
Red Overpowered (English)

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that gives his eyes the color red. Taken in by a benevolent family, his life will change dramatically. And he will be called to discover a new world invoked by it. As a hero? Certainly not, he will now follow his own path. --------------------- The art of the cover is not mine follow the artist here :https://twitter.com/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ/status/1322058207842328576?t=xfRkboLUCb6KjBg7rgpM7A&s=19

Lyl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

7/Rank up

<p>Hello, we are officially moving to one chapter per week. Sometimes maybe two a chapter every Monday<br/> <br/> For this week there will be an extra free chapter on my Patreon already available. Also join the discord to be kept informed of updates and to discuss.<br/> <br/>https://discord.gg/2HP8tSSPqX<br/> <br/>-----------------------------<br/>POV Logan<br/><br/>I followed Marie inside the guild, and she led me to a staircase leading down to the basement. Walking down this rather long staircase, I finally saw light where I then spotted an arena, surrounded by stands with people in them. In the arena, two people were fighting, presumably like me, with the aim of ranking up.<br/><br/>Guided by Marie, I ventured deeper into the guild's depths. She led me to a large marble staircase that descended further down.<br/><br/>"We're going to the basement." she murmured.<br/><br/>Descending, as I went further down, I felt the air getting cooler, and a faint glow began to appear in the distance. Eventually, we arrived in a vast underground space, illuminated by crystals emitting a strong but pleasant white light, fixed to the stone walls. In front of me, a grand arena stretched out, surrounded by stands with a few spectators.<br/><br/>"This is the guild's arena. This is where members fight to rank up or train." explained Marie.<br/><br/>I surveyed the arena where two fighters were exchanging blows vigorously, their movements a fluid blend of strength and agility. One of them, armed with a sword, dodged with dazzling speed, while the other, wielding a lance, attacked with brute force, taking advantage of the greater reach of his weapon.<br/><br/>Marie went to a small desk where another receptionist was sitting, and after a few moments, she returned calmly.<br/><br/>"There you go, you've been assigned a number. Now you just have to wait for your turn. I'll come watch your match." said Marie.<br/><br/>"Why do you want to watch my match?" I asked.<br/><br/>"You intrigue me." Marie said as she walked away.<br/><br/>As Marie left and I sat quietly in the stands, I had the uneasy feeling of being watched.<br/><br/>POV ???<br/><br/>"Hey guys, have you ever seen this guy before?" asked a stranger.<br/><br/>"Yes, he's a newcomer who joined the guild a few days ago." replied another.<br/><br/>"Huh! And he's already taking the test to rank up!" exclaimed a third.<br/><br/>"What if we pay him a little visit?" proposed the first with a smile.<br/><br/>The three men got up and headed towards me.<br/><br/>POV Logan<br/><br/>"Hey, are you the new recruit?" one of them asked.<br/><br/>As I peacefully watched the spectacle in the arena, where fierce duels were unfolding before my eyes, I was suddenly approached by three individuals walking with determination.<br/><br/>"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Alfred, a Rank D adventurer, soon to be Rank C if I pass the test. These are my companions, Reinard and Lewis, also Rank D." declared the tallest among them.<br/><br/>Despite a bad feeling, out of politeness, I introduced myself as well, after all, I had been raised well.<br/><br/>"I'm Logan, a Rank F adventurer, soon to be Rank E." I replied politely.<br/><br/>"How long have you been registered?" Alfred asked.<br/><br/>"Today." I replied.<br/><br/>"It's quite impressive; you'll be the fastest adventurer to rank up." remarked Alfred.<br/><br/>"Apparently." I replied nonchalantly.<br/><br/>"Tell me, would you like to join our group?" Alfred proposed with a smile.<br/><br/>"No, thank you." I politely declined.<br/><br/>"Listen, our leader is making you a good offer, a piece of advice: accept it." Reinard insisted.<br/><br/>"I'll do better on my own." I asserted.