
Red Moon: Dead Future Alpha

“Alpha rogues!” I hear warriors yelling through the mind link. I sit quickly only to hear growls and the strong stench of rogues. As soon as I stand up I can feel Victor coming to the surface. I need to check on my parents and help get the women, pups, and elders to our panic room. Right before I reach the door, two wolves burst through. 'HOW DID THEY GET IN MY HOUSE' Victor growls. I try to shift, failing, as they both lunge at me. I can feel my eyes go black as Victor lets out a furious growl. “You walked into the wrong house, rogues!” I yell with Victor's voice echoing through mine. I watch both of them as they begin to snap their jaws at me when a dark shadow appears in the doorway firing a gun at me. I barely dodge it as the bullet grazes my skin and searing pain begins. The bullets are silver! Victor groans. I smash into my bedpost and hear a rib crack. Rolling onto my back, “Fucking rogues are going ––!” A scream came from my parents’ room. My head snaps in their direction. “Mom!” I yell for her. The two wolves pin me down as I try to move, despite the searing pain, to find my parents. The dark figure comes closer, dropping his hood.

Sky_Carver · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 17: Violet is my Fiancée

Vince POV

Before I reach the door, Steve yanks it open and rushes out to me.

"Where is my daughter, Vince?" He screams in my face.

"Sir, my name is Zane and this is my wife Mia. Can we go inside and talk?" Zane takes control of the situation. Steve's eyes don't leave mine as he turns and walks into the house. I slowly walk in and follow Steve into the living room sitting on the couch.

"Mr. Zane, nice to see you again," Mary greets Zane and Mia.

"Mrs. Beck, this is my wife, Mia." Zane introduces Mia and they sit next to me on the couch.

Steve is in his chair and Mary takes her seat in the love seat, everyone is quiet and staring at me.

"On my birthday, I was having a hard time with not having my parents near me. I went to Zane's to clear my head and enjoy his open land. Violet had called me and messaged me multiple times, but I didn't have my phone on me. Later that night I called her and told her I was staying at Zane's. She asked if she could come because she didn't want to be home alone. Zane has many guest rooms and we prepared for her arrival. After two hours, I thought she had stopped for food or was driving carefully since it was late. Zane had some friends in the area and asked them to come to look at the house to make sure she was okay.

"When they got here… they found the house empty, her car open, and a duffel bag on the ground. When I was informed of this I slipped back into a coma from the stress. I woke up just a few minutes before I called you. Zane has been on a hunt to find her. We believe it was Kevin who took her." I finish and watch as Steve and Mary exchange looks.

"So, we have no idea where she is and we think she's with psychotic Kevin." Steve rubs his face frustrated and Mary starts to cry.

While we all sit letting the information sink in more there's a knock at the door. I'm at the door before anyone else moves. I open the door to a young boy, probably 11 or 12 years old.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr. and Mrs. Beck, I have a package for them." The boy says. It took a second for his scent to hit me, he smells like Kevin.

"Who are you? Where is Kevin?" I growl out, trying to control Victor. Steve and Zane pull me back into the house.

"Zane, he smells like Kevin," I whisper to him.

"Let Steve take care of the boy, so we can figure out why he's here," Zane replies. I follow Mary as she joins Steve at the door.

"Jacob, why are you here?" Mary asked.

"Kevin wanted me to deliver this," handing her an envelope.

"Where is Kevin?" Steve asked.

"He dropped by last night to give me this and gave one to my parents. They aren't allowed to open it until I get back home from dropping yours off." He says awkwardly standing on the porch.

"Was Violet with him?" I ask, watching his head snap in my direction.

"No, he was alone. Can I go?" He questions.

"Of course, if Kevin comes back home, let me right away," Steve demands, Jacob just nods and runs off the porch.

Steve closes the door and we all go back to our seats. Mary sits on the love seat with the envelope in hand, just staring at it.

"Open it, Mary," Steve says, looking over her shoulder.

She nods, flipping the envelope over, ripping the tab off, and pulling out a decorated white card. I sit there while Mary and Steve read the paper and watch the anger spread over Steve's face.

"What does it say?" I asked cautiously. Mary doesn't answer, she starts to cry and passes the card to Mia.

She skims the card with Zane over her shoulder. Zane's body tenses and turns to me.

"Vince, I need you to be calm. This can all be fixed, but we can't if you end up in the hospital again." Zane says using his Alpha tone, so I understand the seriousness of his words and listen.

I nod, Vic control yourself. Remember what we talked about. I say to Victor.

I understand Vince, now look at the damn card! He growls back at me.

I look at Mia, she slowly hands me the card and I slowly read it:

Please Join us for the



Kevin Burg


Violet Beck

This Saturday, October 15th

Arrive at 3pm to The Wine Barrel for

the ceremony and dinner.

I can't breathe, I hear Mary cry harder and Steve whispers to her. My mate is going to marry someone else.

