
Redemption of Cosmic Pariahs - The Unlimited System

In a universe marred by their past, Deen Clost and Nova Clon, once formidable, now stand as mere echoes. Their actions obliterated 200 planets, claiming countless lives. United by a common purpose, they embark on a heart-rending journey to restore their lost powers and resurrect the destroyed worlds. Stripped of glory, they yearn for redemption, despised by gods, humans, and all races. Their quest is a poignant tale of remorse, sacrifice, and the enduring power of determination. Can they redeem themselves and rebuild, or remain cosmic outcasts forever?

Sun_burn · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A traitor and dark angel - 9

Nova slowly landed next to what seemed like a cave. Upon closer inspection not one but was a rundown old building built on the side of a mountain seeming to extend inside the mountain.

There were no visible life signs. However Nova had detected something so she was certain there was something there. Some sort of energy.

She put Deen on her back and slowly slowly walked in. The snow fall outside was intense, if not for her powers she might not have found the entry at all.

The place was obviously chilly as evident for the condensating moisture from her mouth.

After a while she was inside pushing doors open.

"Gizmo!…. Gizmo!?"

Nova called out. Soon she heard footsteps of someone moving downstairs.

She waited in the open spaced room before the man named Gizmo slowly descended.

Her eyes quickly glimmered with hope.

"Gizmo, It's amazing to you're still kicking."

Gizmo appeared to be a middle-aged man about to start truly aging as his facial and head hair was starting to turn white. However Gizmo's true age was way in the thousand.

"Nova Clon, this is a surprise. What did the Rulers of the 16th Galaxy Cluster do this time."

He answered in a calm tone.

"You don't seem exited to see us. Did something happen?" Nova said taking Deen from behind her back and putting him on her arms.

"Well, when you live a long time you tend to loose that alot."

Gizmo said moving closer.

"Deen here has been asleep for about a week. Can you perhaps diagnose him."

Gizmo moved a little closer then took a peek at Deen sleeping figure.

"Is there anything I can do you can't. You a literal god ruling billions of planets, while I'm just the Earth's observer."

Nova looked at Gizmo and sighed.

"Stuff happened and we lost all of our powers. We are just shells clinging to what is left of us."

Gizmo squinted his eyes but didn't say more than he had to.

"Bring him to my dimension, I might be able to do something about it while we are there."

He waved his hand and rectangular purple door appeared out of thin air opened. The two walked in and found themselves in a enormous golden room.

It was not so bright that it was blinding but it was shinny.

A platform suddenly rose from one of the many grids on the floor of the room like tiled floor.

Nova placed Deen on it. And stood beside him. Gizmo took a glance at Nova then spoke.

"Would you mind standing a bit further, I need to activate my analysis power on him."

Nova was about to take a step back but halted.

"Something is not quit right, Gizmo are…"

Before she could finish her words an intense beam of energy assaulted her. The beam was clearly aimed at her and blasted her to the wall of the room.

The impact was great enough to shake the small pocket dimension.

Nova fell on the ground her body truly injured and her expression showing she was in pain.

Small drops of Purple blood dropped from her mouth.

She stood but her posture bent making it obvious she was hurt.

"Look at you! What a sight. Goddess of an entire Galaxy Cluster at my mercy. Or should I say former Goddess."

Nova turned his gaze towards the source of the voice. A being with blue horns pure white pale skin and two wings.One wing blue while the other red.

The person wore red over armoured amor that had blue patterns on it.

"An exterminator angel? What do you want!"

The angel swag it's arm and a red sword materialised. He then looked at Nova with disqust.

"What do I want? You know the answer. To kill a mass murderer of course. You and sleeping prince over there have brought shame to the gods and must be eliminated!."

The angel teleported and appeared next to Nova and swag his blade at her.

Nova quickly launched backwards barely dodging but she was still slightly cut on her cheek.

"Not bad for a weak and sinful vulgar being. Today, I the Ruler of the star system FG68300A100K, Servic shall claim your life and clense this univerof vermin like you."

Servic declared happily pointing his blade at her. He seemed to truly be enjoying himself.

Nova mastered some courage and cosmic energy and materialised a purple black blade.

Servic jumped into action and started exchanging blows with Nova. Each blow was heavy but somehow Nova defended herself.

However, Servic seemed to be relaxed clearly toying with Nova. His blows were heavy but seemed only meant to exhaust Nova.

"Is that really the best you can do?"

He said attacking nonstop.

"Come on Nova the murderer. Try harder!"

He said pushing her away with his tremendous brute force. Nova looked around running her mind on how to escape. She understood she couldn't win.

That's when she noticed Gizmo the traitor about to do something to Deen. He seemed to be raising a blade ready to strike the sleeping Deen.

"Aaaaaa! Get away from my man you traitor.!"

She angrily commanded with a loud voice giving a death glare at Gizmo.

"Traitor? I'm not about to let two mass murderers who could potentially bring harm to planet I'm supposed to observe stay alive."

Gizmo didn't hesitate any longer and thrusted the blade right into Deen's chest.

Nova tried to reach Deen but the angel, Servic blocked her path.

"You're fighting me remember?"

He parred her away but Nova charged in again. She was in a desperate attempt of saving Deen.

Servic while paring suddenly charged up a burst of cosmic energy. His red blade began glowing and he was about to strike.

Nova didn't wait until he made his move and charged again. She swag her blade at him but Servic vanished from position.

Nova stood there for a moment dazed what happened.

Tack… tack!

Blood oozed from her right arm. Her arm was completed cutoff. From the elbow there was no longer an arm there.

"I think we have dragged on this fuss long enough."

Servic then again teleported and appeared with his blade on Nova's neck.

Nova did a quick backwards dash. She held her arm tightly trying to control too much blood loss.

She was defeated. However she still seemed to want to fight back. Her spirit seemed far from defeated.

"Stop this futility and let me put you to rest… You shall fall to oblivion since not even remnants of your souls are allowed to roam this universe."

Servic declared walking majestically toward Nova.

"Hypocrite, answer me truthful…" she puked a mouthful of blood.

"…answer me truthfully. Did they sent you to deliver justice or is it fear. I admit I am a sinner but are you bosses any better?"

Nova stood on one kneel looking at Servic with a hateful glare. Her eyes filled with animosity.

It make Servic quiver a bit in fear. He just sighed hiding it.

"I don't need to hear any of your nonsense. Shut up and let me kill you. Look at those eyes… I see nothing but vermin, something to be cast to the void and let the universe have peace."

Servic was ready to end Nova.

Suddenly the pocket dimension they were in cracked and broke apart. They were back into the mountain house. Meaning Gizmo deactivated it or he was no longer alive.

Servic took about three steps before he halted and pivoted slowly back.

Bang! Crackle!

Nova turned her gaze towards where Servic was looking and witnessed what was going for herself.

Gizmo was lying on the ground although hard to decide. He was so crushed to a point unrecognised, just a pile of round flesh.

Deen stood there his eyes pitch black and oozed a black substance like smoke.

He the spoke in a female tone.

"System Linkage complete. System Defense Mechanism activated…. Objective: protect the host companion at all costs as requested."

Servic made a huge smirk.

"Refusing to die? I'll do you the honors!!"

Servic jumped forward.