
Red Moon: Dead Future Alpha

“Alpha rogues!” I hear warriors yelling through the mind link. I sit quickly only to hear growls and the strong stench of rogues. As soon as I stand up I can feel Victor coming to the surface. I need to check on my parents and help get the women, pups, and elders to our panic room. Right before I reach the door, two wolves burst through. 'HOW DID THEY GET IN MY HOUSE' Victor growls. I try to shift, failing, as they both lunge at me. I can feel my eyes go black as Victor lets out a furious growl. “You walked into the wrong house, rogues!” I yell with Victor's voice echoing through mine. I watch both of them as they begin to snap their jaws at me when a dark shadow appears in the doorway firing a gun at me. I barely dodge it as the bullet grazes my skin and searing pain begins. The bullets are silver! Victor groans. I smash into my bedpost and hear a rib crack. Rolling onto my back, “Fucking rogues are going ––!” A scream came from my parents’ room. My head snaps in their direction. “Mom!” I yell for her. The two wolves pin me down as I try to move, despite the searing pain, to find my parents. The dark figure comes closer, dropping his hood.

Sky_Carver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 12: Dear Vince

"Alpha? Mate bond? Vince, what are you talking about?" I demand.

"We have a lot to discuss." he says and catches the table that has his presents and the letter I wrote him. "You got me something?" he asked with such love in his eyes.

I blush, "Yes, of course. I made sure to set an alarm for midnight and then I was going to give this to you but that didn't go as planned. There's something that I need to talk to you about too." I say and he sits down next to me.

"You first." he says.

You can do this Violet! Giving myself a pep talk, I grab the folded letter and present off the table. "Here, open this first," handing him the wrapped gift.

Taking it from me, it takes him seconds to rip the paper off and open the clothes box.

"A new training outfit and a whistle. This is awesome, how did you know my favorite color was red?" He asked with the biggest smile on his face.

"I just thought it would fit you well and you could be seen from a great distance with how vibrant it is." I chuckle.

"Thank you, I love it." he says, putting his hand on top of mine, and I feel like electricity was coursing through my hand. I pulled away and the feeling stopped.

"What was that?" I ask, looking at my hand.

"I will explain that when you're done" he replies while pointing to the paper in my hand.

I take a deep breath and begin to read my letter:

" Dear Vince,

I wrote this and rewrote this 17 times in the past fews weeks. Since you came into the hospital, I have had this strong pull to you. I would take extra shifts just to make sure you had all the proper care. The day you woke up is a day I will always remember, I was pulling a double so, I was already there 10 hours and doing hourly checks on you. I was starting to lose hope that I prayed to every god or goddess for you to wake up. Within two hours you were on your feet and later coming home with me. When the dreams started, I felt so comfortable in the moment with you, I wasn't scared of what was happening in them. My father barging in with murder in his eyes, that scared me. When you told me you were taken by someone, I couldn't breathe and then you said you burned to have me close to you. It took me weeks to process everything and figure out how I could love a man I didn't even know. I loved you before you woke up, I still don't know why? Why am I in love with a man who showed up with a gunshot wound and in a coma? I want to thank you for giving me my space to figure out what I want to say and for keeping everything normal. I don't know where this leaves us, but you have also consumed every part of my life. Vince, I am in love with you.



I finish my letter and look up to find Vince staring at me with such focus and love. I drop my eyes to my hands but feel a hand on my chin and by the electricity in my jaw, I know Vince wants me to look at him.

Vince POV

Victor howls with love hearing our mates words. Slow down Vic, now I have to explain to her. I say to Victor causing him to whine worried about how is going to feel.

"Vi, let me explain what happened and has been happening since I woke up." I say softly to her,

She holds my stare and nods for me to continue,

"So, this is going to sound weird and scary but I promise you, I will never do anything to hurt you. My name is Alpha Vince Carter of the Red Moon Pack in southern Montana." I stop to give her a second to process and start again. "I am a werewolf, I have lived in a pack since the day I was born. I didn't think that I would find my mate outside of a pack." She looks at me questioning mate.

"You called me mate in my dreams, what is it?" She asked.

"Well, it's not an it but a who. A mate is a destined soulmate for each wolf. They are the other half of you. An Alpha's mate is Luna, she is the caretaker of the pack and she helps the Alpha protect the members. We can only find our mates at 18 when ideally the next generation of Alpha takes over. The electricity you feel when we touch and your scent is what lets us know you are ours. That way he will have his mate and the pack is at its strongest. My wolf, Victor, who you met earlier has been attached to you, that's why he would growl at any man who looked at you and almost killed Kevin. That being said, Violet Beck, you are my mate, my better half and I am in love with you." I finish and watch her eyes water with tears.

"No no Vi, don't cry please. If you don't want me here anymore or don't want to be with me after that you'll have to reject me. It will cut our bond off and we won't feel this connection anymore. All you have to say is your full name, reject you, and then my full title. If that's what you want then I will leave and you will never have to see me again." As I finish she jumps into my arms and pulls me close.