<br/><br/>"I see that your little rank-up has gone to your head!" Lewis said as he got closer to my face.<br/><br/>"So I answer you politely, but because my answer doesn't please you, you look down on me. Get out of my sight now; that's also a piece of advice!" I said, looking them straight in the eyes.<br/><br/>"Hey, calm down, guys, he's right, your reaction is wrong. I apologize for my companions; they're just a bit nervous." Alfred said, putting his hand on his two comrades.<br/><br/>Then they finally left, returning to their seats.<br/><br/>"What annoying people." I thought.<br/><br/>As I watched them leave, and then a voice announced:<br/><br/>"Number 15, Alfred!"<br/><br/>"Well, let's see what he's capable of," I said.<br/><br/>I watched the man confidently stride toward the arena, and the fight began. He did very well, mastering three elements: fire, earth, and water. He fought with a sword, and so did his examiner, clashing blades in multiple exchanges.<br/><br/>My eyes were fixed on the man who advanced with unwavering confidence. When he entered the arena, an anticipatory silence enveloped the stands, as if the crowd held its breath in anticipation of the upcoming spectacle.<br/><br/>The battle began in a whirlwind of action where Alfred quickly showcased his talent. Flames danced at the tips of his fingers, crackling with intensity, while from his hands also emerged earth, shaping into defensive shields and sharp projectiles. Water was not left out, rippling around him, transforming at times into a protective wall and at others into a capturing lasso.<br/><br/>His right hand wielded a sword, its blade gleaming under the arena lights. His opponent, the examiner, was also armed with a sword, and together, they embarked on a dance of attacks and parries. The metal clashed in an almost musical rhythm, captivating the audience who followed each move with rapt attention.<br/><br/>Armed with swords of medium size, perfect for quick maneuverability, Alfred and his examiner engaged in a duel on equal footing. The blades, in their incessant ballet, traced arcs of light through the air, a testament to the equal mastery and precision of both fighters.<br/><br/>The turning point of the battle came when Alfred, with a concentrated cry, ignited his sword. Voracious flames erupted along the blade, illuminating his face with a fiery glow and casting dancing shadows on the arena walls. This spectacular act gave him the upper hand, with his blows gaining intensity and danger. He also unleashed water by hurling water balls frantically.<br/><br/>However, the examiner, far from being intimidated, retaliated with renewed vigor. His movements, already swift, became a blur, his steps blending into a rapid rhythm. He simultaneously launched compressed air bullets with surgical precision while evading and darting around Alfred. The latter, although parrying every attack with his flaming sword, found himself increasingly cornered under the relentless assault of the examiner.<br/><br/>In an act of desperation, Alfred unleashed a massive fire attack, a torrent of flames bursting towards the examiner. The latter, with almost supernatural agility, narrowly evaded, avoiding the scorching assault. But then, in a suspended moment, the examiner abruptly stopped. His body, just moments ago in full motion, froze, as if captured by an invisible force, his expression reflecting a mixture of surprise and realization.<br/><br/>"Hmm, clever idea." I noted, having also understood what had happened.<br/><br/>Alfred had combined the earth and water elements and had created mud that he had instantly hardened with his fire to trap him for a few seconds. The examiner, caught in the trap, struggled to break free, but it was too late as Alfred's sword had already found its way under his throat, putting an end to this battle.<br/><br/>"Alfred, you are officially promoted to Rank C, congratulations." declared the examiner, yielding.<br/><br/>Alfred exited the arena and gave me a glance, wearing a smile that slightly irritated me.<br/><br/>"I don't like this; he's hiding something." I murmured.<br/><br/>But I didn't have much time to dwell on it because my number and name were called.<br/><br/>"Number 16, Logan!" announced the examiner.