
Chapter 16.

##Revan's Apartment - Revan 3rd Person PoV.##

It's an surreal sensation I must admit.

My body being alter and enhanced down on a cellular level. The two bloodlines go my lineage being alter and enhanced to the brim, becoming purer, stronger, unleashing what had been locked away since the day I have been born. What I had been denied by the limitations of my mixed bloodlines, now becoming available to me at a whole new level.

[The second wish has been granted. The Senju and Uzumaki bloodlines within your body has been purified to the limit and a new bloodline has been unleashed. The Wood Release your great grand uncle was known for, it has evolved into a whole new level to encompass all forms of flora. This is the birth of the Nature Release.]

Codex's monotonic robotic voice echoes in my head during this bout of unconsciousness. Feels uncomfortable, but I'll deal with it. The warm sensation flowing through my body is receding and soon I am able to regain all feeling from my body.

"*yawns*... Now that is the most refreshing nap I've ever had." I say as my eyes open to the most beautiful view. A smiling Saya gazing down at me. Ethereal, dazzling. A dream come through, for any guy dreaming to wake up to such a sight. "Morning my goddess. Was I out long?" I ask jokingly getting a giggle from her.

"Not at all." She says, "You were not out as long as I was and..." She seems to be trying to keep something bottled up for some reason, however, she soon loses it all and bursts into laughter.

"Pfft!... Hehehe! Ahahahahaha!" Saya falls back on the bed into a loud bout of laughter confusing me, but for some reason I have an ominous feeling that something had gone wrong.

I stand up, walk over to the mirror, and check to see if anything had gone wrong. Lo and behold, the sight in the mirror makes my eyes twitch. Trying to hold my composure, I find it very difficult considering what I see in my reflection. My skin has taken on a light green tint, resembling grass. Protruding from my arms and my head are what appears to be horns of wood, atop my head a bright red flower.

"..." I'm speechless. While I've mutated into a monstrous plant man of nature, my darling girlfriend is rolling herself atop my bed laughing her ass off as if it doesn't affect her at all. "What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do. To. Me. Codex?"

Codex circles around me, observing my new form I believe. If he had emotions and could react naturally, he'd be laughing alongside Saya.

[It seems that a mutation had occurred when your bloodlines were purified and fused, resulting in you achieving a fascinating new form. You are now closer to nature than anyone else in the world. Spectacular.]

"Spectacular my ass! I'm a fucking tree with a fucking red flower growing out of my head!" I retort with a yell causing the flying orb to fly backwards.

My eyes are twitching in agitation, tempting me into disassembling the little ball of technology to see how it ticks. My misfortune is still an amusement to Saya.

"You seem to be enjoying this rather well love?" I say glaring at her with my brow arched. "Is my misfortune this amusing to you?"

"Hehehehe!" She giggles and gazes at me and nods, "Both of course sweetie."

[There is a bright side to all of this.]

I look to Codex unamused.

"Oh? What is that?" I asked.

[You've been pranked!]

"Wha?" I see Saya pull out a camera before taking a picture, all before Codex flashes and my body is engulfed in a puff of smoke. When it clears my body is returned to normal. "The fuck? Prank?"

[Indeed. Saya shared her idea of an interesting prank and I found it intriguing, so I went along with it and set it up. I must admit it was an interesting reaction.]

"Oh? So Saya wanted to prank me did she?" I glance at her with my brows raise, not amused. "So you wanted to amuse yourself at my expense?" She nods. "Someone is definitely going to get a punishment."

Saya glares at me playfully, her brows arched, with her hands resting on her hips. "Oh, your gonna punish me? How are you gonna do that?"

I start cackling sinisterly, holding both of my hands up in a tickling motion.

"I think I will introduce you to the newest technique of the Force." I take a step closer, my smile deepening, "I call it Force Tickling!"

Using the Force I start to tickle her all over her body and watch with a maniacal grin as Saya falls back on the bed rolling around and laughing her head off. To a ticklish person, it seems the Force Tickling is an efficient torture technique.

