way, Aura is simply stored inside the body, in other words, my whole body is a container of Aura.

Another reason would be its utilization. Unlike the other energies it can be used in order to cast spells, enchants and even martial arts. Probably because it's a mix of all of the energies. In the future, I learned Lightning magic and based my fighting style on it. I then strengthened my body by covering it in a thin layer of Aura, and sometimes I would cast enchants on my body that was how I fought but even with all that I still ended up dying.

- Lightning magic! Body Of Speed! Electricity

It was my main spell, in other words, the spell I used the most. It's a very simple but extremely useful spell. The spell sends electricity throughout my body speeding up the movement of my body thanks to that I can attain a speed that is far superior than anybody else. The spell has three levels: electricity, Lightning, and Thunder. In the future, I earned the title of thunder emperor due to my magic.

"Right now my body will be able to use it thrice in a day and for no more than four minutes. Using the other levels would greatly harm my body."

"Alright! Next is."


I gather my aura, stretch out my hand and Yell


Nothing. "Double casting seems undoable for now." I gather the electricity inside my body and surrounding my body to my hand, and I try again.

-Lightning magic! Electricity bolt

A bolt of electricity comes out of my hand and heads straight toward the training log.


Only the lower half of the log remains. " Damn it! Was I that weak at that age? But that should be enough for the ceremony."

I look at the clock. It's only 13h30. I still got 2 hours and a half. I sit down and start gathering Aura. I will need a lot of it if I want my plan to succeed. "After all, I promised Brother that I will do something that nobody else had ever done."

-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Just wait ill make it worthwhile for every person there.

[2 hours later]

-Young master its time.

- Ah! it's you, Roan!

-The car is ready.

I get up, head back to my room put on my uniform, and head into the car. The car starts up and were heading toward the academy.

I look outside the window. The kingdom of Fayrak is quite a technologically advanced Kingdom we got cars tv phones and many other things. that's why many authers base their fantasy stories on our Kingdom. For example, these stories where humans live on a planet named Earth which is as advanced as Fayrak, but there is no energy there. The hierarchy in Fayrak is quite simple, there is Gailliard King Fayrak at the top, and after that, there are the Nobles and at the top of them are the four Dukes. Duke Aracadios, Duke Parmekia, Duke Layton, and Duke Laos are the four families that hold the title of Duke. To finish, after the Nobles there is the commoners.

We finally arrive. I step out of the car and a tall building stands in front of me that building is the Fayrak academy that I'll be attending. In front of the academy, gates is my father. I walk up to him.

- Are you ready?

- Yes, Father.

"Time to get the show on the road."

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