"I don't want to lose you." she whispers in my neck. My body is on fire with her so close.

"You won't, baby, I promise to never leave your side." I say back to her, "Does that mean you accept me and Victor?" I ask, pulling her face into view.

"Victor? Your wolf? I never thought I would say that." she says giggling and wiping her face.

"Please don't giggle, I can't contain Victor and he wants to mark you since you said you were in love with us." I say watching her blush.

"What do you mean by mark me?" she asked.

"Umm, I think you have enough to process for tonight?" I say, shaking my head.

"I want to know. Wait, you can shift into a wolf like right now?" she asked moving back to sit on the couch again.

"I can't, the bloodwork that I did on our first day of work shows high amounts of wolfsbane in my system that is not allowing Victor to help me shift, so it is very painful. Having you close is probably what saved my life, your mate gives you strength and since I am an Alpha our bond formed before I could sense you." I answered her.

"Do you know when you will be able to? I mean you say I make you stronger, do you feel stronger?" She continues with questions.

"We won't have the full strength until we complete the mating bond and accept each other."

"Can you please explain what you are saying in human language?" she rolls her eyes and I growl at the action. "Don't growl at me, I want to know and understand what you are saying, Vince." She rolls her eyes again and Victor pushes forward with lust and need. My eyes flash black and then Victor comes forward.

"Little mate, please do not roll your eyes at us." Victor says.

"Your eyes are two different colors," she points back and forth, "One is black and one is green." I chuckle at her amazement.

"Because I am here my love, I wanted to let you know that rolling your eyes does not help our control to not touch you." Victor says in a lust filled voice.

"Victor?" Violet questions the voice. He growls to answer. "Can you answer my questions since Vince doesn't want to?" She touches our arm and I know what she is doing.

"Whatever my mate wants." Vic says playing right into her trick, "Marking is when we complete our mental bond, I bite the area between your neck and shoulder which will change your scent to other wolves letting them know you are claimed. We will also be able to communicate through our mind-link which I will show you when the time is right.

"The mating bond is when we complete our physical bond we have the full strength of the bond. You will also gain wolf senses; scent, sight, taste, touch and hearing. You will be stronger than a human but weaker than a born wolf. That my love is what every instinct is screaming at us to complete. Most wolves get fully mated the night they find each other but we want to wait for you." Victor finished his explanation.

"Will I have a wolf too? She looks disappointed.

"No Vi, but you will have the ability to mark me. When humans get fully mated they will have canines to mark me, so every she wolf will know who I am mated to. The mark will look like a tattoo with a wolf in some form and initials under it." I say to her, watching her smile.

"Vince, don't get mad." she says, jumping back into my arms and placing her lips on mine with hunger. Our kiss deepens and I growl at the small moans coming from her mouth. Tracing her bottom lip, she opens, allowing my tongue to investigate every inch of her mouth. She pulls back causing me to growl loud in disapproval. She looks at me with lust, grabbing my hand and walking downstairs to my room.

"Violet, I don't think this is a good idea." I say as she closes the door behind us.

"Shhh, I want you Vince, I have wanted you since our first kiss on the porch." she says seductively, taking her shirt off.

"I don't want to hurt you or lose control and mark you. I.. I also have never done this. I wanted my mate to be my first." I shyly say looking down.

"I have never done this either Vince, I never wanted this before." she says, now in only a bra and underwear. Victor was becoming harder to control.

She kisses my neck and bites right where her mark would go. I pick her up and toss her on the bed, taking my shirt off. I hover over her while her hands run down my chest, sending electricity sparks throughout my body. I growl at the contact.

I know she can feel me pressing against her, getting harder by the second. She moans lifting her hip to push harder against me. I capture her lips and kiss every part of her face, down her neck, leaving love bites as I make my way to her breasts.

I gripped her bra and pushed it over her breast, exposing her nipples to the cool basement air. She pulls it over her head, locking eyes with me as I take one of her nipples in my mouth. She runs her hands through my hair moaning as I roam my hand down her thighs, the smell of her arousal invades my sense

Yanking my head back, "Stop teasing me." she demands through gritted teeth.

"Slow down little mate, I want to explore every inch of what's mine." I grunt back.

I keep one hand massaging her breast while I trace her panties with my tongue, getting small moans in approval. I leave a line of bites down each thigh leading up to the wet spot peeking through her bright pink panties.

"Someone is ready for me." I say bringing myself back up to her neck.

"I don't think I am the only one, your little friend is poking into my leg." she whispers into my ear.

I sit up on my knees and she follows on her elbows, "I don't want to move too fast." I say looking into her eyes.

She runs her hand down my shorts, a growl escapes, "There are ways around that." She grabs both of my hips and pulls down my clothes, allowing me to spring free from the restriction.

"I can smell how much you want me, little mate." Victor comes through with a lustful growl.

"Then show me how much you want me Victor," she says seductively. I push her back, pressing myself to her wet center. She gasps and rolls her hips with a loud moan.

"Vince, mark–"

I jump awake at someone yelling at me. That was a dream? Meeting Violet's eyes, I know.