
Red Overpowered (English)

Logan is an orphan born with a genetic anomaly that gives his eyes the color red. Taken in by a benevolent family, his life will change dramatically. And he will be called to discover a new world invoked by it. As a hero? Certainly not, he will now follow his own path. --------------------- The art of the cover is not mine follow the artist here :https://twitter.com/1L9l2Aa8UCL0IGJ/status/1322058207842328576?t=xfRkboLUCb6KjBg7rgpM7A&s=19

Lyl · Fantasy
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68 Chs


<p>After carefully selecting a few books recommended by Marie, I headed to an inn she had also recommended. Tomorrow, I had to complete my registration at the guild to obtain my card. Upon arriving at the inn, I was struck by an atmosphere reminiscent of the modest countryside restaurants in my original world, though decidedly less luxurious. However, it was important to note that this inn remained within an affordable price range, and in that regard, I was fortunate that it did not resemble a shabby hovel.<br/><br/>In addition to that, meals were included in the room price, and I also had access to a shared shower. Upon my arrival, I decided to head straight to the bathroom to enjoy a well-deserved moment of relaxation. Fortunately, given the late hour, I had the entire bathroom to myself, allowing me to bathe in peace. I could admire the breathtaking view through the window, with stars dotting the night sky with their sparkling brilliance.<br/><br/>What was truly remarkable was the presence of two immense and dazzling moons that bathed the sky in their light. Each of these moons had its own captivating color, one a clear and enchanting blue, while the other sported an intense red hue. This celestial sight created an atmosphere that was both mysterious and enchanting, turning my evening into an unforgettable experience.<br/><br/>"It's truly a beautiful spectacle," I said as I gazed at this new sight for me.<br/><br/>After the refreshing bath, I returned to my room, comfortably seated, and opened the books to delve further into the history of this world. This time, they provided more details about the reason for discrimination and the beginning of the conflict:<br/><br/>The goddess Hamnésia was benevolent towards all races, but the birth of a corrupt and malevolent demon king disrupted the balance of this peaceful world. He rebelled against the goddess, unable to tolerate her authority and wanting to become the god of this world himself, rallying other races against her in a great rebellion. Only the human race continued to believe in and follow the goddess's teachings, resulting in what history now calls the Bloody War. To punish the losers and those who had sided with the Demon King, the goddess, in her great mercy, condemned them to discrimination and slavery.<br/><br/>Frustrated and for other reasons I didn't want to think about tonight, I closed the history book and opened the skill book instead, taking a look at my own skills.<br/><br/>"Encyclopedia gives me full access to the knowledge of my former world. Vector Control gives me the ability to control any existing vectors like heat, motion, or electricity, and more. And finally, Ultra-Fast Learning, I learn and assimilate at an extraordinary speed, 3 exclusive skills that only I possess. The only abilities that will be useful to me in combat are Vector Control and Ultra-Fast Learning, and I must urgently hide these abilities from the eyes of others at all costs, and fortunately, I found the perfect skill for that." (Logan)<br/><br/>Concealment: Allows you to hide your abilities and stats from others. (Analysis can pierce through concealment depending on the level).<br/><br/>"Depending on the level? That means skills have levels, interesting and complicated. Let's move on; I need to acquire Concealment and Analysis. Concealment can be obtained through classes like assassin by leveling up." I thought as I continued my reading.<br/><br/>Concealment is obtained by infusing mana into the status window to modify it, but if you fail twice, you can no longer obtain it except through a class change. You must precisely dose 40% of your mana; if it's too high or too low, it means failure. In essence, it's learning to modify your status window with your mana.<br/><br/>"I see, if it's difficult to obtain, it's because of this. It's like a punch machine if I were to compare it. Hitting the exact desired number is extremely hard. Fortunately, I have an advantage, Ultra-Fast Learning and the Calculation stat." (Logan)<br/><br/>I then opened my status and began to calculate precisely 40% of my current mana. With an almost obsessive meticulousness, I circulated this energy throughout my body multiple times, striving to master this essential resource. For five consecutive hours, I maintained intense concentration, sitting on the edge of my bed, while every tiny movement of mana was scrutinized and precisely adjusted. Over time, I was able to gain a fundamental understanding of mana circulation, a milestone in my journey.