
Killing Zombies and stealing the thunder.

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:


Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




"You are probably 100% gonna be scammed the first time you are going to buy something. I know I was, we are from a time where bargaining is somewhat rare, and the fact that we aren't used to the value of gold here doesn't help in the slightest. Yeah, a fucking steel sword is worth 250 Septims, that means jack shit to someone who doesn't know the value of the money, is it expensive? is it cheap? is it reasonable? is inflation a thing? I can't really teach you the value of the money here, but I can at least say that sword is expensive as fuck. On a more serious note, you probably will take some time to get used to the money value here, but don't worry that is a fairly common problem, a lot of people have the same problem when they go to another country with a different kind of money." ~Alt Jin Book: I am not a bank, so please don't sit on me~




Looking at my enemies I started filling my steel dagger with [Wave], and for some strange reason I was able to notice something I didn't before, it appears that my [Fury] is somehow influencing my [Wave]... Hmmm, that explains the absurd effect the [Blood Sword Parasite] had. I was expecting some upgrade in the effectiveness of the skill seeing as I am using [Wave] but the skill was way beyond what I could have ever imagined. But I guess when I mix something as strange and weird as [Fury] into the mix some adverse effects are to be expected.

The Undeads immediately advanced towards me, thankfully the only survivors are the patchwork zombies and the Flesh Golem, the patchwork zombies were the first to move, they dashed towards me with superhuman speed and strength, but seeing as they can use [Ki] that is not that surprising. Thankfully they are still weaker than me, and considering [Wave] proprieties I probably have a huge advantage right here.

Before they could truly close onto me I used [Advance Step] to approach the leftmost patchwork zombie. Seeing his full plate armor I know that my dagger won't be able to pierce it under normal circumstance, the keyword here being "normal", using [Gungnir] a spiral of [Wave] traveled through my arm until it reached the dagger in my left hand, aiming at the patchwork zombie chest I thrust my dagger with [Gungnir] forward.

My skill, as I expected, pierced through the enemy armor like a hot knife through butter. Normally [Gungnir] would leave any cultivator panting for breath due to its heavy costs, but thanks to my abundant [Wave] I can use the skill rather safely without becoming a dried mess.

Sadly as much as this Patchwork Zombies si superior to every other undead in a great number of ways, my advantages over them are still rather ridiculous better than anything it could come up with. And the fact that there are only four Patchwork zombies and a pile of ashes more than confirm my superiority in this case.

Unfortunately, the others patchwork zombies and the flesh golem didn't stop and continued advancing to my new position. I know right now the flesh golem is going to be the bigger problem so I wanted to at least eliminate the most number of patchwork zombies I could first. My idea looked sound, so I went with it.

With another [Advance Step] I was suddenly face to face with the rightmost patchwork zombie. Much like previously I didn't even blind before using [Gungnir] and thrusting my right-hand steel dagger into its chest. The patchwork zombie like his predecessor immediately became ashes.

I wanted to continue fishing patchwork zombies like this, but I was unfortunately interrupted by the flesh golem giant fist in a collision course with my head. Not wanting to be punched by the flesh behemoth I used [Evade Step] enabling me to avoid being hit by it, sadly my evasion would put me right into a patchwork zombie trajectory, but a clever use of [Illusion Step] enabled me to avoid and trick it.

With another use of [Evade Step], I was able to go behind the Patchwork zombie on the left, [Wave] coursed through me as I started charging [Gungnir], and with a single thrust, the patchwork zombie was no more, only leaving a trail fo ashes behind. Right now there are only 2 patchwork zombies and the golem, good things are looking good for once.

Unfortunately, my train of thought was stopped by another giant fleshy fist coming in my direction. Another [Evade Step] and I was easily able to avoid it. Repositioning myself I used [Advance Step] appearing close to one of the two last patchwork zombies. Repeating the same action I use [Gungnir] and thrust my dagger forward immediately transforming the patchwork zombie into ashes.

Another use of [Illusion Step] and I confuse my enemies yet again, using this confusion of theirs, I use [Advance Step] to close the distance between me and the last patchwork zombie, again I repeated the same action, why change what is working well right? Activating [Gungnir] I thrust my right dagger forward, immediately a hole big enough to fit my fist appeared in the patchwork zombie torso, the zombie slowly crumbled and become ashes.

Not there is only me and the rampaging flesh golem inside the hall, the golem didn't care about it in the slightest, it acted like a savage animal going on pure instinct and something more. The fact that I easily killed its allies not phasing it in the slightest.

To kill this huge golem a simple [Gungnir] won't be enough... What to do... what to do... Then my eyes landed on the dagger I had throw previously, that one I threw to change the lightning bolt trajectory. This gave me an idea, a very good idea to kill this shitty undead.

Without hesitation, I used [Retreat Step] to distance myself from the flesh golem. Filling my two daggers with [Wave] I use [Advance Step] to approach the flesh golem backside, and before the golem could react I plugged the two dagger on his back close to where its spine should be.


The golem howled in absolute pain, its howl being so loud I even felt the wall trembling a little, the [Wave] filled daggers absolutely recking its insides, melting everything the energy came in contact with, sadly the flesh golem was in another level entirely so he was way more resistance than the pathetic undead I fought previously. But that didn't discourage me in the slightest, on the contrary, it only steeled my resolve to continue with my plan.

