
Chapter 17

##Revan's Training Ground - Inside the Illusion Formation Array.##

Revan's Illusion Formation was a outstanding success and a breakthrough in fuinjutsu that even the old masters from the former Uzumaki Clan would celebrate. A new and improved technique that unites a series of similar seals that come together to form a larger and more powerful array.

In short. Revan named his new seal the Illusion Formation Array.

To everyone but the people registered into the array's command seal, this stretch of forest would seem like just an empty piece of woodland, but to everyone who has had their blood and chakra registered, it would be the most secure and isolated training ground.

Simply put, Revan and Saya could train to their heart's content without anyone seeing them for what they really are. A Senju/Uzumaki and a girl who is more like her ancestor than anyone else in the world.

"Now that the array has been set up we can cut loose." Revan says. He walks over to his goddess of a girlfriend and gently removes her ninja headband and smiles while he gazes into her lovely three eyes. Saya goes timid when he gazes into her eyes and embarrassingly looks down. Revan just chuckles at her cut reaction. "No need to feel so self-conscious love. Your eyes are all so beautiful to me."

He leans forward and kisses her forehead and gently caresses her face. This in turn has her blush with a smiles.

"Sorry..." She whispers.

"Haha!" Revan chuckles and turns away and walks a short distance. "I'm going to work on my Nature Release abilities today. As for you love, just meditate and increase your familiarity with the Force. When you think your comfortable enough, try and use Telekinesis on a small object. Not a large one, but something small, like a kunai.

She nods, "Okay."

Saya sits down with her legs cross and follows the meditation technique taught in the manual Revan let her read. Meanwhile Revan heads towards the edge of the array and starts going over the techniques of the Wood Release implanted in his head by Codex. His new chakra reserves are definitely around Kage level and his control thanks to the Force is perfect, so he can start working on the more simple skills created by the First Hokage himself.

Revan starts performing the hand seals for the first technique.

"Wood Release: Wood Clone!"

The chakra within Revan's body begins to churn, altering his own DNA, before he starts feeling a sensation on the back of his neck. Within his chakra stops churning and the sensation ends. Turning around he goes to smile when he comes face to face with his own perfect clone made from wood.

"Well hello there handsome!" Revan greets himself with a grin. Walking around his clone he remarks at how well made it is for a first time use. "I'd say this clone could possibly fool even a Hyuga if they didn't carefully look at it."

With a nod he smiles and performs a seal, effectively dispelling the clone who crumbles into a pile of broken wooden chunks. He meditates and starts re-evaluating the technique and goes to perform the technique once again. He performs his usual ritual over and over again for well over 20 minutes before he is satisfied with progress.

To make his wood clones without hand seals. He won't be satisfied until he can cast any jutsu without his hands. This way he can better defend his weak physical body should someone gets too close. He creates another clone within seconds and decides to have a simple spar with it. He is able to match the strength of his wooden clone to his own strength at full, so this way be can make better use of them as a sparring partner whenever he desires one. This way he would have one evenly match with himself and not be overwhelmed by people like Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, and Saya who possess superior martial prowess compared to him.

"Phew! Nothing beats an opponent who knows your every move and possesses the same level of strength as you do." Revan says wiping the sweat from his brow. Looking over to Saya, he smiles at her dedicated meditation. "The Force is strong with this goddess, hehehe!"

After resting for a few minutes and drenching himself with some water, Revan fully recharges his chakra and starts to work on his next technique.

"Wood Release: Wood Clone technique was the only real D rank jutsu in the series, so next up is a C rank jutsu."

His hands start moving in a blur, performing the required hand seals.

"Wood Release: Tree Limb Technique!" Revan casts the technique and 5 branches of wood sprout from the ground quickly shielding him from the front. He smiles and releases the technique causing the branches to sink back into the ground.

"Not bad!" He praises himself with a smile. The technique, according to the data implanted in his head, can be used to shelter, shield, or impale. However, the range isn't that long. To Revan that isn't a problem at all. Being able to freely use when the opponent comes within range remotely, is what Revan desires. Who needs good martial prowess when you have overwhelming power like this jutsu?"

Continuing his usual pattern of casting the jutsu and meditating afterwards, he eventually comes achieve the satisfactory mastery over the technique. He even goes as far as harnessing his own casting technique for it. By stomping his feet onto the ground as he molds the chakra, he watches as the five branches sprout from the ground all around him into spikes that could potentially kill anyone foolish enough to come close.

"Now this is a perfect defensive ambush technique. My great grand uncle was simply brilliant!" Now that he had mastered both a D and a C rank wood release technique, Revan decides to sit down and rest. He had expended a good bit of his chakra, and considering the cost of even the basic wood release technique compared to ordinary earth or water release ones, it makes since that he would consume more chakra.

"Wonder how my goddess is doing?" Revan asks as he looks towards Saya to find her clumsily lifting a kunai up with Telekinesis. The kunai is shivering in midair, telling him that it's one of her first attempts and it's quite difficult for her. Unlike him, she wasn't born with access to the Force, so it made since that it would be difficult. 'Nice work love, by the time we return home today, you should be able to swing that sucker around easily with the Force.' Revan remarks in his head with a happy smile.

Revan and Saya proceed to spend the rest of the morning relaxing before enjoying a quiet and romantic picnic with some simple dishes made together by both of them. Using a simple Nature Release technique he practiced and created earlier, Revan turned the area around them into a field of different colored flowers. Nature Release, if Revan could master it fully, could potentially be borderline godly in most cases. The life force released could potentially evolve a simple technique like the Healing Palm the med-nins uses, that heals most non life threatening injuries, into a technique that could even regenerate damaged organs or missing limbs.

The potential is endless in his hands since the Force could help him into developing and mastering new techniques. This isn't simply mere ninjutsu, this is the bending of nature at it's finest. By simply experimenting with using my chakra, he was able to conjure myself a living, breathing garden.

'So this is what it feels like to sample the power of the higher beings? I have a feeling that not even our ancestor, this White Rabbit Goddess, had ever touched upon this beautiful ability. Then again she probably never even heard of the Force before.' Revan says inwardly.

"Beautiful..." Saya says in awe with a dazzling smile on her face.

"Indeed," Revan says wrapping his hand around her waist. Looking at her he smiles slyly, "But not as beautiful as you my goddess." With a playful chuckle, Revan stares off into the field ignoring Saya's embarrassed blush.

By the time the Chuunin Exams come around, Revan has a feeling that both him and Saya could sweep away the competition. Hell at this point, Revan feels they could potentially step into Jounin territory with chakra reserves, controls, and skillful use of jutsu alone.

'Once I master all of the Wood Release techniques available, I'll work on improving my body's constitution. Can't have my physique holding me back after all.'

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