

It's about how he fall in love with her in their contractual marriage for residency where she wanted to stay but doesn't have any idea to stay in the country where she strongly refused to take anything from him later when he found out about her he flew to her begging her to be in his life again, How he made sure that she is his not letting anyone come near her.

otaku_panda · Urban
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47 Chs


I was working peacefully in my office but then suddenly Mother barged in and demanded that we should eat together, it took me a while but I finished my work soon and I hand over my remaining work to Emma and went out with mother.

As we were driving mother asked me to call June, I shook my head and made an excuse saying that she is busy with work but she forced me to call her but I text her (Are you free? My mom wants to have lunch with you) I waited for five minutes, ten minutes still no response, as I was going to text her again my mother spoke: "Isn't that June?" I look at outside the window and I was shocked, she is with someone, she ignored my text, she didn't even bother checking her phone once. She was laughing so happily it surprise me seeing her so happy like that but I noticed her eyes, which were a little puffy, did she cry, why would she cry? AA wave of unknown anger piled up in my stomach, as I was trying to surpass it I got all tensed up when I noticed the person beside her opening the car door for her I don't know why but the anger that I was surpassing built up so fast that I opened the car door and ran towards them.

"So are you dating someone, or are you married?" he asks her and I was so angry at watching them that I just pulled her hand while she was getting in and after pulling her I look at the guy, his face was more like a soft guy but his body is bulkier and it irritated me for some reason I am not saying I hate my body even I am bulky but I never hit the gym like a bodybuilder, I hugged her "Sorry she is already taken, she is mine".

Man, she is so tiny and thin, she even tried to push me but I hugged her more tightly but then suddenly the person pulled her apart from me and the I hate the feeling it felt like someone snatched my favorite toy from me. I gave him a look but then she said something that irritated my mood even worse "Mr. Watson, to what do I owe the pleasure?" her voice came out like venom. I could not even come up with an answer; luckily, my mother called her and asked her if she was free, she gave me a look and I turned my head, deal with it on your own.

Soon we reached the restaurant we book before coming to, she dared to go with him and my mom ask me all types of questions like did you guys fight, why is she ignoring you?

I don't know what's gotten into me after meeting them but when she was about to sit next to that man I quickly pull her and made her sit next to me and whisper in her ears "Behave Miss Luper" she gave me a look "Make me" she ignored me the whole time. She talk to my mom happy and as we were having lunch someone closed my eyes from behind and asked, "Guess who?" I look over and as I pulled the hand down.

"What are you doing here Stella?" I stood up from my seat, and ask her She look around the table, and said: "Am I disturbing you?" I look over her shoulder and saw a man looking over our table. "Oh he is my friend I was getting bored at home so I ask him to take me out you know I can't go out alone in my current condition," she said that sentence just to get my mother's attention, "are you pregnant?" my mother asked while coming closer. Fuck, I haven't discussed this at home yet. I look at June in the hope to do something but she was busy chatting with so-called Kevin and it irritates me even more. Fine, whatever I have to discuss someday anyway I pull Stella and make her sit carefully. It is already Seven months since she said that she is pregnant so I have to be careful.

"Let's do It" I murmur and before I could say anything June got up and said, "I think we should leave" I gave her a look but she was already talking to my mom when my mom ask what's the reason and it won't take much time for me to finish to which she replied "Trust me it will" and then she left with Kevin.

I ignored her as much as I wanna stop her and pin her down.

"Hon, What's all these, can you explain" my mother is in a strangely awful mood but I have to do it anyhow, I ask her to sit down and sat near her and told her everything except the contract Miss Luper and I made.

She couldn't believe what I said, she slapped me in the face and yell "If you are having the guts to make someone pregnant that why don't you make your wife" I know I shouldn't have done that but at that time I thought it would be fine before I could explain Stella walk towards us "They are not married anymore, they divorced weeks ago" Fuck way to go you, idiot, I try to pull Stella's hand but she shook it and said "He promised to marry me in next few days and I hope you will be a nice and caring mother because I am having your grandson In me so think twice" What was that I am already in a fucking mood and her attitude is not helping either before I could think straight I have already slapped her. I know I had a policy not to hit women but she just deserves it no one can fucking insult my mother in front of me, My mom sat on the chair and said "This is the girl you loved, this look what is she doing, June was way better than her, she didn't even raise her voice once in front of me-"

"She's a bitch" Stella yelled while trying to gather what just happened "I can't take this anymore you go out take your friend somewhere else" I yelled at her and went towards mother and tries to make her stand.

However, I noticed something strange about her friend so after giving the mother a ride home I went to the office and ask Mathew to keep an eye on Stella's friend and ask him to bring his data. "Oh also look into Kevin Cortez."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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