Using [Retreat Step] I distanced myself from the golem who was rampaging slightly, undead usually wasn't supposed to feel pain like this, but I guess [Wave] is really special when it comes to it, this thing is really too good against the undead.

Using this little break I picked two more daggers from one of my belts, and without missing a beat I waited for an opening and repeated the same motions plunging the [Wave] filled daggers on the flesh golem back once more, the flesh monster screamed finding the [Wave] melting its insides especially painfull.

Once again I used [Retreat Step] to get out of the rampaging flesh monster range, picking two more daggers from one of my belts I repeated the action yet again. But this time instead of going for the back I went towards the monster chest, a more risky maneuver, but it was a calculated risk.

Sadly just after plunging the two daggers on the monster chest, I wasn't able to retreat on time so the monster landed a grazing blow on my left arm. I felt like I was hit by a truck, it was almost as bad as Subordinate attacks, but this time my enemy was way bigger. I felt some of my bones cracking from this glazing blow alone, this should've been something painful enough for me to buckle over and bend, but after all the pain I endure to kill Kaiser... this just feels so underwhelming. And the fact that the [Wave] circulating inside of my body coupled with the [Divine Dan] proprieties, the cracked bone, and the rest of the injury healed at a visible rate, enough for me to compare to a certain Mokuton user. Yes, this is probably not as strong as something like a [Sage Body] but a man can dream, right?

The grazing blow sent me some meters away from eh flesh golem, thankful I was able to regain my balance with clever use of [Evade Step] and [Retreat Step]. Thankfully this exchange taught me the chest is way more dangerous as if this wasn't obvious enough before. Still, that didn't dissuade me in the slightest.

Picking two more daggers I attacked the same way again, my aim this time was the Flesh golem arm, waiting for an opportunity I was able to successfully plunge the two daggers on its right arm. Using [retreat step] yet again I waited for another opportunity to plunge two more daggers on its flesh.

Again, this time on its left arm.

Another one, but this time on its right leg.

Another one, but this time it is on its left leg.

Another one, but this time ins on the golems back.

Another one, but this time is on the chest again.

The back again.

This time on the neck.

On the chest again.

On the back again.

Another one on both legs.

Another one on both arms.

At this point, I had made the action of plunging daggers on the flesh golem into an art. Each time I did the next would be a little better, and even if the improvement was relatively "small" these conjuncts of action became something akin to art. It was almost like a dance, something refined and precise that improved at every repeated step and plunge. A beautiful dance of death against a giant made of flesh. And the poor golem suffered for it, I am almost certain if it had a consciousness it would be on the point of contemplating suicide right now.

But suddenly I stopped. The dance I've been conducting abruptly stopped and even the golem seems to somehow be confused about it. I didn't stop because I ran out of daggers or something like that, I stopped because the first part of my plan is already complete, so plunging daggers on the flesh golem is not necessary anymore.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists, [Wave] cycled through my body once more, using my will I started using one of my favorite techniques, the [Thunder Fist Style]. Shining yellow lighting appeared around my hands, now the potency of my fist strikes was enhanced to carry the power of thunder. Okay, I admit this is going a little overboard, but I think you already guessed what my plan is, but I will give you a tip nonetheless. Lighting and metal daggers are a very deadly combination.

Flushing the most [Wave] I could into the [Thunder Fist Style], I used [Advanced Step] to close the distance between me and the porcupine golem. Gathering the most lighting could, I punched one of the steel daggers on the monster chest, the moment my fist connected with the dagger I pushed the most [Wave] fueled lighting I could into the weapon. The shining yellow lighting used the dagger as some kind of lightning rod immediately filling it, the [Wave] lighting filled and flowed through the flesh golem body, using the other steel daggers as rebounding points to amplify even more the damage.

With missing a bit I used [Evade step] to maneuver around the golem and find an opening to punch with [Thunder Fist Style] a steel dagger yet again. The [Wave] filled lightning keep coursing through the flesh golem body without mercy, melting, burning, and electrocuting its insides like they were made of cheap paper.

I continued my dance of death, sending more and more [Thunder Fist Style] strikes into every dagger a bunch of times, I didn't waste any opportunity of sending a strike, each opening made by the golem I capitalized on it punching with the [Thunder Fist Style] and sending more yellow lighting inside of the golem body.

The longer this continued the slower the golem became, the more it faltered, the more it committed mistakes, the more it crumbled, and the more pain it felt. Slowly the flesh golem movements become almost a crawl, but like the undead it is, it didn't stop, it continued trying to retaliate even when its skin started to become grey and fall off, ti continue trying to punch me even when ashes started falling of its torse, and when it arms became useless, it tried to bite or kick me, when its legs became useless it tried to headbutt me, when it couldn't move anymore it tried to kill me with an inexistent glare.

But unfortunately for the golem, it was slowly becoming ashes, its tenacious body slowly crumbling to the anti undead effects of [Wave], slowly it started to become more and more ashes, more and more grey sand, until the before giant flesh golem became just a pile of ashes and daggers in the floor.

[Ki] +[Ripple] = [Wave]

Discord here:


WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

DISCLAIMER: I only own my own original creations, everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Cultivation rankings:





//5-Advanced Master

//6-Real Master


~~Thanks for reading~~

ClearSkySagecreators' thoughts