"Ahahahaha! P-p-please! Hahaha! I-I-I S-surrender! Hahahahaha!" Gasping for breath, she tries to resist the un-resistible technique that is the Force Tickle. I move closer and releases the technique before hopping on top of her, my face in front of hers, only a few inches apart.

"You, love, have been quite naughty." I say before planting a small kiss on her lips, causing her to blush deeply. "Especially when I now know you weakness, Miss Tickles."

She smiles and returns my kiss. The two of us share this moment for a while longer before ending it and sitting up on the bed.

I glance down at my hand, clasping it and opening it a few times before chuckling, "I can feel all the chakra flowing through me. So pure, so refreshing. I feel that if I learned medical ninjutsu I could heal injuries far more potently than professional physicians, possibly ever greater than the legendary Lady Tsunade herself."

[That makes sense considering your innate connection to the natural world. With your chakra being as pure as it is, the effects of healing would increase by twice that of your great grand uncle, who was known to have an amazing healing ability. Your healing factor is far greater and could potentially rival your fiancé once she awakens the final stage of her third eye.]

"Your saying that her third eye's final form would give her a powerful healing factor?" I ask.

[Indeed. I based her evolutional path on that of her ancestor, so in turn she would have a life force rivaling that of her ancestor after she had consumed the chakra fruit.]

"Chakra fruit?" I think about shrugging and forgetting about it. I turn to Saya and smile.

"It's time for us to practice our new skills love. I'll put a hold my Force training and focus on my new Nature Release skills, including the Wood Release Technique Codex gave me from my great grand uncle, plus invent a few more based on other plant life."I point at her, "You should focus on improving your control over the force with the meditation technique in the guide I gave you. After that I will help you with Telekinesis."

Saya nods.

"We are going to sneak off to my private training ground." I say before continuing, "I'm going to see about setting up the new sealing formation I developed to ensure we have the privacy we need to train freely. I have been working on this formation for a while now and when it's complete, it should be considered and advanced level series of interconnected seals."

[You are going to go through the trial phrase for your Mirage Formation?]

"How.... ah right! I forgot that you can get access to that information easily." I'm not even surprised by Codex's abilities anymore. At this point I should just nod and go along with it.

"Yeah, might as well. I finished all of my calculations and theories, so now to put everything into testing phase."

"I'm looking forward to seeing this work out." Saya says, "No need to worry about anyone spying on us. We can have our privacy when we are training or anything else."

I nod, "That's the purpose of the formation."

Saya thinks for a moment and asks, "What do you mean by formation anyways?"

"A formation is a number of complex, interconnected seals, that work together to perform certain functions. In the case of my Mirage Formation, it cloaks the area it has been set up in a mirage that makes outsiders think the area is empty. If they haven't been registered into the formation, by blood and chakra, then no one would be able to see or sense the people inside, even if they walked right next to the people within the formation. We would be invisible to the outside world." I explain causing her to gasp in admiration.

"That is amazing!"

I nod, "I know. Being able to connect one or more seals into a single formation opens up plenty of possibilities. If I can create a simple cloaking formation, then I can create one that can reign carnage upon hostile forces who attempt to infiltrate the formation with ill intent. Imagine raining fire or other elements, or trapping foes inside an illusion rivaling the Mangekyo Sharingan's most powerful genjutsu. The possibilities are endless and I've come to know why the Uzumaki Clan were feared to the extent that three great villages formed an alliance to eradicate them."

[Indeed. The Scholars will probably adapt a few seals within Academia for security purposes.]

"Well..." I say pointing towards the exit, "Let's go train ourselves in our new abilities then shall we?"

Just and FYI, not all chapters will be super long. The fun miscellaneous chapters will be shorter than the less important, and detailed chapters.

Also another non-related update!

I’m working on a revision of Ring of Kings. Since the old data was lost, i’ll Be restarting it from scratch and there will be changes.

It will mostly be in first person point of view, the protagonist’s name will be slightly different, a different opening, and there won’t be a system like setting.

BlackChaosNyxcreators' thoughts
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