<br/><br/>I took a deep breath and took my first steps into the arena, walking resolutely toward the one who would be my examiner. He was different from the one Alfred had faced, so the examiners must vary depending on the competitor's level. He held an elaborately carved cane in his hand, its wood faintly gleaming under the dim arena lighting, indicating that he must be a mage or a sorcerer; in any case, he wasn't a close-range fighter.<br/><br/>His sharp, penetrating eyes scrutinized me with measured curiosity, undoubtedly assessing my abilities.<br/><br/>"I am Cirfe, your Rank E examiner. I will evaluate whether you are fit to advance to Rank E yourself. Deadly attacks are prohibited; you can use any weapon or magic. If you are injured, a healer is on standby." informed the examiner.<br/><br/>I positioned myself calmly, adjusting my posture, focusing my mind, and before the match began, I saw Marie waving at me from the stands.<br/><br/>"Have you already chosen a weapon?" asked the examiner.<br/><br/>"I don't need one." I replied calmly.<br/><br/>"Very well, are you ready, then?" he asked.<br/><br/>"Yes." (Logan)<br/><br/>POV Logan (End)<br/><br/>As soon as the match started, the atmosphere was electric. Cirfe, with remarkable agility, quickly launched a salvo of fireballs, illuminating the field with a fiery red. Each of his attacks traced a fiery arc in the air, creating a dance of flames that captivated the audience. However, Logan, unperturbed, watched these fiery projectiles with disconcerting serenity. To him, these fireballs, while spectacular, lacked the power to be considered a real threat. He remained still, his eyes fixed on Cirfe, who remained perplexed.<br/><br/>"Why isn't he moving?" thought the examiner, perplexed.<br/><br/>The fireballs rushed toward Logan, resembling fiery meteors in a night sky. Upon impact, a series of resounding explosions erupted, engulfing Logan in a whirlwind of flames and smoke. Shockwaves spread through the arena, causing the ground to tremble beneath the feet of the incredulous spectators.<br/><br/>"Why didn't he dodge?" (Spectator)<br/><br/>"He could have parried." (Spectator)<br/><br/>But the answer was quickly provided because despite the apparent power of this attack, the result was surprising. When the smoke cleared, Logan stood there, stoic and unscathed. Not a scratch was visible on his imperturbable figure. He emerged from the infernal assault as if nothing had happened, leaving the audience and his opponent stunned.<br/><br/>"What in the world! He took no damage, how is that possible!" exclaimed Marie from the stands, seeing Logan emerge from it without a scratch.<br/><br/>"Well, let's finish this quickly." Logan said with a smile.<br/><br/>Suddenly, Logan increased his speed with vector control, bursting into a blinding speed, becoming almost a human lightning bolt on the field. In a fluid and swift movement, he rushed towards Cirfe. Cirfe, panicked by this unexpected acceleration, reacted instinctively. His trembling hands conjured a rain of fireballs, launched with desperate frenzy in hopes of stopping Logan's advance.<br/><br/>However, Logan, in an almost eerie demonstration, passed through each attack. The fireballs hit him consecutively but didn't inflict any damage, as if he were an invincible god weaving through the flames.<br/><br/>In the blink of an eye, he reached Cirfe, who was still in shock, even before the examiner could regain his senses. Logan had already grabbed Cirfe by the neck, effortlessly lifting him off the ground. The scene was so quick and sudden that the entire arena seemed to hold its breath, witnessing a moment of exceptional intensity and mastery.<br/><br/>"It seems I've won." Logan declared, looking Cirfe straight in the eyes.<br/><br/>With a brisk and emotionless movement, Logan released his grip. Cirfe, like a ragdoll, collapsed to the ground, landing heavily on his buttocks. He was shaken, his eyes wide with a mixture of shock and fear, unable to believe the sudden outcome of this confrontation.<br/><br/>The battle, which had started with such fervor and fiery intensity, ended in the blink of an eye, leaving an impression of astonishment and disbelief in the air. The arena, once filled with the roars of the crowd and the blaze of flames, fell into a heavy silence. Spectators remained frozen, some with mouths agape, others looking at each other, seeking an explanation for what they had just witnessed.