<br/><br/>Once I had mastered this step, I transferred the concentrated energy to the tip of my fingers and gently touched my status window.<br/><br/><Failure 39.89% of energy infused><br/><br/>Although my attempt resulted in failure, I could still consider this result encouraging. What mattered most was that I still had a chance, another attempt at my disposal.<br/><br/>"Come on, one more time, I can't afford to make a mistake." I said, motivating myself.<br/><br/>I focused once again, gathering the energy more determinedly and letting it flow through my being. This time, I made sure to add a slight extra dose of energy, filling the slight gap that had marked my first attempt. With increased confidence, I touched my status window, knowing I had done everything in my power to succeed this time.<br/><br/><Concealment skill obtained><br/><br/>"Yes! I got it!" I exclaimed in joy.<br/><br/>Curious, I proceeded to modify my status window to see if my efforts had borne fruit. My mana was gradually drained as I contemplated the changes I wanted to make. Eventually, my status window was properly modified, and a satisfied smile lit up my face. I was pleased with this achievement, a crucial step in my mastery of mana.<br/><br/>However, suddenly, a feeling of heaviness and nausea swept over my body, abruptly reminding me of the aftermath of my efforts. This discomfort was far from pleasant, and my exhaustion was palpable as I had depleted my mana. I lay down completely on the bed, letting my thoughts wander for a moment about what to do next.<br/><br/>"Analysis can be obtained by leveling up, generally around level 20, but only for a limited number of classes. After level 30, Analysis cannot be obtained anymore. So, I need to level up to see if my class can have Analysis." (Logan)<br/><br/>Analysis: Allows you to see the status of your opponents. However, depending on the level of your analysis, you may not be able to see the status of someone with 20 levels higher than you.<br/><br/>After successfully completing my status window modification task and feeling exhausted from the effort, I drifted into a peaceful sleep. I left the window open to let in the soft light of the magnificent moons that gently illuminated this new world I was gradually discovering. Under their soothing glow, I found the necessary comfort to recharge my strength.<br/><br/>___<br/><br/>The next morning, after waking up, getting dressed, and preparing myself, I went to the guild. Upon my arrival, Marie was sitting behind her counter. When our eyes met, she suddenly left her post and approached me quickly, which took me by surprise and made me instinctively step back, a slight gesture of caution.<br/><br/>This unexpected reaction from Marie aroused in me a sense of curiosity mixed with a hint of apprehension, wondering what could have triggered this sudden and intense reaction from her.<br/><br/>"I knew I had seen it correctly yesterday, your eyes have a beautiful red color." Marie remarked.<br/><br/>"It's true that Concealment no longer hides my red eyes. But I still don't understand the significance," I thought to myself, avoiding the topic.<br/><br/>I stepped back a bit further and replied to her, "I'm going to hunt some goblins. Are there any other monsters to hunt?" (Logan)<br/><br/>"You can also hunt wolves, and are you planning to complete your registration?" (Marie)<br/><br/>"After the hunt, but I have a question. Does the guild keep private information about its adventurers?" (Logan)<br/><br/>"Yes, all information about adventurers is kept private." Marie replied.<br/><br/>"Very well, thank you." I said.<br/><br/>After leaving the guild, I took the same path as the previous day, heading towards the forest. After several minutes of walking, I decided to take a break and take a moment to think.<br/><br/>"Vector Control allows me to control motion, but in this case, I should also be able to sense it, theoretically. So, could I apply it as a radar? If something moves, it creates motion, so technically I can calculate its location, distance, speed, and size." (Logan)<br/><br/>I closed my eyes and concentrated deeply, feeling an electric current running through my brain and body. I activated my Vector Control power to detect movements around me, letting myself be guided by this new perception.<br/><br/>Gradually, I began to feel the subtle movements of my surroundings, almost as if I had awakened an internal radar. Moving objects revealed themselves to me, the sense of the wind, falling leaves, birds. I could calculate their location, distance, speed, and even size. It was a fascinating experience that opened up new possibilities for me.<br/><br/>"How far can I apply this radar?" I wondered.