

It's about how he fall in love with her in their contractual marriage for residency where she wanted to stay but doesn't have any idea to stay in the country where she strongly refused to take anything from him later when he found out about her he flew to her begging her to be in his life again, How he made sure that she is his not letting anyone come near her.

otaku_panda · Urban
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47 Chs


We chatted for more than half an hour no one was willing to go but I got a ping from Julia, saying (Ma'am we have a meeting in fifteen minutes, where are you?) I have already gone through the details of today's meeting what is left for me to do is go and sign the papers in the meeting so I replied (I am on my way). After texting Julia when I look at Kevin he was also texting someone so I waited for him to finish.

"Here, it's my number I changed it way back" I passed my number onto him and he saved it quickly. He is sweet I missed him a lot, "Oh are you free tonight?" I asked him when he looks at me after saving my number, he looks at his schedule and said "Totally I am free tonight, what's the plan?" his eyes were sparkling "I am meeting my friends so I thought I would introduce them to you." He thought for a while "Ummm sure I met one before in the store, how many are there?" he tries to get up while grabbing all these belongings. "Three, Meet me at Harry's club." I also got up from my seat and paid the bill before he could and said "this is on me, Beat ya" I waved him goodbye before he could say anything I rushed out.

As I walk into the office, I saw people looking at me and asking me "are you fine now? I heard you got sick badly" I know this is kind of irritating but it's better for them to know that, I said I am fine and rushed towards my cabin, Man I hate small talks it always makes is uncomfortable even my boss was interested knowing what happened to me. I ignored everything and took my files and as I was about to call Julia, she knocked on the door "ma'am are you ready the client is waiting in the conference room" I walk towards her while fixing the files in my hand. "Yeah lead the way" I walk behind her and when we reached the conference room, I was surprised to see Kevin waiting when he saw me he stood up and asks, "What are you doing here June?" I was about to laugh but I swallowed it.

"Hello! Mr. Kevin, I am the team leader of the project that we are assigned for today" he gave me a big smile in return and shook my hand.

The meeting went for like two hours; we made some exchanges and argued about what is right and what is wrong, how the changes that are going to affect the project that is ongoing because of some jackass.

"I can't imagine you are the one who is replacing that jerk," I said while holding the conference door open for him. He gave me a confused look "Jerk? Oh, you mean Jackson?" I nodded in return but before I could say anything Julia spoke from behind "Mr. Kevin you won't believe he proposed to marry her" I look back in anger she must have noticed that I am angry so she quickly excused herself and Kevin's assistant also left with her for further details.

"Now I get it he is a jerk, by the way, I hope you didn't agree to his proposal," he asks while walking and opening the main door of the office. I laughed at his sentence and shook my head in a no "NO, have you seen him, he already has three wives, can you imagine" Kevin laughed and agreed to my answer "so are you dating someone, or are you married?" he asks me while opening the car door for me but before I could sit someone pulled my hand and yanked me back.

"Sorry she is already taken, she is mine" a husky voice came when I bumped into the chest I don't have to look to know who this voice belongs to. I tried to pull myself apart but he tightened his grip around me luckily Kevin pulled me out. Man, this man is so fucking strong and why do I feel like a helpless bunny standing in front of a bear and tiger?

"June are you alright?" Kevin asks me while checking; I nod in return and turn to Cam who was staring at me in anger. "Mr. Watson, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I know that came out like venom in my voice but I can't help it, I am so annoyed with him pulling me from behind can't he just call me does he have to pull me every fucking time we meet?

"Miss Luper, sorry for disturbing your fun I want your time for lunchtime I left the message but you didn't reply so I came here to pick you up." He said as calmly as possible. "Aah I must have missed it when we were talking" I look at Kevin while finishing the line "and I am sorry I have an appointment already" I waited for a while but he didn't reply. As I was about to leave someone called my name from Mr. Watson's behind, Shit… Shit… I look at Cam in confusion, he just ignored my glazes, and I am pissed even more. "Hon, what's taking you so long get in the car" His mother came towards me and hugged me while finishing and she gave a look at Kevin. "Mother…" aah this is so complicated.

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