
Red Eyed King

She's a former undercover star now disgraced. After being transferred she’s given one option. Finish the job or never work with an agency again. Can she do it and take him down? Will she be able to resist the allure of them or will she go down because of it? He's the king of wolves unable to find his mate no matter how long he’s looked. When she shows up he feels something different. She may be his mate but is she just a pawn in their game to take him down? Will they take them both down in a game of petty revenge?

DaoistWKxtJr · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Vengeful God

I woke up with a massive hangover the next morning. I didn't even get to sleep in, considering it was eight o'clock in the morning. I slowly got dressed in simple black shorts with a grey cropped top. I was not in my own bed and didn't know where a bathroom was so I couldn't even shower.

When I finally got downstairs, several wolves were staring at me. I guess having a human in their pack house was unusual. It was a younger, probably eighteen by the looks of it, wolf that approached me. She had a head of blue hair, and a well trained body figure. Then again it seems all wolves did.

"Alpha sent me to get you miss Phoenix. He thought you might need some help."

I was trying to figure out why he sent a young wolf to get me, when she spoke up.

"Alpha is training the pups, and thought you might like to join us. If so you can join me on my way there."

"Your a pup? How old are you?"

I didn't even register that I was being asked to join kids. But before I could say anything else she laughed. And the wolves around us joined in.

"I'm sixteen. Wolves develops faster than humans once they shift at fourteen."

She spoke kindly and didn't mock me for not knowing. Unlike the female standing behind her.

"Karley she is as clueless as a young pup. Are you sure we have to take her? Even Drake could put her on her ass."

The blue headed one sucked in a breath and tensed up before turning to the bitch that mocked and insulted me. You could visibly see Karley's dislike for the blond wolf.

"Isabella you will hold your tongue. She is human and has to learn. The alpha was clear when he said no to disrespect her. And clear when he said to escort her to the training grounds."

Karley turned to me and said to follow her before leaving. So I followed Karley out and Isabella followed me. I swear you could feel the heat coming from her perfect fuming body. But I guess there was no brains inside her head because she started talking again. And that's when Karley got really mad.

"Lucian on said to not disrespect her because she is his latest charity case. Following your broody mates of course."

Isabella growled and spun so quickly she was a blur. By the time my eyes registered her, she had her clawed hand around Isabella's throat. A deep, rumbling growl came from her. Her eyes were glowing a bright yellow.

"You will leave Daniel and Xavier out of this."

I was surprised to hear she was mated to more than one person. But Isabella pulled me out of my stupor with her high pitched laugh.

"Or what Karley? What can you do without getting punished for? I have laid no hand on a mate nor am I planning to

harm the twins. As a matter of fact I would like to get them in my bed. They are two fine specimen."

I heard a voice, deep and commanding, ring out at that moment. I knew who it belonged to instantly.

"Karley! You will put her down and save it for the circle."

Karley didn't hesitate to drop Isabella. She even backed away when Lucian walked over. And he stood a little to close to me. But oddly enough, I enjoyed it. And I wanted him even closer.

"Isabella, get up and go get ready. You and Karley will deal with this in there."

They both stood and said yes alpha, then walked away. Lucian turned to me once they were gone.

"Werewolves can be hot-headed. Especially when it comes to our mates. But Karley had had anger issues since she was a young pup. Her anger only got worse. I apologize for my sister's behavior."

"Karley is your sister?"

He chuckled and led me over to the group of teens, all circled around Isabella and Karley.

"She is. I'm twenty-six, Aurora is twenty-three, and Karley is the baby at sixteen."

"You and Aurora look alike, but she looks so different from the both of you."

His voice dropped when he spoke next.

"My mother was my father's mate, but she died giving birth to Aurora. Karley is the product of a one night stand. See she-wolves can't get pregnant until after they've met their mate. She said she hadn't. When my father found out the she wolf lied to him he was infuriated. He was a wolf that believed in only having pups with your mate. He kept the she-wolf was around until Karley was born. Then he had her killed."

I was a little shocked but so enamored with the story, I didn't realize the wolves were fighting.

"He was a good father though, never treated Karley any different than he did Aurora or I. Even when people judged or told him to. He also made sure she was treated well by the others."

Lucian really seemed to adore his father. But I knew from the way his spoke, from the look in his eyes, that his father was dead.

"How did he die Lucian? If you don't mind me asking."

He was watching his sister and Isabella. But didn't seem to be paying attention. He seemed to be reliving the memory itself.

"Werewolves live dangerous lives. But alphas and lunas more so. They protect their pack with their lives. To serve the pack, the same as the pack does us. Anytime there was an issue, my father was there. When I was sixteen there was an attack. Aurora was only thirteen, she had shifted a few days prior to her birthday. Which meant she was expected to help. I was to far away to reach her. My father was able to get to her but only with enough time to take the blow for her."

He took a break in story telling long enough to call off the fight, and put two more in the circle.

"Some said I was ready but most said I was to young. However I was of age and forced to take up the mantle for my father. I tried to care for my sister as much as I could, but Aurora took his death hard and blamed herself. She was doing pretty bad until she met Matthias."

"Matthias is her mate?"

"Yes. They met when she turned sixteen. Anyways you can hear more later. Go get in that circle."

Without giving me time to hesitate, he shoved me into the circle. When I recovered my balance I saw a kid that couldn't be more than fourteen.

"Your kidding right?"

He smiled at me, then laughed.

"I meant it when I said you would be trained like everyone else. And ever wolf here trains."

"I'm not above training Lucian, but a kid?"

Isabella stepped forward then and had more than a few marks. When she offered to step in for the boy, Lucian just growled at her until she backed down. Then he looked at me and said to begin.

I didn't what this wolf could do, so I took up the defensive. He circled me for a moment then rushed forward, aiming to knock me to the ground. Instead, I side-stepped and spun around. Hitting him the back with my leg. The force behind my kick and his momentum sent him flying forwards. When he finally recovered and stood up, he looked angry.

This time he took a more cautious approach. After slowly approaching me he threw his leg forward, trying to kick me in the chest. I grabbed both sides of his foot and twisted. Then shoved him forward. Before he could recover again, I pinned him down with my foot on his throat. Then I turned to Lucian and said,

"I think we're done here."

He started laughing and agreed with me. So I took my foot off of him and started walking towards Lucian. But before I could make it out of the circle, I felt something sharp tear through my back. The force behind the blow knocked me into the ground.

The moment I hit the ground I heard a deep rumbling roar come from in front of me. When I looked up I saw Lucian. He looked like a vengeful god. His eyes were a deep red, and his teeth were long canines. Canines that protruded from his mouth. He had claws where his fingers once were, and his body seemed to get even bigger.