<br/><br/>Pushing my abilities to their maximum potential, I extended my Vector Control power beyond what I would have thought possible. After a few moments, I confirmed a range of 100 meters for my enhanced sensory radar. The movements of creatures to the east did not escape me, and taking into account their size and speed, I quickly concluded that they were wolves.<br/><br/>Without hesitation, I decided to rush towards them at surprising speed. In less than a minute, I reached the location of the wolves, who seemed surprised to see me. At the same time, I had moved against the wind to avoid them from detecting me by scent.<br/><br/>"Hello, can you die, please?" (Logan)<br/><br/>A volley of high-speed-propelled stones left my hand, piercing through all of them like Swiss cheese. The 30 wolves in front of me collapsed dead. Then, I sensed another presence at a distance of 90 meters: a group of 15 goblins. With unwavering concentration, I formed stone balls and then precisely calculated distance, wind resistance, and potential obstacles on the trajectory of my projectiles. After completing my calculations, I was confident that I would hit the mark.<br/><br/>"Here we go!" (Logan)<br/><br/>I propelled 10 stones from each of my 10 fingers, and these projectiles pierced through everything in their path, hitting their target with deadly precision. The collapse of the goblin bodies confirmed their death, and I had managed to eliminate 6 of them.<br/><br/>In the meantime, the other goblins seemed disoriented, still searching for the source of the attack. Some stones had not withstood the impact with other objects on their path, explaining why not all targets had been hit. Nevertheless, my display of power highlighted the effectiveness of my Vector Control abilities, and I was ready to fire again.<br/><br/>Level Up: 23<26<br/><br/>Name: Logan<br/><br/>Race: Human / Age: 18 years<br/><br/>Profession: Avenger- ??? / <Level> 26<br/><br/><Vitality> 199 / <Attack> 71 / <Defense> 69 / <Speed> 52 / <Endurance> 70 / <Agility> 61 / <Intelligence> 209 / <Physical> 78 / <Calculation> 192<br/><br/><Skills> Concealment level 1<br/><br/><Unique Skills> (None)<br/><br/><Legendary Skills> (None)<br/><br/><Exclusive Skills> Vector Control / Ultra-Fast Learning / Encyclopedia.<br/><br/><Elements> (None)<br/><br/>Acquired Titles:<br/><br/>Goblin Exterminator.<br/><br/>Ruthless.<br/><br/>"Not bad at all; once again, I took no damage and lost no mana, and on top of that, I finally obtained Analysis." I said, very satisfied with the results.<br/><br/>Content, I returned to the guild and proceeded with my registration as per the required procedures, making sure to keep all my exclusive abilities secret. Caution was essential because protecting my unique skills while continuing to integrate into this world was paramount.<br/><br/>"Your guild registration is now complete, here is your adventurer card." Marie said, handing me the card.<br/><br/>The card I received was deep black, with my name and all my information carefully inscribed in white. The card's borders were also bright white, and the letter corresponding to my rank was framed in a white square as well. This distinctive visual design clearly identified the hierarchy of ranks, with each rank associated with its own specific color and unique visual differences:<br/><br/>F / Black<br/><br/>E / Gray<br/><br/>D / White<br/><br/>C / Red<br/><br/>B / Bronze<br/><br/>A / Silver<br/><br/>S / Semi-Gold<br/><br/>SS / Half-Golden Card<br/><br/>SSS / Completely Golden Card<br/><br/>"You are classified as a Novice Adventurer of Rank F." Marie informed me.<br/><br/>"Ah, I also have this for you." I said, taking out a large bag filled with wolf pelts and goblin ears.<br/><br/>She examined them all and looked at me with the same puzzled expression as when I had brought in the goblins.<br/><br/>"Do you know that all these wolves and goblins are between level 15 and 18?" (Marie)<br/><br/>"Is there a problem? And how do you know?" I replied.<br/><br/>"I have the Monster Analysis skill. You're level 27, which is already exceptional considering you just registered. And you're telling me you fought 45 level 15 monsters alone! Are you some kind of monster yourself?" Marie inquired.<br/><br/>"I don't think so." I replied. "If she saw my three exclusive abilities, what would she say?" I thought to myself.<br/><br/>"Very well, you can already access the E-rank." Marie stated.<br/><br/>"Isn't that usually possible by completing quests?" I asked.<br/><br/>"You can also rank up based on your achievements and exploits. Defeating 45 monsters by yourself is still an achievement, considering you're only at the F-rank." Marie explained.<br/><br/>"How does it work to rank up?" I inquired.<br/><br/>"You'll need to face an examiner to determine if you're eligible to rank up. If you succeed, you'll be the fastest adventurer to rank up." Marie answered.<br/><br/>"Can we start right away, then?" I asked with a smile.<br/><br/>------------------------------<br/><br/>If you want more, the next two chapters are already available here : https://bit.ly/3i1HaYm</p>