"How? How is this happening?" I cry out.

"There is no way Violet would agree to this. She was probably threatened." I growl at Steve's words and see his body stiffen at the animalistic sound.

"I knew it…" He says standing up and staring at me.

"Knew what Mr. Beck?" Mia chimes in with the question.

"You're a wolf. I've had suspensions since I met you in the hospital. No human could go from a coma to running the next day." His words stun us all.

"You must be the Alpha and Luna," He points to Zane and Mia, "What rank do you have, Vince? I haven't felt a powerful aura from you." He stood in front of me.

"Steve, what are you talking about?" I ask acting stupid, but very confused.

"While I was in high school in Seattle, I went out to a party like any other teenager and was stopped by a girl. She stared at me for a minute and then said 'mate'. I was confused, she rejected me and then left after forcing me to accept it. One of her friends explained to me what they were and what it meant to be a mate. Vince, is Violet your mate?" His question drops my heart into my stomach. I look at Zane for advice, but he only nods at me to speak the truth.

I stand in front of Steve, "Violet is my destined mate. I was planning on telling her when she arrived at Zane's house. The real reason I left was when she rejected my feelings and my wolf destroyed my room. I didn't think she was safe with me around, especially with my wolf in pain. The reason I was in the hospital was that I couldn't shift and my wolf tried to force it. We have to find her, Victor won't stop whining and the rage is hard to control. When we see Kevin, it's game over." I say with a vicious growl.

Victor, drop my aura, no need to hide it anymore. I tell Victor and he does immediately. My aura causes Steve to take a step back and I chuckle.

"Vince, I don't think we have to do those tests with the elders," Zane says.

I look at him confused, "Why?" I ask.

"You don't feel that?" I shake my head at his question, "Your aura made my wolf submit and whine." He says shockingly. I feel the pride build up in my chest, I miss my pack.

I turn back to Steve and motion for Mary to stand next to him as I re-introduce myself to them, "Hello, I am Alpha Vince Victor Carter of the Redmoon Pack."

"Alpha, find my daughter before this joke of a wedding," Mary demanded through her sniffles. I feel the anger fill back up in my chest and my eyes go pitch black.

"Where does Kevin live?" Victor's voice echoes through mine.

"He lives with his parents as far as we know. If he's not there, then I don't know where he is staying." Steve answers and I growl in response.

"He has parents, we should pay them a visit as well," Zane suggested standing up from the couch with Mia.

"They live 5 houses down," Steve says pointing to the left.

I freeze and stare at Steve before growling and storming out the door. I hear everyone shuffle behind me as we all march down the street, I stop in front of the single story.

Zane grabs my shoulder, "Vince, control yourself, I doubt his parents know anything about this." he finishes and we walk up the stone brick path to the black door.

I knock, hearing steps, and Jacob, Kevin's brother, opens the door.

"We are here to speak with your parents," I say.

"Mom, Dad, the door is for you." He yells and motions us into the living room.

"Who is it, Jacob? Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, what a surprise. Who are your friends?" The woman says to Steve and Mary as her husband walks in next to her.

"Tom, Lily, good to see you again. This is Vince, my foster son…" He paused at my introduction and my heart dropped. He thinks of me as his son, I smile and nod to him in approval. He continues, "This is Zane and Mia, they are helping us find Violet." He points to the couple standing next to him.

"Find Violet? What are you talking about? Kevin says they are getting married." Tom stops as a growl forces its way out of my mouth.

"My daughter has been missing for two days! We come home to an empty house, her car trunk wide open and her packed duffle bag on the ground. Her phone has been turned off and then Jacob delivers a wedding invitation. Where is Kevin?" Steve is firm with his question.

"Kevin doesn't live here anymore, he moved out about a month ago and was planning to have a housewarming party this Sunday after the wedding," Lily explains.

"That wedding will not be happening," I say through my teeth.

"Excuse me, who are you to stop this wedding?" Tom says trying to be tough.

"Violet is my fiancée, Kevin was not happy when hearing that." I half lied to them because they won't understand what a mate is.

"Are you accusing my son of kidnap?" Mary replies with pure anger.

"I am not accusing him, I am telling you, your son kidnapped my future wife and is forcing her into this marriage." I feel my body start to shake as Victor loses control of his anger and I don't blame him.

"That is crazy! Kevin and Violet are high school sweethearts, you are just some lonely foster boy." Tom yells at me. I lose it, my eyes go pitch black and I can feel Victor about to force a shift.

Thankfully Mia grabbed my arm and whispered to me, "Victor, this won't help anything. We can't find her if you're in the hospital." Victor replies with an angry growl and a whine.

"Tom, watch your mouth!" Steve says, showing his frustration.

"Call your son, tell him to bring Violet here so we can ask her ourselves," Mary suggested.

"I demand an apology when she agrees," Tom states, grabbing his phone.

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