<br/><br/>Logan, however, stood there, his expression inscrutable, as if nothing extraordinary had occurred. He was the calm at the heart of the storm, the unmovable center of a world that had just shifted into the extraordinary.<br/><br/>"Leader?" Lewis asked.<br/><br/>"Yes, he seems to have interesting abilities." Alfred said, having observed the battle with interest.<br/><br/>He calmly walked out of the arena, under the multiple gazes of the spectators, including Marie's, who gave him an interested and astonished look.<br/><br/>"You're quite a monster after all." Marie affirmed, looking him up and down.<br/><br/>"Not at all." he replied with a smile.<br/><br/>Finally, he received his updated guild card with his new rank. The contours, once pure white, were now an elegant and understated gray, reflecting his new rank within the guild. This subtle but significant modification symbolized his ascent to a higher level, a rank few reached. Logan took the card in his hand, examining it carefully. Light gently reflected off the gray edges, creating an almost magical effect.<br/><br/>"Congratulations on your promotion. All quests are displayed here if you want to take any. Just a clarification, you can only take quests one rank above yours." she said, pointing to a board with quest requests on it.<br/><br/>"Very well, thank you." Logan replied.<br/><br/>After the extraordinary display of strength in the arena, Logan headed to the office to receive the reward for his previous hunt. He was handed a heavy pouch containing 750 copper coins, a respectable amount that attested to the success of his mission. Since it was still early and he showed no signs of fatigue, he decided to continue with a new quest: the extermination of Noras.<br/><br/>The Noras, creatures resembling bats but much larger in size, were known for their nocturnal nature. However, this morning, a small group of these creatures had broken their usual behavior by attacking a convoy of goods. Their abnormal behavior had prompted an urgent request for their extermination.<br/><br/>Arriving at the location of the last sighting, Logan looked up at a sky darkened by the menacing flight of more than thirty Noras. These monsters, with their impressive wingspans, six times larger than ordinary bats, were a disconcerting mix of black and violet.<br/><br/>For the first time, Logan activated his ability: "Analysis." Information flooded into his mind, revealing that the Noras' levels ranged from 10 to 15. Armed with this knowledge, he prepared his strategy, his thoughts as sharp as the blades he wielded.<br/><br/>"I could gain 2 or 5 levels from this; well, since they're so close, it shouldn't be difficult to hit them." Logan thought.<br/><br/>Hardly had the Noras spotted Logan when they swooped down on him with the swiftness and ferocity of hungry birds of prey. Their approach was menacing, a wave of creatures ready to pounce on their prey. However, Logan was already one step ahead. With unmatched speed and precision, he extended his arm, the movement a lightning bolt, almost imperceptible.<br/><br/>In an instant, thirty stones, each guided with perfect mastery, shot out of his hand. They streaked through the air at bullet-like speed, piercing each Nora with surgical precision. The creatures, struck in mid-flight, fell from the sky like flies, their bodies crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.<br/><br/>The sight was both terrifying and mesmerizing. The stones found their mark with ruthless efficiency, leaving behind a battlefield littered with bodies. Logan, at the center of this chaos, stood motionless, his expression imperturbable, contrasting with the brutality of the action he had just taken.<br/><br/>Name: Logan<br/><br/>Race: Human / Age: 18<br/><br/>Profession: Avenger- ??? / <Level> 32<br/><br/><Vitality> 206 / Magic Power 100 / <Attack> 76 / <Defense> 72 / <Speed> 60 / <Endurance> 75 / <Agility> 65 / <Intelligence> 212 / <Physique> 82 / <Calcul> 198<br/><br/><Skill> Analysis Level 1 / Concealment Level 1<br/><br/><Unique Skills> (None)<br/><br/><Legendary Skills> (None)<br/><br/><Exclusive Skill> Vector Control, Ultra-Fast Learning, Encyclopedia.<br/><br/><Elements> (None)<br/><br/>Titles acquired:<br/><br/>Goblin Exterminator.<br/><br/>Ruthless.<br/><br/>Pigeon Shooting</p>